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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Sep 30, 04
Join Date: Jul 2004
dapimpstress is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Carrie
not everyone wears orange sunglasses .. but anyway.. i wasn't starting shit either.. i just made a post that we aren't the canada ..
alright alright then lets both jus chill.. and dude.. they arent orange.. they are brown tinted... *shrugs* i heart those glasses they are hella fun to wear
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Sep 30, 04
Join Date: Aug 2003
Carrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really nice
what makes you think i'm not chill? i'm actually pretty chill.

hell i'd even say that i'm chillaxin at work...

they look orange to me.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Sep 30, 04
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Originally Posted by Ashes
fuck that. i have done my fucking RESEARCH there smarty.. my whole point is that it DOESNT MATTER if the military is better food/shelter/clothing wise.. i dont give a flying fuck, i dont wanna support this war, and so i am simply not going to. im not going to die in Iraq cause george-y needs oil money. no.

and dont EVEN try to tell me that you dont get brainwashed in the military, a really good friend of mine is at west point right now... and i KNOW he's going to get sent overseas to fight... fuckin smartest kid i ever seen get broken like that. fuck that. you dont know what you are talking about there bro... i dont want my country filled with abuncha fucked up veterans and abuncha brainwashed soldiers... again... FUCK that.
Aight, well number one... Iraq is only one War. Not every War the United States fights is unjust and unsanctioned. By the time you will be considered for the Draft this crap in Iraq will be over. Suck it up Muffin, I have lots of friends in the Royal Military College here in Canada. They're all officers and Pilots. I've had Friends sent to Croatia, Afghanistan and the Middle East. Albeit for Peacekeeping but no matter where you go you run the risk of being killed. Just because you're in the Military doesn't mean you become dumb. That's like saying... "DUUHHH... If you work at McDonalds they brainwash you to thing it's real Beef and you become a mindless McSlave." Get a Clue. I've served in a Paramilitary Organization for 8 years and have my Paperwork ready to join the Canadian Forces. I'm going to be a Communications Expert or a Combat Pioneer. Respect to the people in the Armed Forces around the World. For without them your Country would have crumbled into nothingness a long time ago.

/rant again... jeesus, some people don't know when to leave it...
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Sep 30, 04
Join Date: Dec 2003
AqvaYak is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Ashes
i seriously doubt that dude... i'd rather ROT IN JAIL TILL THE END OF TIME then serve this fucking military... if it was mandatory, we'd end up with abuncha fuckin meatheads... all brainwashed and thinking the same way...

this may be funny to you guyz, but this makes me more angry than anything i have ever felt before. my lack of ability to stop this is what makes it so hard... i will not EVER fight for this goverment.. not the way it is now.. FUCK THAT.
i think he was referrign to the canadian military. yours, unfort. sucks balls as far as freedoms, etc..
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Sep 30, 04
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sweet sensi crew
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mapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the rough
^ HAHAHAHAHAHA YESSS! I was waiting for you to post here. :D

They are getting better though. Finally realizing that technology alone can't win Wars.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Oct 01, 04
where's the beach
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mugsy is on a distinguished road
in all honesty i really really dont think this bill will pass.
theres a reason conscription laws and drafting laws were changed - people as a whole became more knowledgable on the gov'ts activities.
i remember when the towers got bombed and everyone was saying the same shit "everyone in both countries are going to be drafted" canada didnt even fucking fight.
both my cousins are under 30, they both did a little time with the military, NEITHER got drafted. they are the extreme bottom of the list the gov't had for troops, and quite frankly if they havent even been contacted yet, i really dont think they will be.
when everything was going down in afghanastan i remember being scared - thinking "oh my god, theres a war happening... whats going to happen?" thousands of innocent people died, the story is awful, but the war has mostly ended.
this "war on iraq" will continue until the states realizes that they dont own the fucking world and all of its resources.
watch the presidentail debate today - take heart in the fact that mr.carry (sp) is wupping georges' ass. americans are not stupid, they are seeing who george is, the majority do NOT want this supposed "war on iraq"

also i agree that being in the military is not a brain washing event. this is not 1940 anymore.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 04
Join Date: Nov 2001
djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
Ashes: Thanks for posting this, it's good to see people caring about human rights.

mapleleaf4ever: You go die for your flag if you want pal...I'll go buy mine at K-mart...patriotism is a faith mechanism, just like religion, for those who lack faith in themselves.


You don't have to be a psychic to know that the war on terrorism will just increase terrorism world wide to inevitably lead up to a New World Order. A draft is a sure sign of a facist government, a police state. I knew about this draft for about 2 years now, click the link on the bottom of this post and see for yourself. Maybe you should ask yourself how I've known for so long, or maybe you want to go back to reality and keep watching the price is right. For those that don't think Canada will be involved, our economy is 70% owned by U.S. interests. If they go, we will eventually follow suit, you can count on it!

I will bet $1,000 even on that claim...anyone who can care to disprove me must be hella goy, or I've mistaken Canada for Sweden.


"I think the general vibe here from those that would appose a draft is simple, because war begets war. By the way there are talks of a US draft for July 2005 so this may one day be a question we will all have to face for real. If you wanna pick up a gun please do so at home if some one is trying to break into your house or is attacking you first "personally" (read "not invading your country, but in your face"). If you don't, you are most likely fighting someone elses fight and causing suffering."

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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 04
Join Date: Jul 2004
dapimpstress is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by djmarkpaul
Ashes: Thanks for posting this, it's good to see people caring about human rights.

For those that don't think Canada will be involved, our economy is 70% owned by U.S. interests. If they go, we will eventually follow suit, you can count on it!

I will bet $1,000 even on that claim...anyone who can care to disprove me must be hella goy, or I've mistaken Canada for Sweden.

werd ta this guy cuz he's smarter than alotta people!
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 04
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Canada will not get involved, w0rd.

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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Oct 17, 04
where's the beach
Join Date: Apr 2003
mugsy is on a distinguished road
my last peice of mind on the subject:
george barely got voted in last election. he is not going to win this time.
with george out, i highly doubt the "war" will continue.
people as a whole are pretty fucking strong and can make a difference. do you really think that two entire nations of people are just going to sit back and let the gov't conscript\draft everyone of age? NO. if people get pissed off they do something.
in highschool my friends and i were pissed that we had no sports, no after school help, nothing because of the strike. we took action. organized a district student walk out, went to the local mp's office and protested. brought in the news, and we were heard. the politicians and the teachers were forced to make statements. the ball was pushed and rolling down hill. all this done by A BUNCH OF HIGHSCHOOL STUDENTS.
dont think that there are very few enlightened people such as yourself who care about politics and society on whole, dont think you're the onyl people going to take action. and defintely do not assume that our countries are full of uneducated ignorant people. they wont stand for it, and will do something about it.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Oct 21, 04
Join Date: Nov 2001
djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by mugsy
my last peice of mind on the subject:
george barely got voted in last election. he is not going to win this time.
with george out, i highly doubt the "war" will continue.
He's already been chosen to be put into office again, nevermind re-elected.
I will wager handsomely on that if you care to bet on it, I'll even give you 10 to 1 odds.

Originally Posted by mugsy
people as a whole are pretty fucking strong and can make a difference. do you really think that two entire nations of people are just going to sit back and let the gov't conscript\draft everyone of age? NO. if people get pissed off they do something.
You are absolutely right, the problem is, people aren't pissed off right now. You obviously don't know how Problem Reaction Solution works, I do admire your naiveness though.

Originally Posted by mugsy
in highschool my friends and i were pissed that we had no sports, no after school help, nothing because of the strike. we took action. organized a district student walk out, went to the local mp's office and protested. brought in the news, and we were heard. the politicians and the teachers were forced to make statements. the ball was pushed and rolling down hill. all this done by A BUNCH OF HIGHSCHOOL STUDENTS.
dont think that there are very few enlightened people such as yourself who care about politics and society on whole, dont think you're the onyl people going to take action. and defintely do not assume that our countries are full of uneducated ignorant people. they wont stand for it, and will do something about it.
Don't be so sure, in a society where war=progress, there's much more to consider then what is probably on your plate. It's good you've taken matters into your own hands and set an example, but chances are there's plenty you don't know in order to make sure that we won't be fooled again in regards to this "war". Your school system is a perfect example of that, put a mortarboard snug on your head with a clear understanding of what the means, and maybe you're not as naive as I seemingly have you pegged to be.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Oct 23, 04
Join Date: Mar 2004
thumper is an unknown quantity at this point
Let's for a moment not give a shit about what color her sunglasses are or the semantics of "The Canada" versus "Canada"

The point is that there is a military draft being put on the table and this is a huge watershed. Bush recently said that the "War on Terrorism" was unwinnable. And believe me, no statesman, no matter how stupid, makes a claim like that unintentionally. That's basically telling people to expect no visible progress (i.e. catching Bin Laden) because keeping the terrorists in play is more important than defeating them. Inventing a fictitious enemy is the easiest way to mobilize the people and seize power (refer to Reichstag Fire).

Originally Posted by djmarkpaul
You don't have to be a psychic to know that the war on terrorism will just increase terrorism world wide to inevitably lead up to a New World Order. A draft is a sure sign of a facist government, a police state. I knew about this draft for about 2 years now, click the link on the bottom of this post and see for yourself. Maybe you should ask yourself how I've known for so long, or maybe you want to go back to reality and keep watching the price is right. For those that don't think Canada will be involved, our economy is 70% owned by U.S. interests. If they go, we will eventually follow suit, you can count on it!
*clap* *clap* It would be helpful if more people realized this. Welcome to the world of Real Politik. There never has and never will be a war for "liberation" or "humanity" or "democracy." Even if you guys think djmarkpaul's vision of an NWO is too out there, at the very least, try to recognize that non-defensive war is never selfless.

Anywho, Canada will most definately follow the US I think unless more people wake up from their little patriotic reverie and realize that the "War on Terrorism" is infact desperate bid to secure the world's last resources and other aims. It's just so shitty that this has to happen in our lifetime's eh? fuck.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Oct 23, 04
eff eff
Join Date: Apr 2003
-ff- is an unknown quantity at this point
Umm, I had a look at that bill.

It said "January 7, 2003"

It has most certainly been introduced and defeated by now. It was probably one of those 'statement' draft bills some of the democrats introduced to try and make a point.

Not to say Bush isnt going to try and bring the draft in - I think he is (US military overextension has already lead to the stop loss polices, the retrenchment of US forces who used to be stationed in europe, and the possibility of a lift on the US military female combat ban) but that isnt the bill thats going to do it. You've been suckered.
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