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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Gravity Slave
Join Date: Apr 2001
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Originally Posted by mapleleaf4ever
Yah, that whole World War 2 thing... What's with that shit?

To quote my friend who went to Germany last month: "You would be a bit rude and crusty too if you lost 2 world wars."
  #27 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Join Date: Mar 2004
thumper is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Sidekick
um...i think YOU missed the entire section of our history where we kicked out the First Nations people and repressed their history, language, and culture and replaced it with our own.
Our immigration policies cannot be driven by this guilt trip alone. Multi-ethnic, 'multi-cultural' societies that have little gems like Sharia (muslim court) is not conducive towards the health of society at all. Just look at the situation in the US where it seems every burgeoning ethnic group has their own lobbyists: NAACP, Black Congression Congress, Pro-Israel lobby, Mexican-American lobbyists, and who knows what else coming down the pike next. America can't execute war in the middle east without offending the 'muslim-americans' and can't take a more libertarian approach to schooling and cut some social spending without the 'mexican-americans' on their case.

Different groups with different interests only serve to balkanize the country. Ask anyone from Yugoslavia and they'll tell that 'rainbow societies' are simply not viable.
  #28 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
bake him away toys!
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Originally Posted by thumper
Yes, but what multi-culturalists conveniently gloss over is the fact that all these people were essentially white western Europeans...what have Mexican immigrants given America? Lowering the minimum wage, over-representation in crime, lower standard of living, etc. (i.e. Mexican culture) Yes, call me Hitler for having an affinity for living in a white dominant country that has pretty much been this way since it's inception, but you can't really think that a dramatic change in human migrations of Third World people will have no bad effect.
Think about it dudes.
So not only are you a racist, but you're an elitist too. Lets not allow anyone into our country who doesn't have an equally high standard of living in their own country. You think people coming to our country from third world countries are coming here with some kind of agenda of ruining the western culture?! My last roommate was from Nnigeria, where she was sold to a 70 year old man at 14, given to his 30 yr old son when he died and circumsized so he could have her virginity again. As a Canadian, these are the things that concern me with immigration policies, not what will happen to minimum wage if too many of THEM are "let in." Get your head out of your ass, there are bigger things in the world than what concerns the white majority of western countries. North America has a high rate of immigration for reasons that you obviously cannot begin to comprehend.
  #29 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
like a kick in your side
Join Date: Feb 2004
sidekick will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by thumper
Our immigration policies cannot be driven by this guilt trip alone.
dude, i'm not saying that our immigration policies should be influenced by First Nations people at all.

i'm saying when you think about it, WE'RE the immigrants. granted we've been here a long time, but we didn't start out here. unless you're First Nations, then you came from somewhere else.
  #30 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Join Date: Mar 2004
thumper is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Sidekick
^you forgot to mention how many times white people kill white people.

or actually, how many times white people kill people of other races.

i seem to remember a girl on the island being killed because she was asian, by students from her own highschool.

friends of yours?
Time to bust out the stats I see:


A Muslim group in Denmark announced a few days ago that a $30,000 bounty would be paid for the murder of several prominent Danish Jews, a threat that garnered wide international notice. Less well known is that this is just one problem associated with Denmark's approximately 200,000 Muslim immigrants. The key issue is that many of them show little desire to fit into their adopted country.

For years, Danes lauded multiculturalism and insisted they had no problem with the Muslim customs - until one day they found that they did. Some major issues:

* Living on the dole: Third-world immigrants - most of them Muslims from countries such as Turkey, Somalia, Pakistan, Lebanon and Iraq - constitute 5 percent of the population but consume upwards of 40 percent of the welfare spending.

* Engaging in crime: Muslims are only 4 percent of Denmark's 5.4 million people but make up a majority of the country's convicted rapists, an especially combustible issue given that practically all the female victims are non-Muslim. Similar, if lesser, disproportions are found in other crimes.

* Self-imposed isolation: Over time, as Muslim immigrants increase in numbers, they wish less to mix with the indigenous population. A recent survey finds that only 5 percent of young Muslim immigrants would readily marry a Dane.

* Importing unacceptable customs: Forced marriages - promising a newborn daughter in Denmark to a male cousin in the home country, then compelling her to marry him, sometimes on pain of death - are one problem.

Another is threats to kill Muslims who convert out of Islam. One Kurdish convert to Christianity, who went public to explain why she had changed religion, felt the need to hide her face and conceal her identity, fearing for her life.

* Fomenting anti-Semitism: Muslim violence threatens Denmark's approximately 6,000 Jews, who increasingly depend on police protection. Jewish parents were told by one school principal that she could not guarantee their children's safety and were advised to attend another institution. Anti-Israel marches have turned into anti-Jewish riots. One organization, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, openly calls on Muslims to "kill all Jews . . . wherever you find them."

* Seeking Islamic law: Muslim leaders openly declare their goal of introducing Islamic law once Denmark's Muslim population grows large enough - a not-that-remote prospect. If present trends persist, one sociologist estimates, every third inhabitant of Denmark in 40 years will be Muslim.
  #31 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
like a kick in your side
Join Date: Feb 2004
sidekick will become famous soon enough
^again you are plagued with the ignorance of generalization.

you can't take ONE article or ONE story or ONE place and use it to rationalize EVERYTHING.
  #32 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
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Originally Posted by thumper
So because some alien cries 'racism' that's enough to get his foot in the door and demand a piece of the pie that this white dominated society has worked so hard for?
Correction, that the white dominated society KILLED for. Were all apart of the same world. Segregation is out of date. We can't push people into different parts of the world. I know tonnes of people with different ethnic backgrounds, who speak and act canadian. Give me a break buddy, you've diluded yourself with some pretty weak rhetoric.
  #33 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
like a kick in your side
Join Date: Feb 2004
sidekick will become famous soon enough

what exactly are you trying to prove? that the world is a fucked up place and people kill eachother? yeah, it's true it is.

but that doesn't go for just ONE race or culture.
  #34 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
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robyn is a jewel in the roughrobyn is a jewel in the roughrobyn is a jewel in the roughrobyn is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by thumper
Girl, 15, assaulted by five men

Sep 10 - 2004

A teenage girl has been indecently assaulted by five men in Birmingham.

It happened on Tuesday at around 2045 BST as the 15-year-old girl was walking home on Formans Road near the junction of Reddings Lane in Sparkhill.

The group followed and then indecently assaulted the victim before making racist comments to her, police said.

Officers said the five men were Asian and were wearing red and white scarfs, with baseball caps and hoods pulled over their heads.


Teenager raped girl as gang stood guard

Sep 4 - 2004

A schoolgirl was raped by a teenage boy while his friend pinned her down in the Sparkhill area of Birmingham, police said yesterday.

The 14-year-old girl was dragged into bushes by a gang of three 16-year-old Asian youths as she walked along Stratford Road at 9pm on Wednesday.

One boy stood guard while another held the victim's arms above her head. The third removed her clothing and raped her.

They grabbed the girl near to the swimming baths in Sparkhill.


Girl, 16, in two-hour rape ordeal

July 4 - 2004

A 16-year-old girl was kidnapped from a Birmingham street by three men and raped in a car.

The victim was snatched as she crossed the junction of Moseley Road and Trafalgar Road on Thursday.

Police said loud bass music was being played on the vehicle's stereo system during the attack, which took place between 1900 and 2100 BST.

The victim was let out of the car at the junction of Stratford Road and Warwick Road.

West Midlands Police believe the attackers, all Asian and aged between 18-20, were from the Sparkhill or Sparkbrook areas.

One of the rapists is described as having a gold tooth and the sides of his head were shaved.

Anyone with any information can contact detectives at Belgrave Road.


Detectives are hunting a "vicious" gang after a woman was forced from her car and raped in an alleyway.

The 39-year-old victim's ordeal began when she was confronted by six men after buying groceries from the International Mini-Market on Ladywell Bridge, Lewisham.

The rapist is described as aged 39, black with chinlength dreadlocks. The rest of the gang are black and aged between 25 and 40. Anyone with information about the rape on 5 September should call Det Con Hopkinson on 020 8284 8393 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Wow, an argument like that kinda makes me think it's men we should stop letting into the country.
  #35 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Elephant Shoe!
Join Date: Feb 2004
Newbie4life is an unknown quantity at this point
fuck ppl... how long will this shit go on? why do we define so many borders between humanity... sooner or later when the earth is about to blow up or get engulfed by the sun we'll all wonder what the fuck all the fighting and finger pointing was all about.
  #36 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Join Date: Mar 2004
thumper is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Sidekick
dude, i'm not saying that our immigration policies should be influenced by First Nations people at all.

i'm saying when you think about it, WE'RE the immigrants. granted we've been here a long time, but we didn't start out here. unless you're First Nations, then you came from somewhere else.
Well, in the geographical sense. But you see, we are not trying to force our way into another society. I mean do you see a large movement of white immigrants trying to integrate themselves into China? Of course not.

Canada was founded by Europeans, and for other Europeans to move in a society that is essentially 'theirs' I find to be quite organic. So you gotta admit this whole "we're all immigrants" is a bit of fallacy because no one would be immigrating to Canada if it was just a landmass out there on the far side of the world, unless they were farmers. So what then is the case? Immigrants come to live in a white dominated society, plain and simple. They'd prefer to call it 'diverse' and 'multi-cultural' but that was only implemented after 1965 when they decided to make a 'fairer' immigration scheme instead of recruiting from the traditional countries of the UK and Western Europe. So don't think that diversity is either inevitable or organic. In fact we even had laws barring non-european immigration.
  #37 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
like a kick in your side
Join Date: Feb 2004
sidekick will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by thumper
But you see, we are not trying to force our way into another society.
we DID force our way into another society.

you think they were all just sitting around here waiting for someone to come along and give them a culture? they had their own traditions and way of living and we came along and ripped it out from underneath them.

you're too stupid to argue this.
  #38 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Elephant Shoe!
Join Date: Feb 2004
Newbie4life is an unknown quantity at this point
^ if you post that stuff about 5 asian men raping girls why dont you even it out with a black guy raping and shooting the next door neighbour or a caucaisian biker group who solicitate hookers and cocaine
  #39 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Here comes gold...
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Truedeu set the quote "multi-culturalism" movement in motion.

Canada is VERY different because of it.

Thats all I'm going to say.
  #40 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
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^ Now everyone has to learn Froggish in School until Grade 9. What a waste... especially in Western Canada. Ever go though the Supermarket and flip everything to the French side?
  #41 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Gravity Slave
Join Date: Apr 2001
MC Hammered has a spectacular aura aboutMC Hammered has a spectacular aura about
Trying to explain to the blind man that the apple is red is only for a fool to do.
  #42 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
bake him away toys!
Join Date: Jan 2001
wundergirl is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by MC Hammered
Trying to explain to the blind man that the apple is red is only for a fool to do.

winston is a wise wise man.
were you named after churchill?
  #43 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
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thumper is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by wundergirl
So not only are you a racist, but you're an elitist too. Lets not allow anyone into our country who doesn't have an equally high standard of living in their own country. You think people coming to our country from third world countries are coming here with some kind of agenda of ruining the western culture?! My last roommate was from Nnigeria, where she was sold to a 70 year old man at 14, given to his 30 yr old son when he died and circumsized so he could have her virginity again. As a Canadian, these are the things that concern me with immigration policies, not what will happen to minimum wage if too many of THEM are "let in." Get your head out of your ass, there are bigger things in the world than what concerns the white majority of western countries. North America has a high rate of immigration for reasons that you obviously cannot begin to comprehend.
If you wanna be a humanitarian go sponsor a kid for 30 cents a day. Canada isn't a floating barge for the world's undesirables. The UK has made a huge mistake in accepting 'assylum seekers' and when I was in London last summer entire city blocks looked like Bengladesh. Italy is having the same problem and recently had to sink a ship coming from Tunisia killing everyone on board. Why else do you think the Right Wing parties are on the rise (BNP, Vlaams Bloc, etc.)? They're pretty much saying we don't want/need non-white immigrants, and you can keep them thank you and they represent the people who vote for them.

Please checkout my link about Denmark and Muslims. The more foreigners we accept, the more of their bizzare culture they bring, like the ever prevalent gang rapes going in Scandinavia and that phenomenom of 'tourante' happening in France:


They started kicking and beating her, and the biggest dragged her by the hair to an apartment nearby, where she spent the night being raped by three young men. The sexual torture was so revolting, she still won't describe it, 15 years later. But maybe the worst thing about Bellil's gang rape is that, in the deprived suburbs of 21st-century France, it's not unusual.

How about that diversity eh?
  #44 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Here comes gold...
Join Date: Jul 2004
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Originally Posted by mapleleaf4ever
^ Now everyone has to learn Froggish in School until Grade 9. What a waste... especially in Western Canada. Ever go though the Supermarket and flip everything to the French side?
It was grade 11 where I went to school.

Complete waste of time if you ask me.
  #45 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
like a kick in your side
Join Date: Feb 2004
sidekick will become famous soon enough
funny, doesn't look like thumper has an argument about the fact that we're all essentially immigrants who stole land and suppressed another races culture.

strange how he's choosing to ignore the facts that we're posting and keeps reiterating his own stereotypical racist views and confusing them with factual evidence.

weird how he chose to look over the fact that white people are a way bigger threat to consuming everyone elses culture than they are to us.

odd, eh?
  #46 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Join Date: Mar 2004
thumper is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Newbie4life
^ if you post that stuff about 5 asian men raping girls why dont you even it out with a black guy raping and shooting the next door neighbour or a caucaisian biker group who solicitate hookers and cocaine
Because non-whites, especially blacks and middle-easterners are over-represented. Look at the stat for denmark, or the black incarceration for the US. But it's usually some liberal homo who comes along and says, "these people have historically opressed" and that we can expect nothing better of them. How reassuring.


20 percent of all black men born from 1965 through 1969 had served time in prison by the time they reached their early 30s. By comparison, less than 3 percent of white males born in the same time period had been in prison.
  #47 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
bake him away toys!
Join Date: Jan 2001
wundergirl is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by thumper
If you wanna be a humanitarian go sponsor a kid for 30 cents a day. Canada isn't a floating barge for the world's undesirables.
i do sponsor kids dick, i work in direct partnership with amnesty for the months of the year that i'm not in school, and my parents open their home to assylum seekers who havent received their papers yet.

define "undesirable" for me please, because as far as i can see, you're it.
  #48 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Gravity Slave
Join Date: Apr 2001
MC Hammered has a spectacular aura aboutMC Hammered has a spectacular aura about
Originally Posted by wundergirl
winston is a wise wise man.
were you named after churchill?
I was named after the cigarette because I'm bad for your health.
  #49 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
like a kick in your side
Join Date: Feb 2004
sidekick will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by thumper
How about that diversity eh?
and how many times has someone of white colour killed someone of another ethnicity?

you're just using one specific instance to generalize a whole group of people.

you just don't get it.
  #50 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Join Date: Mar 2004
thumper is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Sidekick
funny, doesn't look like thumper has an argument about the fact that we're all essentially immigrants who stole land and suppressed another races culture.

strange how he's choosing to ignore the facts that we're posting and keeps reiterating his own stereotypical racist views and confusing them with factual evidence.

weird how he chose to look over the fact that white people are a way bigger threat to consuming everyone elses culture than they are to us.

odd, eh?
This argument has been pummelled so many times into oblivion it's not even funny. The pilgrims never sought to integrate themselves into Native society. They didn't go about painting their faces, trying to get inducted into the various tribes, or learn how to communicate with smoke signals. In fact, they did their own thing. Natives used grace the land ever so nomadically with their presence, so I wouldn't call that the strongest land claim (look at me, I once hunted across that field!). The pilgrims didn't force themselves into native tribes and go, Let's make this motherfucker multi-cultural already. Non-whites on the other hand do insist on making white societies multi-cultural, because if they don't get a piece of the pie, they cry racism.
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