Originally posted by xxBabyDawlxx
cuz he cheated and he's a bitch
I prefer "wanking cunt" :kam:
Space case has a good point about revenge. And yes you are young? I can imagine that being really hard to deal with when so inocent? I delt with it when I was 19. I know the feeling when you could and would love to beat the fuck out of the person or do the most evil thing possible. But its not the way... my act of revenge was messing around/flirting with his Best freinds. Honestly more ppl just ended up getting hurt and dont think it helped me at all in the end. Maybe your lucky that it happend so young cus you can grow out of it?
But my real advise is to somehow/eventualy soon get over it in a positive way for yourself. Because its beaten you down so much its gotta make you a much stronger person (yes kinda like that christia agular song)
Hopefully you have some good freinds to stay by your side and be suportive... and please dont do anything that goddissa did with her sister.