Originally Posted by Future_Raver_J
I read this post with all your comments about how if one friend leaves, your bound to loose that f...riendship with that person. Because of the long distance, or becasue of other things that are going on in one another's lives. That the f...riendship will not last. So I got all upset reading this and thinking its going to be true.
Well i have more of a positive post for you. When I moved to Vancouver i left my best friend back in California. It was really sad and hard, but we made an effort to keep in contact and everytime i went back for a visit it had felt like i had never left. I believe too that if you are truly best friends than you will stay close no matter the distance (it's a cheezy line, but it's true). So It's been 5 years since i left and we are still super close, and i am about to go back and be there for the birth of her child. So stay optimistic, and don't worry, just make a big effort to keep in touch when he moves away. And ya it's going to suck, but if i can stay close with someone in California, then Naniamo shouldn't be so bad, it's a lot closer to visit!