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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jun 02, 07
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V.!.M. is on a distinguished road
Is it really worth having kids??

Well... alright im only 18 and i dont plan on having kids for a while. But i do plan to someday, and look foreward to it.

But after thinking about whats going on in the world right now, i think to myself: is it really worth putting them through that?

First of all, we've got global warming. Ever see the movie "An inconvenient truth" by Al Gore? if you havent, see it. It basically outlines the exponential increases in CO2 levels and heat levels in the atmosphere. At the rate its going up given by that movie, the earth will be a very different place in 50 years than it is now. UNLESS people do something about it. But honestly... will that happen?? We have the capability to make cars that run off water and emit steam rather than carbon-monoxide gas. We've done that, but some companies decided to buy them all and smash em up. There goes that idea... hmmm what do we have left... I KNOW!! HYBRIDS!! but how many of those do you see floating around??? At the amount of effort needed to actually change whats going on to the earths well-being, the human race isnt really doing anything... So that says to me: In 50 or so years, we're fucked...

Now i look back to my last thought... I wanna have kids someday! Say they grow to be about 30 years old, BOOM global warming becomes an actual health threat and people are in major trouble...

Now what should we do?? Go on having kids HOPING that the human race will just REALIZE they fucked up? or spare them by not even having them in the first place???

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jun 02, 07
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There are far to many people on this planet, Just wait till the next plague hits. Then the shit show begins!!!! shit tsunamis and shiticanes!!! I dont know if i want to be around.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jun 02, 07
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FeelGood is a jewel in the roughFeelGood is a jewel in the roughFeelGood is a jewel in the rough
go do the 'hollywood' thing and adopt one ;)
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jun 02, 07
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I need to have two.

One to clean the House and one to mow my Lawn.

That way I can actually retire and enjoy myself. hehehe
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jun 02, 07
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What would we do without your insight, Erik.

V!M you're not the only person struggling with that dilemma. Assuming that there are major catastrophic changes ahead (and though it's not certain, most would say it's at least possible if not likely), then your decision kind of boils down to this:

Which is worse? Existing in times of chaos, upheaval and general misery?

Or not existing at all?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jun 02, 07
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Originally Posted by mapleleaf4ever View Post
I need to have two.

One to clean the House and one to mow my Lawn.

That way I can actually retire and enjoy myself. hehehe
i think that it would actually be cheaper to sponser a couple from somewhere in se asia. they come full grown and pretty much trained, and strong enough to give a good massage.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jun 02, 07
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Originally Posted by frogprincess View Post
i think that it would actually be cheaper to sponser a couple from somewhere in se asia. they come full grown and pretty much trained, and strong enough to give a good massage.
That may be true, but a sponsored S.E. Asian couple doesn't carry on the family name.

There's lots of other fun stuff to have kids for as well.

Like taking them Camping etc. :)

Dave: I'm sure you'd cry yourself to sleep without my insight.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jun 02, 07
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Goodfellow will become famous soon enoughGoodfellow will become famous soon enough
I had a pretty good chat with an engineer (forget which type) who studies atmosphere/ global warming and he thinks it's all a load of shit. our temp "supposably" raised 1 degree in the last 100 years.. so do you really think half a degree in the next 50 years will kill us? Not that humans aren't completely destroying the earth, just saying.

Even if we changed all our vehicles to eco friendly, the ozone will still get destroyed. Cars don't make up a fraction of what's destroying our atmosphere, the majority is big industries.

btw I think adopting a kid from a poor country is the way to go.. do we really need to keep overpopulating the earth? All I ever see is .. fuck, fall in love, have babies... younger and younger.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jun 02, 07
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Adopt. The world is overpopulated.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Jun 02, 07
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Originally Posted by Goodfellow View Post
I had a pretty good chat with an engineer (forget which type) who studies atmosphere/ global warming and he thinks it's all a load of shit. our temp "supposably" raised 1 degree in the last 100 years.. so do you really think half a degree in the next 50 years will kill us? Not that humans aren't completely destroying the earth, just saying.
i no expert, but aparently our entire eco system is so sensitive that the half a degree increase you speak of would be catastrophic.

every other species on this earth fits into a ecological balance except for human beings.

its OBVIOUS we are a result of creation. we dont really belong on this planet naturally, or at least, the way that we are now.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Jun 02, 07
Sonic Nacartic
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If you don't want to have kids, that's fine. The poor countries of the world have no problem doing so in your stead.

Bringing a child into a potentially inhospitible era? Might be rough, sure, but will probably still beat the caveman days. Heck, even the Dark Ages if you're caucasion, and that was a mere 500 years ago! Humans adapt, it's what we're good at, and why we've endured through some rough stretches. Makes you wonder if folks 10, 000 years ago had 'thinkers' claiming horrible times were ahead when the last Ice Age ended.

I think the only way to completely wipe us out would have to be an Act Of God (aka: big boulder from space, etc).
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Jun 03, 07
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-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light
as long as future pot is really good. theres nothing to worry about. just play some bob dylan for now and spark one, shits gonna be cool.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Jun 03, 07
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have you seen The Great Global Warming Swindle?

Last edited by bungoshlung; Jun 03, 07 at 12:14 PM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Jun 03, 07
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Your 18!

Maybe go on with your life and reassess the situation of having kids closer to when your actually are considering having children.

Im not saying DONT worry about this stuff. Its good to be active in things such as these. But we do not know how things are going to turn out, if our governments will step up and make changes and so on and so forth.

So, rather then decide if you should have kids or not right now, perhaps you should help work on making things better for when you decide to have kids. (Fail safe is if things dont change, then you can decide not to have kids, your call)

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Jun 03, 07
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This whole global warming thing is a money grab.

regardless of what we do the climate is going to change, fuck al gore
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Jun 03, 07
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Originally Posted by Goodfellow View Post
I had a pretty good chat with an engineer (forget which type) who studies atmosphere/ global warming and he thinks it's all a load of shit. our temp "supposably" raised 1 degree in the last 100 years.. so do you really think half a degree in the next 50 years will kill us? Not that humans aren't completely destroying the earth, just saying.

Even if we changed all our vehicles to eco friendly, the ozone will still get destroyed. Cars don't make up a fraction of what's destroying our atmosphere, the majority is big industries.

btw I think adopting a kid from a poor country is the way to go.. do we really need to keep overpopulating the earth? All I ever see is .. fuck, fall in love, have babies... younger and younger.

What Revolver said was absolutely correct, the planet's ecosystems are so sensitive a difference of 1 degree in temperature could have catastrophic effects. Remember that most ecosystems are sustained by organisms that contribute in different ways and changing living conditions can mean that one organism is removed from that chain which can destroy the entire system.

Half a degree in 50 years (which btw, with incumbent trends is a bit of a conservative figure) may not seem like much for humans because we can be master adaptors and we have managed to occupy even the most undesirable of land masses. You should take things into consideration such as the increase of catastrophic hurricane, record-breaking heatwaves and droughts (which can cause things such as wildfires), floods, etc. will all have human victims to take with them.

Some scientists theorize that the planet Venus was inhabited by life many years ago and it was only a slight difference in temperature in the planet's atmosphere that killed all life and made the planet as it is today, virtually inhabitable. This difference in temperature is within 10 degrees, which isn't a huge and dramatic difference.

Honestly, even if you think global warming is a sham and you refuse to look at scientific evidence proving it is a very real thing happening right now and a very significant threat to life on earth, there is absolutely no excuse for people on this planet to continue living on resources that are not renewable and pollute the environment. There is absolutely no reason to continue destroying the planet so that future generations cannot enjoy it. There is absolutely no excuse for these things to continue happening. Environmentalists have been trying to get people to realize these things for years and I'm pretty glad that now it's getting people talking and thinking about it and even taking action when they couldn't bother to care before.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Jun 03, 07
Join Date: Jul 2004
Vitamin-X will become famous soon enough
If you think your genes are quality, then have kids.
Our planet is going to need sharp minds to deal with upcoming problems.

If you lack, then maybe just have less children. After all, we'll
still need garbage men too.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Jun 03, 07
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V.!.M. is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Vitamin-X View Post
If you think your genes are quality, then have kids.
Our planet is going to need sharp minds to deal with upcoming problems.

If you lack, then maybe just have less children. After all, we'll
still need garbage men too.

if you think about it, where would the world be if there were no garbage men??? its a simple job, but one of the most important. it gets alot more done than what alot of lawyers or celebrities have done
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Jun 05, 07
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riddla is an unknown quantity at this point
global warming is only one of the many issues that will be faced by our children.

global warming, the geo-political consequences of our dwindling oil supplys, such as wars and the likes, over population it self, the ever growing devide between the lower and upper classes (eg: there is no more middle class worldwide), the progression of science and technology and what it will mean for all of us in the future (genetics, jobs becoming extinct, etc), health issues such as dieseases, space related issues (comets, aliens?) and MANY MANY more issues are what you have to think about before bringing another soul into this world.

theres a common consensus amongst the worlds top scientists... they all say that there is a 20-50 percent chance that humanity will not survive the next hundred years.

enjoy every second while you can...
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