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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
Join Date: Jan 2005
COMATOS3 is an unknown quantity at this point
Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Armani etc.....??

ok you see the real briefcases, wallets, purses whatever
what is it that made this things so fucking expensive?
the quality of the stuff isnt that great.
im guessing your paying for the name.
what are ur thoughts on all that stuff?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
like a kick in your side
Join Date: Feb 2004
sidekick will become famous soon enough
it's dumb.

if you have too much money, spend it on your friends and family.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
feelsssss love
Join Date: Jul 2001
Liqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the rough
its def. the name....

but lv has been around forever...

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
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LeeBrat is on a distinguished road
it is obvoiusly the name you are paying for, but the quality isnt that bad, clearly better than depertment store quality.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
Join Date: Jun 2004
IntakE is an unknown quantity at this point
Louis Vuitton has been around for a long time
but it's so hawt
if I had the money
I'd buy the $3,000 purse
it's all the name your paying for
but I'd pay for it
I <3 Louis Vuitton:)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
ToTaLLy AdDiCtEd To BaSs
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Jeaninah is an unknown quantity at this point
either paying for the name or paying for the image. however you want to view it.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
I *Heart* Sarcasm
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I will never understand what people have w/ these bags.

I really don't get it. Why so much for a name?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
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LeeBrat is on a distinguished road
yeah...its deff a status symbol to have clothes or accesories from brand names such as these
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
feelsssss love
Join Date: Jul 2001
Liqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by IntakE
Louis Vuitton has been around for a long time
but it's so hawt
if I had the money
I'd buy the $3,000 purse
it's all the name your paying for
but I'd pay for it
I <3 Louis Vuitton:)

i want this 4000 dollah prada breif case bag i saw in holt renfrew....its soo nice...

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
I <3 House
Join Date: Jan 2002
Ree Fresh is an unknown quantity at this point
I think theres alot fo take into concideration that you dont realize until you compare.

Deisgn: ovten the original "design" of bags, cloths etc come from these designers working hard to create somthing. Then the cheeper designers copy and ulter it abit. Also look at alot of the minnor details such as prints or difficult stiching as this require more labor effort and skill.

Quality: my mom tought me to feel the fabric of clothing. You start too see and learn what lasts longer, what feels better etc.
Also wear is it made? If its made in a 3rd world country it drops the price dramaticly compared to Italy/France/US due to wages. And dont forget your paying even more if its imported.

Material: They have to buy the marterial to begin with... so depending on wear the company buys it or what kind of fabric it is or made will have somthing to do with the price. Example maybe LV gets its leather from endagered buffalo?

How its handled: Ive been in some stores were their merchendice is miss treated, not kept tidy, not dusted, left on the ground etc... it costs more to keep the merchendice properly/better kept. And of corse more expecive stuff is kept better with more attention.

Display/Adverticed: It costs alot more to have a big fancie store with lots of helpful staff and advertising. Who do you think pays for it? Im sure the big sotres also put alot more effort into this that requres more labor cost that you pay for.

The name: Ive come accross many articles that are made shitty... however with that "logo" printed... you will be paying for its reputation.

Suckers: Some people with alot of money really dont care how much they spend and will fall easly into a sales persons advice. Therefore alot of sales reps know they can charge that much as ppl will pay that much with out arguing or even thinking. Some ppl are so wound up in their insecurity that they let the billboards and moive stars tell them what to wear.


Last edited by Ree Fresh; Jan 07, 05 at 05:55 PM.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
Join Date: Jun 2004
IntakE is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Liqwid

i want this 4000 dollah prada breif case bag i saw in holt renfrew....its soo nice...

great minds think alike:)
I was in hot renfrew
and I almost died
in the louis vuitton area
so pretty
so pricey
but so worth it lol
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
feelsssss love
Join Date: Jul 2001
Liqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by IntakE
great minds think alike:)
I was in hot renfrew
and I almost died
in the louis vuitton area
so pretty
so pricey
but so worth it lol
yeah the tiffany store too!!

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
Join Date: Jan 2005
COMATOS3 is an unknown quantity at this point
yeah like i have a LV Damier Canvas Wallet which my buddies mom bought in France, and she got it at a pretty fair price. But even i think that going to u know sears or something and buying a wallet for 30 bucks or something is alot more worth it.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
Join Date: Dec 2004
lou_belle is an unknown quantity at this point
When your purse says PRADA....

You are actually saying, I deserve the BEST service life has to offer. It is not a one time gift it just keeps giving. People look at you differently. It's like every time you pull your purse out, its a flash dance before your eyes.

Hmmm.....Obviously no one can really afford to wear everything name brand. What do you think THE most important item is to bust out the bills for???

Mine is sunglasses....you can hide being broke behind them :P

P-R-A-D-A? yeah baby.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
mapleleaf4ever's Avatar
sweet sensi crew
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mapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the rough
Since when has a piece of Fabric been a status symbol? If I want a status symbol it'll be a Learjet. NOW THAT'S FUCKING STATUS!
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
Join Date: Dec 2004
ginger.ninja is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by IntakE
great minds think alike:)
I was in hot renfrew
and I almost died
in the louis vuitton area
so pretty
so pricey
but so worth it lol
so worth it? what a strange sense of worth.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
Join Date: Dec 2004
lou_belle is an unknown quantity at this point
Handbags, sunglasses, and shoes, if you buy them for cheap, they look cheap. If you look cheap, you feel cheap. If you feel cheap?? Gosh! I guess you don't even know until you try it!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
[RooЯ]pure glass
Join Date: Oct 2002
Hot Karl is an unknown quantity at this point
if you can afford it, i mean really afford it, then you don't care. you think someone worth millions of dollars gives a fuck about that stupid bag that's worth more than everything you own?

but this shit isn't for rich people. it's for pathetic people to pine over, things they will never be able to afford. but maybe they will break the bank for that one piece of overpriced (whatever) they bought. then have no money to put into that LV bag.

rich people don't give a fuck. they don't. LV bag? who cares, buy a new one if that thing hits the ground. only poor people care. you get impressed by what someone's wearing? or what their ID is in?

yea that's fuckin pathetic.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
eff eff
Join Date: Apr 2003
-ff- is an unknown quantity at this point
One word for people who buy that shit: suckers.

But our whole society is built on getting suckers to want want want that kind of useless crap. Dream all you like about your gucci bag, but it wont bring you any joy.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
where's the beach
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mugsy is on a distinguished road
the only thing i own that is brand name and overly expensive was a gift i received from my boyfriend. a wonderous pair of black leather stilleto boots from holt renfrew. i love them, its something that i have always wanted, but will most likely never be able to actually afford.
and personally, i find them to be of much better quality then all my other shoes i get from payless or the shoe company.
i love my boots, they love me.
however, when in holt renfrew, i was treated like shit by one guy, some rich broad kept pushing in front of me, and i have never seen money spent in a more carefree way then in there. some lady baught three pairs of hte same shoe because she couldnt decide the color....
again though, i love my boots.
i am a material girl, in a material world in some ways. but i do make my own clothes, and remake my old ones. everything that i have remade is much more sturdy than most things that i have baught.

what am i getting to? i find better quality in my most expensive thing in my closet, but i dont truely yearn over more.

ps. i loooooooooove my boots.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
Join Date: Jan 2001
cerah is an unknown quantity at this point
I think it's retarded... I'd never blow that much money on a purse, glasses, luggage, clothing... anything! When I was in NYC I went into Saks just for the hell of it. I picked up a very basic black leather purse... nothing fancy at all about it. The tag read $3000... I laughed my fucking ass off right there and got some bitch glares from the tards working there.

I'll pay for quality but not for a stupid name. There's more important things in life then "social status" and "image". Things like an education and living a good meaningful giving life. If you have $3000-4000 to blow on a piece of dead cow why don't you donate some of that money to the less fortunate?

P.S. ~ Those white with pastel colour letter LV purses are FUCKING UGLY!! Why can't you people see this?
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
--&amp;gt;Tightcore Trucker&amp;lt;--
Join Date: Jan 2001
Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
I think ALL that stuff is rather ugly.

I dont see how ppl coudl even call that stuff 'cute'.

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
Join Date: Jun 2001
krisamata is an unknown quantity at this point
there is some designer stuff that just looks GOOD! it looks better, fits better, may be a better quality

but i still dont think a purse is worth 3grand.
i'd be afraid to take something like that out in public

most people engagement/wedding rings arent that expensive...and thats much more treasured than something you can fit your maxed out credit cards in

i buy what i like, what fits, and what looks good on me. there are certain brands i prefer such as dish, orb, and flosport...but still those are cheap enough...but not cheap looking
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
I <3 House
Join Date: Jan 2002
Ree Fresh is an unknown quantity at this point
Whats really funny is when you see the sale prices! Thats when you really find out the true cost of things. Thats probly why I can be so stingy with alot of clothing as Ive seen the real cost and know theres at least a 50% profit!
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 05
rip zilla.
Join Date: Apr 2003
ash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really nice
the people who have the money to spend on these things aren't harming you. so why do you care how they "blow" their money?

i know i spend alot of money on clothes, shoes, purses etc. but i work hard for my money and if i couldnt afford it...i wouldnt buy it. and i don't really give a damn if someone thinks im wasting my money.

it comes down to personal opinions. one person may like to spend $400 on a bag, someone else might want 10 bags for $40 each.

its no different than buying a higher quality or bigger tv. or a more expensive car. it's whatever makes you happy.
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