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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 13, 07
Bringing Sexy Back
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Having posted a few topics where I have asked for an outsiders view, I have received some really great advice, and some people who just look for a reason to shit on someone's parade. So I am hoping the usual girls who post really great advice will help out once again.

In a few weeks, three of my boyfriends friends are coming out for just under two weeks and staying with us. We're both really looking forward to it as we haven't seen them in nearly a year. This has been planned for at least 7 months now.

Two months ago, I found out a couple of girls I know are coming out to Vancouver at the exact same time the guys are out here. I've known these girls since girl guides, we've bowled together and have some mutual friends. We never were really close and my boyfriend can't stand either of them...So when they said there were coming out, I thought that's great and said to them "Whenever you're in the area, swing by! It'd be great to see people from home!" That's just the kind of person I am.

Well, they took that as a "Sure! Stay with us! It's cool!"

There would be 7 of us in total in a 500 square foot apartment for 2 weeks.

I told them flat out, "There's really not much room. When I said that you guys could swing by, I really just meant for drinks or something. Have you guys looked into any hotels? Doesn't one of you have an Uncle out here if I remember correctly?"

They responded back that things are pricey out here and they don't think they'd be able to afford to stay in a hotel and pay for food and see the sights. The friends they had out here they haven't seen in 10 years, so they'd feel like strangers in their homes... I haven't talked to them in months!!! It'd be like strangers staying with me!

The thing that bothers me the most is that the tickets were booked two months ago, and we haven't spoken up until this past week. You'd figure that if you're staying with someone, you'd at least make some attempt to say "Hey" once in a while, or something along the lines of "so what are we going to do while staying at your place?" They haven't said a word to me! Like I was saying before, we're really not that close! I don't have their phone numbers or really know anything about them.

My boyfriend really doesn't like them, so if they show up, he'll tell them flat out to go away. His friends who are coming up don't feel as if it's their place to say anything, though they hang out with the girls more than I do. So this leaves me... because I've known OF them for close to 10 years, and I smile and say "hello" to them if we ever met up in a club...

The other thing is that they're expecting me to be a taxi service to them... their flight gets in at 10:50pm and the guys get in at 11:20pm... it's about 40 KMS round trip from my place to the airport. So they're saying I should pick them up, drive them back to our place, drive back to the airport and get the guys then drive home. Riiiiiiight.

I've asked around to friends and they've been able to give a bit of insight to this, but I'm still left with no solution.

I've said to the girls on more than one occasion this past week that we really can't have them here because our place will be totally cramped, but they're still under the impression that they're here!!

Does anyone have any advice? They're just not taking "no" for an answer! Does anyone know of refund policies with tickets?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 13, 07
Join Date: Aug 2005
tiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to all
Just set up cameras and sell the orgy tape. You'll make thousands.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 13, 07
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BAL1STOPHER has a spectacular aura aboutBAL1STOPHER has a spectacular aura about
^the girls are probably busted and homely.......couple hundred max
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 13, 07
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tiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to all
Some guys just dig filth man. Thousands.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 13, 07
Guineveire's Avatar
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just say flat out no you cant stay, I am sorry, can you please make other arrangements.

And if they dont listen, when they are over your place and you're ready to go to bed get up, and say, well it was nice having you guys over but we're heading to bed. Call us tomorrow if you want to do anything, or something like that then head to the doorand open it. They should get the hint to gtfo.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 13, 07
no clouds in my stones
Join Date: May 2001
galaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the rough
To cancel their tickets they'd simply have to call up the airline. They most likely would not be able to get a refund, but rather they'd be able to use the money towards a flight within the next year.

Try looking up some fairly cheap hotels online. Tell them flat out that they were NOT invited to stay with you, that you are NOT a taxi service, and that you simply do not have room for them at your place.

Really, it's too bad there was confusion, but if you're not even FRIENDS with these girls, what does it matter? I'd never assume I could just stay with someone I barely knew for 2 weeks, and they're idiots for not making sure their plans were 100% before they booked their flights!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old May 13, 07
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Just don't answer your phone and don't pick them up at the airport, they sound like demanding douchebags anyways. There are a ton of hostels out in Vancouver, there's our transit system if they can't afford cabs, etc. If they were planning on coming here in the first place, they should have enough money to cover living and eating expenses. They just want a free ride.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old May 13, 07
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tee hee!
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^I agree with Nat and Stabby...
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old May 13, 07
This is a bit of a no brainer...

These people are clearly using you and you are allowing them to by not standing up for yourself.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old May 13, 07
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C_squared is a jewel in the roughC_squared is a jewel in the roughC_squared is a jewel in the rough
grow some balls.

[metaphorically speaking of course]
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old May 13, 07
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mojo is just really nicemojo is just really nicemojo is just really nicemojo is just really nicemojo is just really nicemojo is just really nice
It doesn't sound like you have actually said no, it sounds more like you have been pussy-footing around the topic and they just think its alright to crash on your floor. You need to tell them no straight up. If they get upset then you will not have to show them any of the sites or drive their asses around.
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