Originally Posted by dave mcnasty
dude some of his recent shit has been spacey and fluffy......but he is probably one of the best producers for the most bangin, dirty electro ever made.....peep his BSOD shit and some of his earlier tracks with melleefresh...."Hey Baby", "Sex Slave", "BSOD", "Community Funk".....the list could go on for a while
I've heard he is actually amazing live......here's a pretty cool lil sample of the type of set he might play
his bsod rmxs has a bsod sound. nothing but rmxs of bsod bed tracks.
same with all the work hes done with melleefresh.,, sounds more like melleefresh then deadmaus.
basically anything with just him is kinda mellow,spacey and fluffy...he seems to have his own unique sound.
thats his production style. obvioulsy he will spin some harder stuff but as far as pure deadmau5 stuff gose its pretty airy....unless you know of some tracks then i dont know of in wich case link me to some.