You aren't going to get rid of human instinct in a mere 50 years of civil rights protesting. It may have made open racism taboo in the Western world but whatever caused such racism to be created in the past is still a part of our society. We've just learned to keep our mouths shut around other races, lest we either get our asses beat or sued to hell and back.
>>Firstly racism is not human nature, not in terms of what is contemporary. Racism is a product of class disparity, and a strucuture to further perpetuate it. Asides from this, you first paragraph seems to hint that, racism is still around, which is in fact what mangle was getting at, so essentially you're being redundant/
And racism goes both ways. Black folk can be even more racist than white folk, and let's not get into how racist some of the Natives up north can be. Some say they have every right to be racist to whites because our ancestors treated their ancestors brutally. But what about blacks being racist to Asians, whom have very little historical conflict between their cultures? When does the cycle end then? It doesn't. Truth be told, we'd all still be racist to each other even without decades of strife. As I said, it's human nature.
>>Once again, i call bullshit. You need to look at racism that has existed for decades upon decades, but mainly as a manifestation of power dynamics. Commenting on how racism is cross cultural does nothing to solve the issues, rather all it does is trivialize peoples endevours to end it. Of course everyone is racist, but what is the core, where did a specific case originate? Why? Natives up North? Give me a fucking break, their oppression never ended. To say their angst is simply because of historic oppression is a gross fallacy. Historical realities are used to connect to current realities, thus communicating the legitemacy of a trend of racism or oppression.
The only way such racism will be eradicated will be when every human being on this planet can see past the .238% DNA differences that give us our outward appearences and are united as one species. Of course, that only seems to happen when an intergalactic menace from Dimension X comes to wipe us out, if we are to believe the movies.
>>The only way racism ends is to take away the dynamics surrounding material base. Take away the neccessity for there to be inequality (ie. capitialism) and perhaps we might have a chance. MIGHT
Still, we are making small steps through understanding one another. As a result of such measures, if a racist remark is made, sometimes it's in jest (often done amongst good friends of different race), or to provoke a negative reaction in someone. If you let that provakation affect you, then the racist will have won; don't let it affect you, however, and they're just empty words.
>>This idealogy was coined out of press dialogue involving white supremists. Dont let it effect you??? I can understand this in a short term landscape, where getting super mad or punching somebody out is destructive, but on a long terms scope, racism had caused and still caused serious emotional, mental and physical trauma that has literally robbed people of any quality of life. So "dont let it effect you" is really a glib, bullshit suggestion masking ones gross inability to be able to deal with something head on, and survive through it.
You may not be able to change an opinion, but that doesn't mean you have to let it get to you.
>>Calling someone a cunt is never a good thing (after a few backhands from my moms when i was young - i got the point!) But empathy should never be discouraged. Instead lets go after the racist agitators in the first place. Its not that we should ignore racists, and therfore garner power, becuase there are millions of people who are adversley effected by this racism. Its about wiping out the people and structures that enable it. It isnt about Mangle going off, its about the fact he is going off on the wrong people. I believe in the mentality of humans as sheep at times, and this board, and others like it, pay tribute in large quantity to pack mentality, jumping on the ignorant bandwagon, and then passing it all off as humour, and blaming the person who was trying to talk about said serious issue in the first place. But all of this comes as a result of racism being accepted and fostered in higher levels.
Create the movement from the bottom. decapitate the head at the top, and rip out the bowels in the middle.