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  #51 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
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Originally Posted by shorerider
not really, our bodies are programmed to store food for survival. the more we burn off, the more we want to replace so that in tough times we don't die.
Yes, I am aware of that but when I don't go to the gym it means I'm sitting around more. And when I get bored I eat. It's gross. For some reason when I'm not going to the gym I want to eat shit food too.

When I go the gym and run a lot I crave good food and since healthy food is more filling than shit food, I end up eating smaller portions. Plus, I'm not sitting around on my ass all day eating food that I don't need.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
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Originally Posted by galaxie
'cause they work out waaaaaaaaaaay more than I ever would! haha
or maybe it's because it's not the carbs that make people fat.

--Joanne :P
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
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Originally Posted by shorerider
not really, our bodies are programmed to store food for survival. the more we burn off, the more we want to replace so that in tough times we don't die.

but I also find that exercise also helps lower stress and anxiety levels as well as helping those who feel depressed. many people who find themselves eating more often during times of stress or depression may benefit a great deal from exercise if trying to lose weight.

I also find that a lot of people tend to eat more when they have low self-esteem and I think exercise is a great way help. there's nothing better than coming out of the gym after a great workout, keeping you away from the 'comfort foods' that you may crave when you're feeling down.

--Joanne :P
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
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You don't have to tell me the bennifits of excercise my dear, I used to be a pro mountain bike racer and I still ride tonnes. I hate not excercising, I feel like crap and don't sleep as well. The only problem with the way I excercise is that it's so intense and hard, I am always pushing it and going hard, so the body is always tired and the grocery bill big. But I did do the grouse grind in 35:45 today, not bad for the first time this year :)
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
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mmmm Grouse... good with an Orange Demi-Glaze...
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
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^^and roasted root vegetables
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
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Originally Posted by shorerider
You don't have to tell me the bennifits of excercise my dear, I used to be a pro mountain bike racer and I still ride tonnes. I hate not excercising, I feel like crap and don't sleep as well. The only problem with the way I excercise is that it's so intense and hard, I am always pushing it and going hard, so the body is always tired and the grocery bill big. But I did do the grouse grind in 35:45 today, not bad for the first time this year :)
well you don't have to tell me about your credentials. my point was basically to point out that what motivates us to eat is not necessarily always for the purpose of making sure we don't die of starvation during a famine.... explaining why not everyone gets hungrier after working out. :)

--Joanne :P
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
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its all about the supplements and the exercise, fuck dieting...bullshit

check out www.avantlabs.com and see some of the shit they got, fucking ripper, burns fat and gives u energy, so u can work out. CARDIO for losing weight, thats all it is CAR-DI-O!
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
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You have to be careful with both. Girls tend to get a bit carried away. I just ate diner with a best friend who asked my permission to vomit after eating, for the last time before she gets admitted into the hospital for having a serious eating disorder. Sad part is, she didnt even need to watch her weight.

I suggest take it all in but in smaller amounts. Everything in moderation. I put on weight sometimes if i go into pot head mode, and when i wake up and get out of it i start to eat like a normal person agian, and not like a starving savage. I dont stop eating the foods i desire i just dont over do it or eat too much of anything. Nothing is really great for you, or at least not to much of anything is, so unless you want to live off carrots i suggest you moderate and get outdoors for some brisk walking.

Enjoy life.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
u dont compare
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watching what you eat isnt that hard .. just turn it into second nature

its the beginning thats hard .. you need motivation to say.. NO i wont eat this delicious piece of chocolate and such ... after a while you'll be drinkin only water and good stuff .. no pop .. and no junk food
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  #61 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
The Deaf Squirrel
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Forget diets... forget exercise... dance dance dance... what kind of raver are you anyways???
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
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Originally Posted by bananasinpjs
or maybe it's because it's not the carbs that make people fat.
over-eating carbs is no good
the body can't use them, so they turn into sugar, which turns into fat
which is why I stay away from OVER-eating carbs

don't get me wrong, Joanne, I'm not going all southbeach/atkins on you here - carbs are good, so is everything else, in moderation.
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
u dont compare
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too much protein can be even worse that eating too much fat/carbs/etc

forgot exactly but i remember that protein also turns into fat if its unused and its harder to burn off that carbohydrate fat
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
u dont compare
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its not over eating .. too much of anything is bad for you .. the point is that natural foods come with other stuff like all the minerals and vitamins your body needs.. now junk food on the other had has only carboydrates and fat and minimum protein, calcium, iron, etc
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
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Originally Posted by Partizan
too much protein can be even worse that eating too much fat/carbs/etc

forgot exactly but i remember that protein also turns into fat if its unused and its harder to burn off that carbohydrate fat
yes, too much protein also gets converted into fat, but I don't believe it's any harder to burn off than fats than came from carbs. after all... when all is converted, structurally fat is fat. it's composition is going to be the same no mater where it came from.

--Joanne :P
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
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Originally Posted by galaxie
over-eating carbs is no good
the body can't use them, so they turn into sugar, which turns into fat
which is why I stay away from OVER-eating carbs

don't get me wrong, Joanne, I'm not going all southbeach/atkins on you here - carbs are good, so is everything else, in moderation.
over-eating any energy-yielding foods will turn into fat. it takes an excess of 3500 calories to gain 1 pound of fat. for every gram, you will get 4 calories from carbs, 4 from protein and 9 from fat. so why is everyone going off about how they need to cut carbs to lose weight?

--Joanne :P

Last edited by Joanne; Jun 07, 04 at 01:12 PM.
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
u dont compare
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Originally Posted by bananasinpjs
yes, too much protein also gets converted into fat, but I don't believe it's any harder to burn off than fats than came from carbs. after all... when all is converted, structurally fat is fat. it's composition is going to be the same no mater where it came from.

--Joanne :P
cmon dont make my dig up my highschool homework

yes there is a different in protein fat and carb fat ... it takes more energy to burn one than the other that means that one is different than the other

you cant say saturated and unsaturated fats are the same
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 04
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Originally Posted by Partizan
cmon dont make my dig up my highschool homework

yes there is a different in protein fat and carb fat ... it takes more energy to burn one than the other that means that one is different than the other

you cant say saturated and unsaturated fats are the same
I actually could be wrong about protein fat and carb fat.. but it just doesn't seem to make sense.

of course saturated and unsaturated fats are different. but tell me what that has to do with protein and carbohydrate "fat"?

fat is stored as a triglyceride.

--Joanne :P
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old Jun 08, 04
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Originally Posted by bananasinpjs
over-eating any energy-yielding foods will turn into fat. it takes an excess of 3500 calories to gain 1 pound of fat. for every gram, you will get 4 calories from carbs, 4 from protein and 9 from fat. so why is everyone going off about how they need to cut carbs to lose weight?

--Joanne :P

two thumbs waaaaaaaay up.
a whack of my lady friends are trying out the atkins diet.... personally i think its a big trend that will die soon enough, just like most diets. i dont know about everyone else, but i find it way too hard to follow diets that completely cut out some types of food that i enjoy. also not all but alot of people use diets as quick fixes - they loose the weight then go off the diet, only to gain the weight back later.
a lady friend of mine has been on the atkins diet for awhile now, and just decided to join a soccor team again recently, and got sick and tired. maybe she was just really outta shape (which i doubt) but she had no energy, and like i said was wearing herself out\getting sick. i dont know if its medically true\relevant but someone who is athletic\working out (going to the gym\runs not just going for walks) i think needs their carbs. maybe there is another way to gain the nutrients\energy, but just seems alot better to get them with a nice dish of whole wheat pasta. i dont know when carbs became a bad thing, personally ive always pushed carbs in my diet, granted i have usually been involved in some sport, but even now in my "retired" years i still down as much carbs as i can get.
best diet: eat healthily. cut out white flour as best to your ability, eat less junk, try to hit up a subway instead of a mickdicks... just simple things like that.
honestly though, exercise is the best way to trim up. diets dont last, unless you plan on following it forever.

on a side note, i was driving past a mickdicks and they are advertising their protien platers - atkins friendly. whats in them? is it just a gross grease patty and some lettuce? does anyone know?
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old Jun 08, 04
tiestn vancorstenfold
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gooo gay soccer team!
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  #71 (permalink)  
Old Jun 08, 04
lebanese blonde
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as an otherwise skinny girl with a little middle-pudge, dieting is the fastest and most effective way of getting rid of it. if i need to wear a slinky dress or my bikini, i'll cut down on my calorie-intake. i'm under no pretense that it's healthy, but it works way faster than working out. working out makes you feel better, and tones your muscle, but the weight loss is a long process. for me anyway.
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old Jun 08, 04
flick ma bean
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Originally Posted by Tea
You have to be careful with both. Girls tend to get a bit carried away. I just ate diner with a best friend who asked my permission to vomit after eating, for the last time before she gets admitted into the hospital for having a serious eating disorder. Sad part is, she didnt even need to watch her weight.
haha she asked to pewk!? that's sad!
my friends are just like "hey i'm going to go pewk, make sure they don't take my plate away...I'M NOT DONE"
i just threw up a can of tuna...disgusting! it wasn't so bad cause the taste is so bland, but the consistency and texture that comes back out is nasty!
plus, you know how it's just a lil can...it comes up as like 5 cups of frothy tuna meat :/

ps. i'm not bulimic, but if whatever i just ate isn't sitting well i'll bring it back up OK
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old Jun 08, 04
flick ma bean
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your body is programmed to store food after you've been depriving yourself of no food..not from heavy exercise.

but yea, when i don't go to the gym i stuff my face. when i do go to the gym, i still stuff my face.
the only difference is that after going to the gym i have the energy to fix myself up a healthy meal instead of whatevers lying around, which tends to be junk.

i think a lot of people have this mentality that if they do a lil exercise it makes it allright for them to stuff their face afterwards...it doesn't work that way.

and bout those diets...they're gay, like full blown aids gay.
cutting a food group out won't do shit. if you're over eating, you're going to get fat...no matter what kinda food you're eating!
carbs are great, but in moderation. meat is good, but in moderation. you can never go wrong with fruits and veggies, but a balanced meal is key :D

fuck my tummy hurts! i hate it when you feel like shit andyou know exercise would make it better, but you feel so shitty you can't motivate yourself to go exercise.... ehh yea.
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old Jun 08, 04
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Originally Posted by mugsy
a lady friend of mine has been on the atkins diet for awhile now, and just decided to join a soccor team again recently, and got sick and tired. maybe she was just really outta shape (which i doubt) but she had no energy, and like i said was wearing herself out\getting sick. i dont know if its medically true\relevant but someone who is athletic\working out (going to the gym\runs not just going for walks) i think needs their carbs. maybe there is another way to gain the nutrients\energy, but just seems alot better to get them with a nice dish of whole wheat pasta.
yes, it's true... most of those athletes you see are on high complex carb diets because it's the most efficient source of glucose (ie. fuel) for your body when in need of a lot of energy. when you start on a really low-carb diet, your glycogen become low (also another reason why you lose weight.. from water loss!) which may be why your friend didn't have much energy. on top of that, there are a lot of important nutrients and fibre in complex carbohydrates. I see no point in ever cutting them out of my diet.

--Joanne :P
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