Originally Posted by Angel
but sometimes you know you only want a one night stand and the person doesnt get the point and calls you all the time thinking it was overly special to them...
thats lame!
i think it should be a mutual understanding if it is going to lead to meaning more in the future, where as the moment is just a moment for the aid of another... its not like you have to be in love right after you sleep with someone.
or friends that can just sleep together purly for "you scratch my back,ill scratch yours" situations.
no jelousy, no hurt feeling, no drama, and its win/win situation.
-ya dig?
It takes a certain level of maturity to truly be able to do this type of thing though. I've heard people say, "no problem, I can do that," but then they grow emotionally attached to things.
It's all about communication and making your intentions known before doing anything... And also having them sign and initial the "pre-booty call agreement" that I posted!