well, i get evicted from this building ok, its a TOTALLY crack head building, if you knew me you would know the building... but yah its in chillicrack too, anyways me and my buddy ryan are getting evicted and she totally lied on the eviction notice, told us that there was a cop at our door (she has a witness aparantly) talking to my roomate at 5AM on tuesday november 30th, well i work at 8am, so how did that happenf or one, and the cop said to ryan "maybe you guys should call an ambulance", now dont get me wrong, but can you lie on a legal document like an eviction notice? (we phoned the cops, no reports or anything)NO, we get blamed for everything when we have meth heads coming to our doors asking us for pop cans, we live in a fucking apartment, i was chillin downstairs once by the lobby and i knew this crack head, he pulled a dime bag of rocks out with his pipe and smoked crack man it was wierd, hes like want some? im like uh no, im tired i got to go, then hes like want speed? no.... lol but yah, anyways last night outside my windows theres a big fight, this girls like heroined out and shes like, stealing this guys shit, he comes out and hes like your stealing my shit! then shes like no there my jeans (she had like 2 buckets full of shit, those big plastic ones) and hes like "36 inch waist? i dont think so!" then the cops came and was helping this cracked out women out, and then like her dealer came and they put all the shit in the car, hes like theres no needles in these garbage bags right, shes like i cant guarantee that, right in front of the cop! fucking pigs always bustin grow ops and shit, what about the crack dens? fucking as much as a hard job a cop can be, if your not going to bust to addicts, give us a break.