Originally Posted by Prissypants
A little old granny brigade...The grannies have to be no taller than 5' 4" and can weigh no more than 110lbs. They must be little, cute and have greying hair. A cane would be mandatory as well as a big purse. Their job would be to prevent people from being ignorant jerks. They would have a license to cuff anyone upside the head who was acting this way. Here are some things that would warrant a cuffing from a little old lady:
Letting a door go in front of someone's face when you see them right there...*WHACK*
Sitting in the aisle seat on the bus and not moving over to the window seat when you see people are starting to stand. Or not giving up the front seats to old, disabled, or pregnant people...*SMACK*
Walking with more than one person side by side one way on the sidewalk and not making room for one person walking the other way...*Slap*
Standing and talking in a high traffic area while others are trying to get by you like in a doorway or the entrance to an escalator...*whollop*
Anytime someone says look at that (insert rascist, sexist, homophobic comment here) and then laughs...*crack* (the crack is a smack with the cane)
yea...that would rock...because seriously, this town needs some manners...And if you got clocked by a little old lady you would know that you were being a dink...
that would be pimp!
2 things though: the grannies have to appear directly behind the culprit, smack 'em upside the head, then when the person turns around to see what hit them, the granny will be shaking her finger at him/her with a pouting looking stare.
that will teach em some manners.
but seriously though, all of ontario needs this system implemented.