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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sep 24, 04
Join Date: Oct 2001
Anjew is on a distinguished road
Worst / Scarriest Spider Experience

Mine would have to be three years ago when I lived in a small little home in Victoria. I was watchign TV around 2AM
with the lights off when all of a sudden, the corner of my eye caught a dark figure moving across the floor.

My sister was behind me on the computer.
I asked her to turned on the light... very reluctantly....

..... CLICK

"HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!"
this spider was hairy had orange on his back and the body of the spider was about the size of a Baseball.

My sister screamed and ran upstairs while I started chucking everythign at it. I mean EVERYTHING. Afterwards I ran upstairs and hid under my blankets screaming like a little girl the entire time.

When I woke up... The spider was gone...

2 months later another reamerged only with green on it's back (meaning there were two) beside my computer. I once again hucked everythign and run upstairs only to eventually find it had dissapeared.

Mind you... Each time I "chekced" if the spider was dead or not... I forced my dad to while i hid....

Another 2 months later while we were moving we were getting the carpet redone for the next owners....

The men who did the carpeting....
Right under my stairs they claimed to have seen 6 spiders all the biggest they have ever seen in their lives.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sep 24, 04
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tee hee!
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The worst was when I was cleaning my room and I had just moved a shoe to a spot behind me, turned my back on it while I reached under my dresser for the other shoe, and when I went to pic up shoe # 1 there was a wolf spider right behind it. I shrieked and dropped aforementioned shoe on its head. I didn't see any guts on the shoe, so I think it got away and lived to terrorise another day...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sep 24, 04
..TuRnTabLe MeTaBoLiSm..
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.o0*HaLo*0o. is an unknown quantity at this point
once i was washing my face, and the bathroom window had little pink lace curtains, and the towel rack was right underneath it... me being a lazy 15 year old, couldn't be bothered to pick the face towel up, so i just bent down and dried my face with the towel still on the rack when i looked up there was the fricken BIGGEST spider i've ever seen in my entire life perched between the folds in the curtains less than a centimeter away from my face, i could almost smell the fucker. I screamed so loud that the neighboors thought i was being murdered and knocked my door down, one of them even was going to call the police. That and i lost my voice for a few days, to say the least i was humiliated that i caused so much commotion over a spider.

My boss also has a spider problem in her office, spiders on her walls first thing in the morning every day :) MMMMMMM!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sep 24, 04
Join Date: Jul 2003
BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
OK about 3 summers back I went down to Ft Meyers Florida for a little fun in the sun. Well anyways as it was reachin 2 AM i decided to go to my room to unpack my shit opened up the door saw a spider about the size of my fist sitting on top of my bag staring at me with fangs and badness like that. I walked right out went to my friend and said ya thiere is somthin big and poisoness in my room where the fucks the bat. So anyways he walks in looks at the thing and says ohh that, thats just a baby the mom is probably some wheres around here. So I sleep with 1 eye open for a night get up the next morning open the closet and see the moma and the thing is fucking huge a good fist and a quarter alll nasty green looking and not lookin to happy I grabbed the bat hit it and actually heard a squish now thats a big bitch..
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sep 24, 04
eff eff
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this one!

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sep 24, 04
a cunning linguist
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I was hiking in the rainforest in costa rica, and the path was covered by a fallen tree (as it often is) so I had to walk around and basically "bushwack" my way around. I was literally 2 cm away from sticking my face right into this guys web, and having it on my face

it was about 5 or 6 inches
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sep 24, 04
Join Date: May 2004
PwInCeSs is on a distinguished road
K i hate these spider threads but
i was like 6 or 7 in nigeria with my dad, i went to the bathroomone night and on top of the toilet there was this big spider that with its legs almost reaced the sides of the toilet it was sick
my dad took a photo i shall get him to scan it and send it and ill post it
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sep 24, 04
Big Gulps eh?
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jono will become famous soon enough
I ate a spider about the size of a quater for $5 and this was only about 2 years ago.

I had a party at my house and a massive spider crawled through the garage and people just cleared out. I picked the thing up and started playing with it to freak people out. They couldn't believe what I was doing so to go that one step further I put the thing in my underwear.

Spider's round here don't bite; no matter how often I pick them up I have never been bitten... I refused to believe that any spiders bite until I got a spider bite in Australia that dripped puss down my ankle for a week... this still didn't turn me off of spiders.

I saw this web when I was on a hike in Australia... My cousin dared me to run through it, but I didnt cause I wasn't sure if they were poisonous.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sep 24, 04
u dont compare
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... i woke up one morning in the summer and i felt something itchy on my face ... then i noticed the sensation was moving across my face... i looked down on my cheek and saw a spider walk across my face .. then it stopped... i decided to go back to sleep
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sep 24, 04
Join Date: Oct 2001
Anjew is on a distinguished road
each one of these storeis is making me cringe...
more and more..
you all get karma lol
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sep 24, 04
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Worst was years ago when I lived at my parents place. Was sleeping in the tree house one night. Woke up cause it was getting kinda windy. Turned on the light and saw two wolf spiders on my sleeping bag and one on the pillow beside me. I freaked out. Jumped out the tree house and went to sleep in my own bed. That was the end of my nights in the treehouse. . . Fucking spiders. . . grr
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sep 24, 04
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I'm getting itchy reading these!

are wolf spiders common in the vancouver area? i've only heard of one story about wolf spiders in my area and the person that told it to me is one of the exaggerating liar types. soo.. yeah
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sep 24, 04
josie ::.
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well every spider i see i freak out cause im reli terrified of them...but my scariest one would have to be last year and one night i walked in to my moms bathroom and not noticing until i got near the toilet but i looked over and on my moms pink rug was this gigantic spider...like the body itself was the size of my hand...the legs were HUGE! i got so freaked out i stood there cause i couldnt move then i ran away screaming not knowing where i was running i ran into my shower rack then i ran into my bros room and made him come kill it like i always do...he didnt believe me it was that big until he saw it...he killed it obviously but then he decided to run after me with it after he killed it....grrr...how can spiders get that big? and how the hell did it get in my house~!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Sep 24, 04
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CodaDrummer is on a distinguished road
I posted mine awhile ago...

My dad bought some Raid specifiaclly designed for killing spiders, so we're gonna soak the place with it tonight. They seem to be moving on inside from the cold.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Sep 25, 04
..TuRnTabLe MeTaBoLiSm..
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.o0*HaLo*0o. is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by booshka
I was hiking in the rainforest in costa rica, and the path was covered by a fallen tree (as it often is) so I had to walk around and basically "bushwack" my way around. I was literally 2 cm away from sticking my face right into this guys web, and having it on my face

it was about 5 or 6 inches

Kay... that looks like the freaky super spider off spiderman :D
you should have let it bite you and seen if you got powers! :D
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Sep 25, 04
tiestn vancorstenfold
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Originally Posted by booshka
I was hiking in the rainforest in costa rica, and the path was covered by a fallen tree (as it often is) so I had to walk around and basically "bushwack" my way around. I was literally 2 cm away from sticking my face right into this guys web, and having it on my face

it was about 5 or 6 inches
that's not a spider

its a mutant dog!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Sep 25, 04
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Originally Posted by jono
I ate a spider about the size of a quater for $5 and this was only about 2 years ago.

I had a party at my house and a massive spider crawled through the garage and people just cleared out. I picked the thing up and started playing with it to freak people out. They couldn't believe what I was doing so to go that one step further I put the thing in my underwear.

Spider's round here don't bite; no matter how often I pick them up I have never been bitten... I refused to believe that any spiders bite until I got a spider bite in Australia that dripped puss down my ankle for a week... this still didn't turn me off of spiders.

I saw this web when I was on a hike in Australia... My cousin dared me to run through it, but I didnt cause I wasn't sure if they were poisonous.
haha holy shit jon you're my hero
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Sep 25, 04
~PlAy iT HaRd~
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Ewwwwwwwwwww Spiders Are The Devil!!!!!!!!
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Sep 25, 04
Tux Tux is offline
dirty treeplanter
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when i was a kid, i was on a camping trip with my family and one night while i was sitting next to a fire i felt something on my shoulder so i looked over and there was the biggest fucken spider i'd ever seen just sitting there, relaxing on my shoulder. So i freaked out and ran around trying to get this fucken spider off me. Nowadays i don't care about spiders, or any other kinds of bugs after treeplanting for 2 years.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Sep 25, 04
mux mux is offline
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Originally Posted by booshka
I was hiking in the rainforest in costa rica, and the path was covered by a fallen tree (as it often is) so I had to walk around and basically "bushwack" my way around. I was literally 2 cm away from sticking my face right into this guys web, and having it on my face

it was about 5 or 6 inches
NO DOUBT!!! Wicked, I always wondered what they were called. We had them all over our office hedge when we lived in Costa Rica.

I can *totally* understand how you'd nearly walk into one. I nearly did too, and the fucker was as big as my hand (with fingers spread as wide as I can). Check it out: can you see how easy it would be to walk into this thing? :)

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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Sep 25, 04
..Bo0m TingZ..
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this one time.. me and my best friend went to her place.. and we were sooooo baked.. all of a sudden we see this spider.. and my best friend was all terrified.. we tried killing it.. but it was huge and would jump at us.. and then it chased us.. then we got my best friends umbrella.. and like stabbed it from a far distance.. and we threw a shoe at it.. it was sooo scary we couldnt even go clean it.. like im niot even that afraid of spiders wen it comes to killing them.. but holy shit that one made me scream so bad...
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Sep 25, 04
a cunning linguist
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Originally Posted by mux
NO DOUBT!!! Wicked, I always wondered what they were called. We had them all over our office hedge when we lived in Costa Rica.

I can *totally* understand how you'd nearly walk into one. I nearly did too, and the fucker was as big as my hand (with fingers spread as wide as I can). Check it out: can you see how easy it would be to walk into this thing? :)
yeah I have a picture like that too! This one I almost ran into was in corcovado national park, and after I saw that one, I saw them everywhere!
They're called the golden orb spider I think. They can't kill you or anything but they'd still give you a wicked bite. I had a nightmare about it that night actually, and I woke up to find a giant cocoroach biting me on my arm, dirty fucking roach!
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Sep 25, 04
I bring you...FIRE!
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So I was cleaning out a garage that we were to do a reno on. Fucking lazy ass client didnt clean the place out so we had to.

Guess what.....

Fucking INFESTED with spiders. Black Widows to be exact. Few of them under a Nickle in size, many larger. Many pregnant. Hundreds of them. Everywhere.

Oh, and upon moving a chair, finding a Wolf spider with the body size of about a toonie around.

Oh yeah, I almost shrieked at that one (and I shriek well, kinda like a crow), but instead whipmered slightly, informed my co-worker (also not big on spiders), and gently swept the fucker out the door.

I didnt kill a single spider that day.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Sep 25, 04
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BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
are ya sure they were Black Widows cause I wouldnt think they would fair to well out here???
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Sep 25, 04
I bring you...FIRE!
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Black Widow Spiders are extremely poisonous arachnids (not insects). Their venom is 15 times as poisonous as the venom of the prairie rattlesnake. These venomous spiders are found in warm and temperate climates all around the world. They live in dark places, in drain pipes, under logs and rocks, etc. in North America from Florida and California to southern Canada. Their bite rarely kills humans.
from http://www.enchantedlearning.com/sub...printout.shtml

Sorry, i'm trying to find something more definitive like a habitiat map or something.
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