k so for like the past month ive been sick.First it was a sinus infection...then i started getting better...then one week later it was bronchitus.Then like last week I was a-ok.Now this week its fucking strep throat?Like what the fuck?
This is SO tard.Im almost scared to see how much my fucking precription is goign to cost seeing as tthough my last prescriptioN....FOR THE GENERIC BRAND WAS LIKE 50 BUCKS! ugh.atleast i can tan today but still id rather be at work making money:( fucking stupid immune system. |
I felt the same way a month ago..Do u smoke weed?!?! cause i think thats why i was always sick. It sux when u think ur gettin better..then ur sick with somehtin else.
Go to a chinese herb store..they got stuff that doesnt cost as much and it helps. Take lots of vitamins too. I find that anit-biotics just make me feel liek shit and i never finish them..lol..but seriously..try taking herbs..lol..whatever u wanna call them |
Vitamins will help a lot! A few years ago I had something similar happen: strep 3 times in a row, tonsilitus (sp?) and then mono. My mom put me on a giant vitamin regimen to boost my immune system and I was finally able to be healthy again! They can get expensive but are worth it in the long run.
if you're taking antibiotics, for the love of God, PLEASE finish the whole thing! people who don't finish it contribute to increasing the chances of antibiotic resistance and new strains of bacteria! if you feel really sick (I'm guessing it would be due to intestinal discomfort), taking some probiotics or eating yogurt might be a little helpful, as it can help restore some of the 'friendly' bacteria in your intestinal tract, that antibiotics may destroy while killing the 'bad' bacteria. --Joanne :P |
you probably have or had some from of strep.. that happened and has happened to me a couple times actually ..over the past couple years... where i would be sick for over a month.... with different things.. first thought it was flu.. then it was sinus infection... or tonsilitis.. ect ect ect... the thing that pissed me off the most was this time around i went to the doctor 4 times before they finally knew what was wrong with me.. by that time a month had gone by and i was almost better so there was no point in perscribing me antibiotics.... i was super pissed... anyways.. ya... just make sure they give u something for it.. and they actually know what it is.. (doctors like to misdiagnos me all the time.. idiots..) and just get checked for strep.. cause that shit likes to stick around....
aside from antibiotics and over the counter shit.. i just reccomend taking alot of vitamins... eating healthy foods.. lots of veggies and fruits... fresh juice (tropicana.. wut wut) and ya... SLEEP!!!! ive found u really wont get better till u rest alot. good luck.. get better! |
i took today off wor and napped on and off all day.Unfortunately ive already taken one sick day this month so far so i cant take anymore which sucks cuz my body totally feels burnt out&its craving sleep:(
I will dedicate this weekendd to sleep though. |
Same thing happened to me last year. just sick constantly. im pretty sure passin pipes and joints around groups of all different folks contributed a large part to the whole shimozzle. Drink loads and loads of water. vitamins . n if yer a smoker cut back just a lil if ya can. it helps tons for what you actually have to give up. good luck, hope you get well!
stay hydrated, drink lots of water. lots of juice is good too. make sure you're still eating regular meals, even if you are sick and don't feel like it. cause if you're depriving your body of food, your immune system is just going to get weaker and weaker. and that ain't good.
im actually able to swallow today.
And the doc prescribed me pain killers...THAT DONT WORK!Thanx,thats fucking awesome cuz I totally love pissing my money away on drugs that dont work! I alwayys stay well hydrated,and i dont smoke alot at all.I smoke like 5-7 cigs max a day...sometimes less. I guess one of the reasons why I kept getting sick was because I didnt finish all my antibiotics last time I was sick&i didnt take them when I was supposed to! When I get paid next week Im def hitting up the health food store and grabbing some vitamins as well as a body cleansing kit thingie. Maybe ill start rocking hemp and hugging trees while im at it too. |
Id totally go rave it up at ravepex this sat if i had a ride there but i dont.And I also cant really afford to cuz im kinda broke from spending so much fucking money on prescriptions!
catch some raver plague and email it to me okay ebbomega? |