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  #51 (permalink)  
Old Jan 29, 04
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What is with all these angry new posters that are fliping out on everyone lately. Although I'm a little confused about this whole jelousy thing.
  #52 (permalink)  
Old Jan 29, 04
Join Date: Nov 2003
Anthony is an unknown quantity at this point

It's FNK's time of month. Don't bother it for a while and it will just go away.
  #53 (permalink)  
Old Jan 29, 04
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Originally posted by jondo
shut the fuck up all of you! it just seems like you guys are all jealous of WPG! so what if she said retarded, fucking crying me a river, people say it all the time! she used the word not to make fun of anyone or put anyone down, she used it to make fun of herself! maybe you guys should find something better to do with your time then make fun of other ppl. you guys are just big fat jungle dykes, go eat a pussy!
this is the best you can come up with ? come on dawg , whut are you trying to sound stupid?

put some fucking effort into tha game or dont play MARK!

troll acounts are for bitches , come correct and say wut u gotta say under your own acount fool
  #54 (permalink)  
Old Jan 30, 04
Join Date: Nov 2000
sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
Originally posted by jondo
shut the fuck up all of you! it just seems like you guys are all jealous of WPG! so what if she said retarded, fucking crying me a river, people say it all the time! she used the word not to make fun of anyone or put anyone down, she used it to make fun of herself! maybe you guys should find something better to do with your time then make fun of other ppl. you guys are just big fat jungle dykes, go eat a pussy!
whoooooeeeeee!!! yous hear that maa?! we dun gots a live one we does!!! yeeeeeehaaaa!!!..

you rannndom, retarded, reject.. ruthlessly rabit on posting relentless sterotypes. [hissy voice] you guys are just big fat jungle dykes, go eat a pussy! [/hissy voice] pffffft, you wanna flame lets roll. I like these 'jungle dykes' but your only at two posts so im allowed.. :)
  #55 (permalink)  
Old Jan 30, 04
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tufflove is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by jondo:
shut the fuck up all of you! it just seems like you guys are all jealous of WPG! so what if she said retarded, fucking crying me a river, people say it all the time! she used the word not to make fun of anyone or put anyone down, she used it to make fun of herself! maybe you guys should find something better to do with your time then make fun of other ppl. you guys are just big fat jungle dykes, go eat a pussy!
just finished eating one actually thanks and daym ur momms is tite !

i'll fuk u up who ever u are , im not jealous of shitt
shut ur face jonDO
who are u ?
and NEVER EVER tell me to shut tha fuk up.
cmon boys....how orijinal "time of tha month" hahahha no its just cuz were motha fukkin bitches !!!!!!!!!(in my foxy brown voice)
  #56 (permalink)  
Old Jan 30, 04
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sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
what girls have their own time of the month?!
SEXISM!!! when do guys their own time.. for fuk sakes this is probally another hallmark idea isnt it..
  #57 (permalink)  
Old Jan 30, 04
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tufflove is an unknown quantity at this point
"here dear happy period
and remember i love u "
  #58 (permalink)  
Old Jan 30, 04
Kandyapple's Avatar
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Kandyapple is a jewel in the roughKandyapple is a jewel in the roughKandyapple is a jewel in the roughKandyapple is a jewel in the rough
Originally posted by Anthony

It's FNK's time of month. Don't bother it for a while and it will just go away.
lol so true! The board has a chip on its shoulder lately.
  #59 (permalink)  
Old Jan 30, 04
*self promo*
Join Date: Mar 2003
tufflove is an unknown quantity at this point
oooohh i get it u were implying that tha whole bord has its rag , not just shannon
ok i appoligise
  #60 (permalink)  
Old Jan 30, 04
Join Date: Jan 2004
jondo is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by ~ASH3~

just finished eating one actually thanks and daym ur momms is tite !

i'll fuk u up who ever u are , im not jealous of shitt
shut ur face jonDO
who are u ?
and NEVER EVER tell me to shut tha fuk up.
cmon boys....how orijinal "time of tha month" hahahha no its just cuz were motha fukkin bitches !!!!!!!!!(in my foxy brown voice)
It doesnt matter who I am u fuckin bitch!
But i think i speak for everyone when i say that I'm sick of your shit and I'm sick of you intimidating people... you know what Ash I'm sure your a cool girl but you need to tone it down, you're not as tough as you think you are! :finger: I know you have been punched by a guy beforeand if you know whats good for you, you will shut your fuckin mouth before it happens again!
  #61 (permalink)  
Old Jan 31, 04
*self promo*
Join Date: Mar 2003
tufflove is an unknown quantity at this point
do it u pussy
gimme ur name
go to tribecca on sat
meet me in tha alley
no wepons
ill fuk u up , if im not pissed drunk
i dont think i intimidate ne one ne more that was liek like so 2 years ago,
and if i do it now i dont mean to, i appoligise
its ur fault if ur intimidated , grow some balls todddd
who are u , why wont u tell me , are u scared????
scared a girls gonnah knock u out??
i dont fight ne more but i will hit u and it will be over , unless ur some huuuuge motha'

and not to mension ....u hit me ull be killed , the reason garry wassn't was because he was too small, i thouight i could take care of it myself , and i can

scared of a strong woman ???
hahaha call her a jungle dyke
cus she could kikk ur ass......

  #62 (permalink)  
Old Jan 31, 04
Join Date: Nov 2000
sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
wamp wamp, you two are the definition of online stupid. "you meet me in that alley cuz im gunna print his thread out and make you eat thoughs words" haha, this thread was fun untill you both went all "msn superhero" and had to push the limits. if your gunna meet dont be stupid and do it at Tribecas ash, thats just a fucken dumb idea. thiiiiink about it..

closed. (sorry wpg)
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