having one of "those days" at work :(
I am usually extremely capable and professional in my job. There has never been a problem I could not deal with. I have been spat on, had things thrown at me, and had my life threatened. I have dealt with complicated fraud investigations and confusing inventory problems. I've always been able to resolve things promptly and correctly.
Today I have a situation that has nearly brought me to my knees in defeat.
I have been on the phone trying to resolve this one issue for nearly FIVE HOURS. I have dealt with some of the most mind-bogglingly rude and incompetent people to ever walk the face of the earth. I can't even get answers to simple either/or and yes/no questions from the department that in theory exists solely to deal with THIS EXACT ISSUE. I have been told 4 different things by 4 different people, all with terrible telephone manners and have currently been on hold for an hour and 23 minutes this time around.
No-one knows what they are talking about, not even the people who's only job it is to know about this particular situation. It should not be this difficult and for the last time, IF YOU CAN'T HELP ME YOU NEED TO FIND SOMEONE WHO CAN, not try to get me off the phone.
I'm so frustrated I can't decide whether to cry or to break things!