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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
WPG WPG is offline
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does the name "retard" ring a bell?

yes its true, i've lost all my brain cells that keep track of time for me................. i thought yesterday was valentines day :284:
but it really felt like it, i saw ppl with boques of flowers and this one guy with a ginormous present looking thing
whoever's tryin to play games with me, *cough cough, brain* i'll get u back! :finger:
  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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cinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the rough
some people are giving

and some people are offeneded by the word "retard"
  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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Originally posted by cinist
some people are giving

and some people are offeneded by the word "retard"
not you though :moon:

'retard' just happens to be my middle name.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
awwww.. :love1: you too wpg!
wpg stands for imf. well no, but you kno what I mean..
  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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weee todd did.. u are wee toddd did! just kidding
  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
haha, your bak in full force I see :)
avatar and all
  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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awe u poor thing
i almost feel bad for u
how could u miss the fact it WASNT valentines day
theres calenders and clocks EVERYWHERE
if i ever see u i will give u a day timer
:D just here to help
  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
lol.. go wpg, get her. :D:D
  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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^ *rolls eyes*
now i hope u werent talking about me myles
  #10 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
nope, its a big thread :love1:
  #11 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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^ lucky
  #12 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 04
just why?
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Originally posted by cinist

and some people are offeneded by the word "retard"
i don't understand why, to 'retard' something is to impede it's progress or slow it down - if something is retarded it has been impeded or slowed down. And believe me, WPG is definitely a little slow thus making WPG retarded. If you are offended by this then you are probably retarded.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 04
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cinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the rough
NOUN: Offensive Slang 1. Used as a disparaging term for a mentally retarded person. 2. A person considered to be foolish or socially inept. ETYMOLOGY: Short for retarded

you most likely don't have a family member or friend who does have a disability. Chances are, you don't have a disability yourself brian. If you did, perhaps you would think twice when searching for a word to describe your own or someone else's actions.

overuse and misuse of the word "retard" in adjective and noun form is based on nothing but ignorance on the part of our society. We’ve worked on religious, ethnic and racial slurs, yet we are still stuck with the use of close-minded, stereotyping words in our slang such as this. Why do we overlook the personal and social repercussions of the word "retard" — a word that hurts people and negatively labels a group of people who, through no fault of their own have a developmental disability.

i realise it was just an off handed thing to say as it usually is, not to make a big deal but thats how i feel
  #14 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 04
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Originally posted by cinist
NOUN: Offensive Slang 1. Used as a disparaging term for a mentally retarded person. 2. A person considered to be foolish or socially inept. ETYMOLOGY: Short for retarded

you most likely don't have a family member or friend who does have a disability. Chances are, you don't have a disability yourself brian. If you did, perhaps you would think twice when searching for a word to describe your own or someone else's actions.

overuse and misuse of the word "retard" in adjective and noun form is based on nothing but ignorance on the part of our society. We’ve worked on religious, ethnic and racial slurs, yet we are still stuck with the use of close-minded, stereotyping words in our slang such as this. Why do we overlook the personal and social repercussions of the word "retard" — a word that hurts people and negatively labels a group of people who, through no fault of their own have a developmental disability.

i realise it was just an off handed thing to say as it usually is, not to make a big deal but thats how i feel
TOTALLY in agreement with you! You took the words right outta my mouth!
  #15 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 04
just why?
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Originally posted by cinist
NOUN: Offensive Slang 1. Used as a disparaging term for a mentally retarded person. 2. A person considered to be foolish or socially inept. ETYMOLOGY: Short for retarded

you most likely don't have a family member or friend who does have a disability. Chances are, you don't have a disability yourself brian. If you did, perhaps you would think twice when searching for a word to describe your own or someone else's actions.

overuse and misuse of the word "retard" in adjective and noun form is based on nothing but ignorance on the part of our society. We’ve worked on religious, ethnic and racial slurs, yet we are still stuck with the use of close-minded, stereotyping words in our slang such as this. Why do we overlook the personal and social repercussions of the word "retard" — a word that hurts people and negatively labels a group of people who, through no fault of their own have a developmental disability.

i realise it was just an off handed thing to say as it usually is, not to make a big deal but thats how i feel
the original meaning of the word (and the one you didn't include in your definition at all) - and one that is still currently used often is the one i defined above is...

"Main Entry: 1re·tard
Pronunciation: ri-'tärd
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French retarder, from Latin retardare, from re- + tardus slow
Date: 15th century
transitive senses
1 : to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment : IMPEDE
2 : to delay academic progress by failure to promote
intransitive senses : to undergo retardation
synonym see DELAY
- re·tard·er noun"

#2 is where one gets the slang for someone who is generally stupid without necessarily being mentally challenged.

and actually i have two very close friends with family members that have "develepmental" disabilities or whatever the fuck you want to call it - and although i don't understand completely what it might be like to someone of that nature in your family, i have a pretty damn good idea.

My point is Cinist is that this isn't a big deal. A word is a word, get over it, ignorant people are going to make fun of your family members situation no matter what 'word' they use, so does this mean that every word or description thereof is off limits and we just shouldn't talk about it at all. The sooner you get over what stupid people say about your obviously loving family memeber, the sooner you can get back to loving them and not pitying them.

I really don't want to continue this conversation though because political correctness pisses me off in every way, i've said what im gonna say...
  #16 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 04
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cinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the rough
the definition of the word when you were in school oh so long ago doesn't count. today, you should be able to know better.

it's not about pity, its about respecting people, all people equally and without predjudice.
I dont have developmental disability in my family, i have siblings with terminal illness and people may get their illness confused with another. That's the other problem with the word "retard" people think they can attach it to any problem where people look or act "differant"

why would you use a word that was created to allow people with a certain disability to recieve benifits and services, too insult another human being or yourself?

it's no differant then racial or ethnic slurs, think about it

no a word is not just a word. words carry wait and distrubute pain while spreading ignorance and intolerance. words are powerful and watching how we use them is a great responsibility, one that I often fail at but i try.
  #17 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 04
'latinum respect.
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Yeah Brian, semantics aside..

Words are only words, but they have connotations attached to them. The word "retard" is outdated and offensive and is due to be thrown out in the trash with words like 'faggot' or racial slurs, there's no place for them in society.

This isn't really about being overly politically correct, being overly politically correct is saying HEY IT'S A SNOWPERSON NOT A SNOWMAN. I'm hoping that in todays world that people have at least learned that it's just not cool to put someone down for the way they were born, wether they have a different sexuality, race or abilities. I'm not going to call my friend in a wheelchair a 'cripple' to their face or my brother a 'faggot' and then say OMG WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM THEY'RE JUST WORDS!

..to you they're just words, but it's hard to grasp if you haven't grown up being different from everyone else and been really persecuted for doing so.

Cause yeah, if it wasn't a big deal, I don't see why my mom was always getting very cross with my brother and I growing up for using the word 'retard' because she's probably devoted most of her life to advocating and ensuring that these same people have the same opportunities to live a normal life like we do- and it's really not as easy for them.

I understand what you're trying to get at, but in this situation, it doesn't even apply. One day in person we can have a great drunken debate about it, ok? :P

  #18 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 04
WPG WPG is offline
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my cats breath smells like cat food
  #19 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 04
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cinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the rough
why are you smelling your cats breath?
  #20 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 04
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Originally posted by *KeLLnEsS*
TOTALLY in agreement with you! You took the words right outta my mouth!
words is an understatement, it was more book.
  #21 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 04
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cinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the rough
thanks Myles, i am an inspiring writer my first book will be entitled "The self righteous thoughts of the cynical sinist- One great persons socio-political look into ignorance at its worst"
you'll find it at chapters in the bargain section

Last edited by cinist; Jan 19, 04 at 12:57 PM.
  #22 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 04
WPG WPG is offline
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i understand ur point cinist
u see, i too have a mentally challenged person in my family, his names Timmy!
but this is pretty gay.....er.....lame.(better?)
so maybe u should go write ur book and express all ur thoughts on how ppl use such words in a context that (in some minds) is offensive and incorrect.
then ppl who feel the same way will enjoy reading it.
or better yet u could start a thread urself on how things like this bother u then u would have ppl agreeing with u and ppl who want to argue with u
u could even name the topic "i hate WPG's incorrect and offensive terminology"
however u personally shouldnt be offended by this because u are not a "retard"
  #23 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 04
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cinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the rough

lol cute you're trying to be lippy
  #24 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 04
WPG WPG is offline
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Originally posted by Pussy_Kat
awe u poor thing
i almost feel bad for u
how could u miss the fact it WASNT valentines day
theres calenders and clocks EVERYWHERE
if i ever see u i will give u a day timer
:D just here to help
a day timer would be super cool
my brain just decided to skip a month i guess
but better to mess up which month it is then the date, that could be bad. eeks!
  #25 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 04
WPG WPG is offline
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Originally posted by pbreak

i don't understand why, to 'retard' something is to impede it's progress or slow it down - if something is retarded it has been impeded or slowed down. And believe me, WPG is definitely a little slow thus making WPG retarded. If you are offended by this then you are probably retarded.
soo true :p
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