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  #76 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Join Date: Mar 2004
thumper is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by wundergirl
humanitarian issues "aside?" you think canada has the immigration policies is has to "spice things up?" again, you don't get it dude. not at all.
What was so wrong about taking in European immigrants to a predominantly European society? In fact the position is completely sound.

Try as you might, you will find no society in the history of the world that has openly sought to make itself 'multi-cultural.' And in the situations that it did occure, like the vestiges of military invasion, you get balkanization Yugoslavia-style. And if diversity wasn't the aim, who do you think coined the word 'multi-culturalism? (it was Canada)' This whole thing has been acknowledged as a 'social experiment' and luckily places like Holland have awoken from their little reverie and recently declared it a disaster. This has been the immigration policy for years, and it makes no sense to me, unless of course you pander to ethnic voting blocs.

  #77 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Join Date: Mar 2003
robyn is a jewel in the roughrobyn is a jewel in the roughrobyn is a jewel in the roughrobyn is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by thumper
uhh. don't you think you're giving them tremendous benefit of the doubt because they aren't white?
Who am I giving benefit of the doubt to? I was just stating that it's impossible to speculate on what race commits more rapes as rape is a crime which generally goes unreported. I mean, half your argument seems to be based upon the fact that sometimes white women get raped by non-white men.
  #78 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Elephant Shoe!
Join Date: Feb 2004
Newbie4life is an unknown quantity at this point
look at me i'm a :pumpkin:
  #79 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Join Date: Jul 2004
DJ_Coastal is an unknown quantity at this point
.........this thread is messed up seriously........
  #80 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Peace 2 Da Godz
Join Date: Apr 2001
Atlantis77 is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by thumper
Think about it. True story.

it happened to a friend of a friend of yours right??

Why dont you stop for a second and pull your head out of your ass. You talk so much about minorities raping, killing, bombing etc etc . . . but somehow you conviniently forget to mention the kkk and other white powered extremists.

I honnestly fail to comprehend the point of your posts. Are you scared for your health?? Or are you scared of loosing your "culture" and "religion"?? If you are concerned about being shot or being raped you better watch your back regardless. You are exactly the type of person who will push a kid of another culture over the edge to kick the living shit out of you.

If you are concerned about loosing your religion or your culture, you should once again pull your head out of your ass. Ive never seen a muslim/ chinese/ jew push their culture or their religion onto someone else. This aint no promotion company!! All these cultures practice their own religion and cultures. If you ever seen banners for a cultural event, it isnt to force you to give up your own. It is simply for educational purposes. Maybe you would learn something, I for one love learning about other cultures.

No matter what the stats say, minorities will always concider themesleves minority!! Mostly becuase of people like you. The only thing they can ask for is to be treated equally as canadian cityzens and not judged by their culture and background. We deale with it as it is, from COPS and the fuking boarder patrole. No one wants to heare it from some idiot, on a web forum.

You keep running your mouth about the stats you have provided us, but they are all minor examples of a repeathing situation. Its funny that you only have the courage to speack of such ideas over the net, over an account that has JUST opened. How convinient. LOL . I would love to see you explain your ideas and your logic in public. So please, for your own good, keep your mouth shut. Ever seen the last scene in the american history X? As sad as that may be, you seem to fit the profile!
  #81 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Mistah Boom Tastic
Join Date: Apr 2004
BrownThug is an unknown quantity at this point
well i was going to respond with a long essay of a post...but it seems liek you guys got this one covered.....btw....GOOD JOB SIDEKICK (and everyone else other than thumper)
  #82 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
like a kick in your side
Join Date: Feb 2004
sidekick will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by BrownThug
GOOD JOB SIDEKICK (and everyone else other than thumper)
thanks man.

although beating my head against a brick wall for half an hour of my life wasn't fun, it was a good excercise in patience.
  #83 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Join Date: Mar 2004
thumper is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by wundergirl
edit: we have to accept some global responsibility. your british friends don't get first pick because they dont NEED it. if you were in another country suffering circumstanes that were beyond any fault or control of your own you would have a different opinion. you're perspective is skewed by privelege and circumstanceand you know it.
Don't think I haven't ever thought about the inequities in the world; I have. But the fact is we can't change people through acculturation or by giving them money. Believe it or not my uncle has worked for the WHO and he's become a bit soured on the idea of saving the world. He was doing a stint as a English teacher in China and told me that inveterate corruption is present at all levels. In fact, the town he was teaching English in (forget the name, somewhere in the north east) had won funds from the IMF (through a humanitarian group) to grow crops on land they were supposed to terrace near a road. International aid workers came and dug holes and terraced the land, and the rest was up to the community to buy seed money.

What in fact happened was that when the humanitarians left the money was promptly appropriated by the local big shot. He and his wife got Mercedes cars while the holes and terraced land remained unfilled. The rainy season came and a landslide actually occured and it has burried one of their major roads. The worst part is they actually petitioned for more 'aid.'

Now you might say I'm generalizing here, but do yourself a favor and google the words "corruption + China" and the results are staggering. This, among other things like the endemic mutual attrition and wilful shoddiness, eventually led my uncle to lose heart and switched to administrative work. My point is some cultures/ethnic groups, for better or for worse, cannot adapt new identities as 'Canadians' or 'Americans' as easily as you think, and they are simply different, as God made them. And if they can adapt, it's mostly because they are still minorities and have no choice. Take out the buttressing majority, and these groups regress to what they know best.

Just look at how there's not a single black african country that has lasted for more than a few decades. There have been countless efforts by missionaries, Amnesty international, UN, etc. and no matter what, these countries degenerate into genocidal orgies every few decades. Whether it be Haiti, Zimbabwe, South Africa or Harlem, these people have been trying to kill eachother the moment they could pick up blunt objects. Obviously this is something nature intended. I dunno, population control?

I'm not trying to be funny, but in conclusion, helping foreigners makes almost no difference and we should be more concerned about preserving our society.

payce :)
  #84 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
- En Motion -
Join Date: Jan 2004
dj_skratch_1 is an unknown quantity at this point
Multi-culturalism is an awesome thing. Unfortuneately people who feel like it is there god given right to own a particular area of the land (which is not theirs to begin with) and to defend it, protect it, or whatever you want to call it at all costs because they have either A.)Nothing better to do or B.)They have nothing to loose, makes them dangerous. It is sad to see that it is occuring more and more in vancouver. It usually is the 2nd generation immigrants that are doing this, (from the knowledge which I have gathered) thus it becomes more difficult to prevent these situations. Therefore, I propose that a 3 strike rule be implemented to any FAMILY which has been here for 10 years or less. If after the 3rd strike has been violated, an immidiate deportation will be issued. I think that might be a viable option to avoid any displeasures over this topic.
  #85 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2003
Goat has a spectacular aura aboutGoat has a spectacular aura about
Lets focus on white people and a few things they've done in the last 2 centuries
1. Lets go back to the crusades. MILLIONS dead. Rape, Pillaging, Murder, Famine, continue. It wasn't just one crusade either.
2. Moving ahead a little further: Civil war in England. England vs Scotland. Ireland. - Catholic VS Protestant - Patricide, son vs father and vice versa, family against family. All because a lack of tolerance.
3. Again, moving ahead. Europe starts to over populate, new land is found.(Australia) Murderers, Convicts, Rapists, people persecuted for their spiritual and political faith are DEPORTED to a far off land. Who the fuck deports their OWN people?!. Contagion and Genocide spread through Australia, tens upon thousands of natives are killed.
4.Germany and Britain expand, colonialism is a hot word. Colonies in Africa . MILLIONS are killed in africa as South Africa is bought and paid for, by the Africans, in blood. Apartheid takes affect. Segregation, discrimination, rape, theft, genocide - all take place on horrendous scales. A minority white population runs the country, blacks are denied the vote. Being black is a crime.
5. More new land (North America) - We don't just trade with the Natives here. We deliberately spread small pox and disease among them, exterminating over 1/2 the population. We take advantage of their lack of technology, steal their land, resources, women. The Indian Wars break out. Fuckloads, again, are killed.
6. America and Canada are formed. Some people, whites included, believe all men should be treated equal, that slavery should be abolished. Civil war breaks out (must have been a big deal hey?).
7. A world war breaks out, you should know this one. MILLIONS DIE.
8. Britain excomunicates South Africa, due to racial/political issues. A minority white government attempts to run the country. Much civil unrest.
9. World war 2. - Americans Nuke Foreigners, Ends war.
10. A new evil arises for Britain/North America - Communism - We impose ourselves in foreign countries, fight a Korean war, a Vietnamese war, there's a cuban missle crisis..
11. East germany VS west germany - thousands are killed trying to cross the Berlin Wall. It's landmined, people are machine gunned.
12.Russia imposes communism in surrounding countries, afghanistan, and Africa - hundreds upon thousands are killed.
13.. It's not just Communism now, but any country with oil that isn't democratic. There's a Gulf war. Iraq gets fucked up, Iran, Bosnia etc
14. USA - CIA overthrows government of Nicuraga - Tens upon thousands dead.
15. USA - Attacks middle east again....

And that's just a few. I, for one, can see why some cultures hold the west in disgust.
Every culture has commited atrocities. Whites, if not more so, then no less then any other race.

You try to blame foreigners for societies problems. White people have killed millions, if not billions of people in the last 200 years alone in acts of war, greed, fear, discrimination, and hatred. Isolating our country from foreigners won't change anything, we'll only be reliving mistakes of the past. Instead, lets stop trying to place the blame on someone and work together for a change. Let's focus positively, on the individual and in the masses. L'ets break down fear and hatred, the feelings that arise when the unknown is upon us. You could learn a little. We could all learn a little. Lets make sure today, the generations of tomorrow wont have to face the uncomfortable issues we face now.

Last edited by Goat; Oct 06, 04 at 12:11 PM.
  #86 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
bake him away toys!
Join Date: Jan 2001
wundergirl is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by thumper
Just look at how there's not a single black african country that has lasted for more than a few decades. There have been countless efforts by missionaries, Amnesty international, UN, etc. and no matter what, these countries degenerate into genocidal orgies every few decades. Whether it be Haiti, Zimbabwe, South Africa or Harlem, these people have been trying to kill eachother the moment they could pick up blunt objects. Obviously this is something nature intended. I dunno, population control?

your'e a pig and a racist.
this conversation is over.
  #87 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
aCID Deity
Join Date: Aug 2004
aCiDPt is an unknown quantity at this point
by the same logic me think we should start deportin the hopelessly ignorant & stupid out of our fair land.......
actually puttin aside ethnicity as itz been demonstrated w/ enough regularity the existence of the idiots & aholes in very ethnic background.... do we think "multi-culturalism" as opposed 2 "canadianism"over the long term is sustainable & desirable??
  #88 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Join Date: Mar 2004
thumper is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Atlantis77
it happened to a friend of a friend of yours right??

Why dont you stop for a second and pull your head out of your ass. You talk so much about minorities raping, killing, bombing etc etc . . . but somehow you conviniently forget to mention the kkk and other white powered extremists.

I honnestly fail to comprehend the point of your posts. Are you scared for your health?? Or are you scared of loosing your "culture" and "religion"?? If you are concerned about being shot or being raped you better watch your back regardless. You are exactly the type of person who will push a kid of another culture over the edge to kick the living shit out of you.

If you are concerned about loosing your religion or your culture, you should once again pull your head out of your ass. Ive never seen a muslim/ chinese/ jew push their culture or their religion onto someone else. This aint no promotion company!! All these cultures practice their own religion and cultures. If you ever seen banners for a cultural event, it isnt to force you to give up your own. It is simply for educational purposes. Maybe you would learn something, I for one love learning about other cultures.

No matter what the stats say, minorities will always concider themesleves minority!! Mostly becuase of people like you. The only thing they can ask for is to be treated equally as canadian cityzens and not judged by their culture and background. We deale with it as it is, from COPS and the fuking boarder patrole. No one wants to heare it from some idiot, on a web forum.

You keep running your mouth about the stats you have provided us, but they are all minor examples of a repeathing situation. Its funny that you only have the courage to speack of such ideas over the net, over an account that has JUST opened. How convinient. LOL . I would love to see you explain your ideas and your logic in public. So please, for your own good, keep your mouth shut. Ever seen the last scene in the american history X? As sad as that may be, you seem to fit the profile!
I've had this account for ages. And I debate with the liberal crowd at school all the time. And for a matter of fact, yes I worry about being a minority in my own country. Hell, even if I wanted to go back to the UK, many parts of London look like Bengladesh. And the truth is, the majority will always set the tone for society. If it's white european, you get things like a christian-judeo culture that is usually libertarian, democratic, and peaceful. Think about this, Vancouver is already 30 percent Chinese and this massive immigration happened in the last 10 or so years, and shows no signs of abating. That's only one 'minority' ethnic group, so I should think whites have a precarious majority, or not at all. If these trends continue, we'll have a different society, and even as a 'minority' I don't think you want that. Just look at how South Africa is giving people all kinds of incentives to stop the 'white flight.'

Do remember what Richmond used to be? lol

And I've already given you the example the Muslim Party of Britain


So there goes your theory about minorities not trying to change society. And how can you say all those statistics don't matter? Are they inherently 'racist' simply because they reflect badly on diversity? C'mon, some objectivity here.

But here's the kicker: why is it essential that you have to live in a white dominated society? What's wrong with having a society of your own? And you do realize that the more minorities come, the less white it is, and ironically, that'll be bad for you because it might resemble home, am I right?

I just think we need to re-evalute things like the whole viability of multi-cultural societies and see if this thing can be sustained at all. I say it doesn't work.

  #89 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2003
Goat has a spectacular aura aboutGoat has a spectacular aura about
Thumper: You've obviously focused alot of engergy into your train of thought. Imagine what you could accomplish if you focused all that energry into something that would help your local elementary, highschool, or community center.

It's easy to come out on a message board, cry "****** lover", spout ideas, and soak up the responses. It takes balls to go out and volunteer and help those in need.

We're not all of a sudden going to kick out millions of Canadians because they're not white or don't think like us. Why not put your mind to something that can be, instead of dealing with 'what ifs '?

Last edited by Goat; Oct 06, 04 at 12:22 PM.
  #90 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
eff eff
Join Date: Apr 2003
-ff- is an unknown quantity at this point
Um, why has

1) this thread not been locked
2) this user not been banned?

This is straight up skinhead 'intellectualism'. Racism dressed up like fancy academic discourse, but built on hate and fear instead of facts.

Moderators, end it now!
  #91 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Join Date: Mar 2004
thumper is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Goat
Lets focus on white people and a few things they've done in the last 2 centuries
1. Lets go back to the crusades. MILLIONS dead. Rape, Pillaging, Murder, Famine, continue. It wasn't just one crusade either.
2. Moving ahead a little further: Civil war in England. England vs Scotland. Ireland. - Catholic VS Protestant - Patricide, son vs father and vice versa, family against family. All because a lack of tolerance.
3. Again, moving ahead. Europe starts to over populate, new land is found.(Australia) Murderers, Convicts, Rapists, people persecuted for their spiritual and political faith are DEPORTED to a far off land. Who the fuck deports their OWN people?!. Contagion and Genocide spread through Australia, tens upon thousands of natives are killed.
4.Germany and Britain expand, colonialism is a hot word. Colonies in Africa . MILLIONS are killed in africa as South Africa is bought and paid for, by the Africans, in blood. Apartheid takes affect. Segregation, discrimination, rape, theft, genocide - all take place on horrendous scales. A minority white population runs the country, blacks are denied the vote. Being black is a crime.
5. More new land (North America) - We don't just trade with the Natives here. We deliberately spread small pox and disease among them, exterminating over 1/2 the population. We take advantage of their lack of technology, steal their land, resources, women. The Indian Wars break out. Fuckloads, again, are killed.
6. America and Canada are formed. Some people, whites included, believe all men should be treated equal, that slavery should be abolished. Civil war breaks out (must have been a big deal hey?).
7. A world war breaks out, you should know this one. MILLIONS DIE.
8. Britain excomunicates South Africa, due to racial/political issues. A minority white government attempts to run the country. Much civil unrest.
9. World war 2. - Americans Nuke Foreigners, Ends war.
10. A new evil arises for Britain/North America - Communism - We impose ourselves in foreign countries, fight a Korean war, a Vietnamese war, there's a cuban missle crisis..
11. East germany VS west germany - thousands are killed trying to cross the Berlin Wall. It's landmined, people are machine gunned.
12.Russia imposes communism in surrounding countries, afghanistan, and Africa - hundreds upon thousands are killed.
13.. It's not just Communism now, but any country with oil that isn't democratic. There's a Gulf war. Iraq gets fucked up, Iran, Bosnia etc
14. USA - CIA overthrows government of Nicuraga - Tens upon thousands dead.
15. USA - Attacks middle east again....

And that's just a few. I, for one, can see why some cultures hold the west in disgust.
Every culture has commited atrocities. Whites, if not more so, then no less then any other race.

You try to blame foreigners for societies problems. White people have killed millions, if not billions of people in the last 200 years alone in acts of war, greed, fear, discrimination, and hatred. Isolating our country from foreigners won't change anything, we'll only be reliving mistakes of the past. Instead, lets stop trying to place the blame on someone and work together for a change. Let's focus positively, on the individual and in the masses. L'ets break down fear and hatred, the feelings that arise when the unknown is upon us. You could learn a little. We could all learn a little. Lets make sure today, the generations of tomorrow wont have to face the uncomfortable issues we face now.
And watch the shit fly when social misery meets ethnic and racial diversity. I keep bring up Yugoslavia but it seems like no one's heard of the place?
  #92 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
eff eff
Join Date: Apr 2003
-ff- is an unknown quantity at this point
Yeah, and look at the horrors perpetrated in the name of ethnically homogenous society: Eg, nazi germany.

Listen dumbass, there is NO SUCH THING as an ethnically homogenous society. Its impossible. There are a million kinds of people, and technology allows them to move quickly and freely around the world. Your idea of this 'white heaven' never did exist, and never will. Even in ancient britain it was english/scottish/welsh/irish/ect.

Take your reactionary ass elsewhere, thanks.
  #93 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Join Date: Mar 2004
thumper is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by -ff-
Um, why has

1) this thread not been locked
2) this user not been banned?

This is straight up skinhead 'intellectualism'. Racism dressed up like fancy academic discourse, but built on hate and fear instead of facts.

Moderators, end it now!
Ah, what an age we live in. You really gotta tell me where you bought those rose colored lenses, because I really haven't reached the heights of your political correctness.

Let's get his straight: We are no longer allowed to have a rational debate about the inherent differences that exist among the races/ethnic groups as evidenced by simple physiology and the history of the world and the highly interesting book IQ and the Wealth of Nations. Further, it's even worse to talk about the possible consequences of a 'diverse' society because it's 'racist.' This is what 'tolerance' has afforded as. Simply a bunch of no-go topics because they don't stand up to scrutiny and because they contain explosive truth.

Wow. What will be the thought crime tomorrow?
  #94 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Gravity Slave
Join Date: Apr 2001
MC Hammered has a spectacular aura aboutMC Hammered has a spectacular aura about
Mods and admins do need to go eat ya know!

So anyone care to summerize what I missed?
  #95 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Join Date: Mar 2004
thumper is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by -ff-
Yeah, and look at the horrors perpetrated in the name of ethnically homogenous society: Eg, nazi germany.

Listen dumbass, there is NO SUCH THING as an ethnically homogenous society. Its impossible. There are a million kinds of people, and technology allows them to move quickly and freely around the world. Your idea of this 'white heaven' never did exist, and never will. Even in ancient britain it was english/scottish/welsh/irish/ect.

Take your reactionary ass elsewhere, thanks.
Sure there is. And even if that's not the case presently, is it wise to make it ever more volatile by bringing in more foreigners? Oldham, England was pretty homogenous, but then they decided to spice things up and.. oh what's this? A race riot between foreigners and whites:


And to follow up on the situation, a Berlin-type wall has been built to keep the inhabitants safe.

I'm sure the people of Oldham had no quarrel with the Pakis before this. Now? Well it's very different now. Ethnic diversity is the cause for racism and its violence.

Don't say I didn't warn ya

Last edited by thumper; Oct 06, 04 at 12:35 PM.
  #96 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2003
Goat has a spectacular aura aboutGoat has a spectacular aura about
Just look at how South Africa is giving people all kinds of incentives to stop the 'white flight.'
South Africa was founded through British colonialism paid for by the lives of countless africans. It's a minority white government, denying masses the vote, treating them as 2nd class citizens. Those people are pissed and rioting, people are getting killed. That's why white people are leaving Africa.
Africans are fighting the same thing you are here, the irony.

Last edited by Goat; Oct 06, 04 at 12:39 PM.
  #97 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
eff eff
Join Date: Apr 2003
-ff- is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by thumper
Ah, what an age we live in. You really gotta tell me where you bought those rose colored lenses, because I really haven't reached the heights of your political correctness.

Let's get his straight: We are no longer allowed to have a rational debate about the inherent differences that exist among the races/ethnic groups as evidenced by simple physiology and the history of the world and the highly interesting book IQ and the Wealth of Nations. Further, it's even worse to talk about the possible consequences of a 'diverse' society because it's 'racist.' This is what 'tolerance' has afforded as. Simply a bunch of no-go topics because they don't stand up to scrutiny and because they contain explosive truth.

Wow. What will be the thought crime tomorrow?
No, the reason we are not allowed is because there is a policy on this board, which, you might not realize is not public space but a private environment with its own rules, against racist and derogatory posts.

Go stand on a soapbox downtown and let everyone know what you think. You have a right to do that. You'll find out pretty quickly you are in the minority though, and you might even, if you are lucky, get your ass kicked. Here's hoping you do!
  #98 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
eff eff
Join Date: Apr 2003
-ff- is an unknown quantity at this point
I will direct you here, my little hitler youth:
  #99 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Join Date: Mar 2004
thumper is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by -ff-
No, the reason we are not allowed is because there is a policy on this board, which, you might not realize is not public space but a private environment with its own rules, against racist and derogatory posts.

Go stand on a soapbox downtown and let everyone know what you think. You have a right to do that. You'll find out pretty quickly you are in the minority though, and you might even, if you are lucky, get your ass kicked. Here's hoping you do!
Well that's gotta change. If we have to pussyfoot like this and can't talk candidly about issues then it's a total shame. I mean what if paedophiles become the next sacred minority and we can't talk about that shit because they just acquired an 'ism' and it becomes untouchable.

Know what i'm saying?


edit: shiiiiiiit. next it becomes racist to call a black man black i should think?

Last edited by thumper; Oct 06, 04 at 12:43 PM.
  #100 (permalink)  
Old Oct 06, 04
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2003
Goat has a spectacular aura aboutGoat has a spectacular aura about
^you're changing the subject at hand.
i want a response to my posts, please.
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