Originally Posted by Avana
Wow, am I popular. Three pages in 2 hours. GOLD.
Lildonkey - you should go back to your porn, you obviously are more successful at that, then trying to bash me. But your blind hate made you miss the point of everything I said in those threads, which has already been pointed out to you. I will never buy you a drink, I had enough notoriety on my own without you aiding, but thanks for the help.
Candi-shell - I call you a hussy, cause every post I see you make, is about you getting slammed, or how your boyfriends dick, or something to the effect that makes you look trashy. Maybe try posting about ponies and rainbows and I will change my opinion.
Ms. Tarantula - (see I am not calling you that nickname anymore, I can be nice). I do say, what I want to say, when I want to say it. I firmly live by the motto, that if you are willing to retract what you say, then don't say it. You need to be able to back up what you say, with no ass talk.
Rhia, Jim, Ebbo, Clay, Jess and anyone else who knows me.....you also know that I am undyingly loyal to my friends. It has nothing to do with nice or not. Thanks for the kudos.
ps - projectone, pick a fucking side, you either like me or you don't. Don't be a fence sitter.
*stands up and applauds*
Sorry. I gotta big up the gal on the fact that she's shameless with her thoughts and her mouth and obviously her words.
....*le sigh* reminds me of myself....fucking damn eh.
Whatever. If you got an opinion on something or someone , it'll get said and SHOULD get said. Too many people puss out and like to snicker behind the other persons back.
Its about fuckin time people start opening their mouths , and as for the recipiants they should shut the fuck up and deal with it. (that is a general statement not appointed to anyone directly seeing as I dont know any of you directly)
Who cries over something said on a message board anyways?
Bottom Line : Props to Avana for having a big trap.
<3 your in my good books.