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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jul 30, 07
Join Date: Mar 2003
Rayeine will become famous soon enough
Want nothing more but to work with Vancouver's Homeless.

Hey everyone. I was hoping some of you might reccommend some organizations that might be hiring, that work towards solving homelessness and work with the people living on the streets in downtown Vancouver. I am currently seeking alternate employment and such biz, and would love to do something that I am passionate about to the extent of no words.
I would love to go to work each day and feel like im DOING something..
I am interested in volunteering yes, and have in the past...well more so just gone out with friends, and bought some lunch..and met some really incredible people. But i would very much like to be "what i do"...
I was wondering if maybe some of you might have more knowledge on the organizations here in vancouver who actually hire people..even schooling that might be involved in eventually working with something like this...Id even be willing to be one of those people with the clipboards wandering aimlessly...I just want to be apart of the movement. Also if you are a musician, and are interested in hosting an event to benifit Vancouvers Homeless....to be honest with you, i have no experience planning things like these, but if you do!...
man..i would be so privileged to be involved.
I would be honoured to work for any kind of organization who feels strongly about this. And to those that are already involved in some form or another, I respect what your doing, and admire all of you...who dedicate some of your lives to these people...Sisters, Mothers, Fathers,Brothers...who feed them, who clothe them...who sit with them. Even if you just talk....just sit and talk on occasion, buy a slice of pizza...and get to know human to human...how he or she is particularly existing on the planet. Thanks,
you are amazing to me.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jul 30, 07
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Join Date: Nov 2000
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Generally these organizations hire from their pool of volunteers. Employment oprotunities are very rare.

Honnestly, if you you are commited to this, then work a regular job and volunteer as much as you can. In a couple years something might pop up.
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