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View Poll Results: Do you like the logo or not?
Yes 15 24.19%
No 47 75.81%
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  #51 (permalink)  
Old Apr 24, 05
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^ What gets me is that the Inukshuk isn't even representative of the Area that the Olympics are in! NWT/Nunavut are a long way away from B.C.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old Apr 24, 05
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old Apr 24, 05
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Originally Posted by ebbomega
JUST A FUCKING LOGO. I'd rather represent ourselves to the world through levelheaded foreign and domestic policies than some fucking logo.
Now you're dragging the debate into something it has nothing to do with ... GRASPING AT STRAWS
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old Apr 24, 05
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PHOTONIC is an unknown quantity at this point
Ya i wrote em a letter to complain about their logo.
So how many of you guys have actually been to the Canadian Arctic? I sure the fuck havn't....

Anyways. I fixed the logo. Now its Canadian
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old Apr 24, 05
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^ lol I been up to that thar frozen North. :p
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old Apr 24, 05
like a kick in your side
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personally, i like the logo, and here is why:

i'm not going to read the entire thread, so if i'm repeating something, then sorry. but since only one person voted that they liked the logo, i doubt anyone has said this before.

all you people that are complaining that it is just representing the 'native' part of Canada: i don't get it. sure, we can compare that to the rock sculptures that inuit people do and the huge one that is on english bay...but i think we can even look further into this logo.

i always thought the different colours of the olympic rings represented different nations and different ethnicities and such. i think building ONE man out of all these different pieces is a metaphor for multiculturalism, and THAT is something that all of Canada takes pride in. the drawing is of a man built together with all the colours of the olympic symbol, representing all the nations coming together as one.

yes, it has an Inuit or Aboriginal spin on it, but that is a huge part of BC. i think the logo represents Canada, and Vancouver especially as a place where many different nationalities and ethnicities live together and work as one.

/two cents.
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old Apr 24, 05
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To tell you the truth, with what the symbol means I think that it is kind of a suiting image for the games. So I don't really mind it...

- ë
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old Apr 24, 05
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PHOTONIC is an unknown quantity at this point
I don't care whether its native or not. That doesn't bother me. Its still just rather ugly; symbolism and meaning aside. I dont find it visually appealing. If they felt inclined that they'd have to you something first nations for the logo, they couldv'e just used something Haidi, because lots of Haidi designs are nice and intricate, not just a bunch oh roundish shape things.

Last edited by PHOTONIC; Apr 24, 05 at 09:32 PM.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old Apr 24, 05
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I don't like that logo all that much. I think that the "v" should be capitalized. I hope they still change it by that time.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old Apr 24, 05
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^capitalization is over-rated.
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  #61 (permalink)  
Old Apr 24, 05
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i don't think that having a symbol that represents first nations is a bad idea. Canada itself doesn't really have an identity imo, because we are so multicultural. Are multiculturalism and first nations culture makes Canada special. It's like maybe the Japanese and the Samurai or Norway and the vikings. damn, i don't know how to explain what i want to say properly
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old Apr 24, 05
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Originally Posted by Jen-E-03
Canada itself doesn't really have an identity imo
I'm certain the people who died in WWI appreciate this sentiment.
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old Apr 24, 05
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i didn't mean to make it sound bad...i just meant canada is known for our our first nations and multiculturalism, just like we associate samurai with japan etc.
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old Apr 24, 05
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Originally Posted by Jen-E-03
i didn't mean to make it sound bad...i just meant canada is known for our our first nations and multiculturalism, just like we associate samurai with japan etc.
Its kinda sad that canada is so well known for our amazing first nations who, not to be a biggot or something, for the most part sit on their reserves living off of government handouts and other benefits while they bitch about anything possible and sniff gas. In most instances of history, when people take over a large area of land, they kill everyone, not give them large amounts of land and shitloads of freebies. First Nations on reserves arnt even taken into account in the unemployment rate, probably cuz they'd raise the rate through the roof.
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 05
like a kick in your side
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Originally Posted by PHOTONIC
Its kinda sad that canada is so well known for our amazing first nations who, not to be a biggot or something, for the most part sit on their reserves living off of government handouts and other benefits while they bitch about anything possible and sniff gas. In most instances of history, when people take over a large area of land, they kill everyone, not give them large amounts of land and shitloads of freebies. First Nations on reserves arnt even taken into account in the unemployment rate, probably cuz they'd raise the rate through the roof.
**warning: sidetrack (but an important one)**

have you ever stopped to think that maybe there is a larger reason that Aboriginal people are not doing as well as the majority in Canadian society? do you really believe that there is some sort of inherent flaw in the Aboriginal people that means they are predisposed to sit around and receive social assistance and be unemployed and participate in criminal activitiy?

i think that this should be a large enough clue to us, that there is something else at work here. that there is NOT something simply wrong with the Aboriginal people, but something wrong with the rest of Canadian society and how they treat and have treated the Aboriginal people in the past.

you cannot just take the present situation and circumstances of the Aboriginal people and frame it simply at its present state; you have to look back at their treatment over many years to see what has produced this. there are causes and effects, even in human society.

we have done terrrrrrible things to Aboriginal people. just for an example, there was something in Canada called the Sexual Sterilization Act of 1928 that condoned the sterilization of mostly poor Aboriginal women because they were trying to control the population of Aboriginal people through the theory of Eugenics (which is the belief of inherent traits in races that can be bred out through selective breeding of humans).

sure, this happened some time ago and society has moved forward a lot in their treatment of Aboriginal people, but don't you think this might have had an effect on the thoughts and feelings of these people?

and what about residential schools. Aboriginal children ripped out of their homes and being taught in school's run by churches, which are trying to assimilate Aboriginal people into mainstream society. they banned the use of Aboriginal language and basically tried to kill the culture and tradition of these people so they would no longer exist as a 'problem' that the Canadian Government had to deal with.

this must have had a HUGE effect on Aboriginals, and still does. first of all, the Aboriginals taught in these residential schools quickly fell out of touch with their native culture, so they weren't fully accepted back into their native communities after their schooling; but, they weren't accepted in the rest of Canadian society either, because of the large ammounts of racism that surrounded the Aboriginal people. so where are they going to go? how are they going to get jobs? they've grown up mostly without families, so who is going to teach them how to be good parents? the teachers at the residential schools who punished them for using their own language? i don't think so.

Aboriginals have been continually stripped of their power in the past. their power to live where they want too, their power to educate their own children, their power to practice their own culture...once you take into account the many ways that the Canadian Government has made sure that Aboriginals have not had much power, it makes their current situation make sense. this is a nation of people that the Canadian Government tried to wipe out through assimilation and cultural genocide. you strip a group of people of all their power to make decisions and run their own lives, and of course they are not going to be as well off as everyone else when they finally regain some of that power.

it has been only within the last few years that the government has started to realize that if they want to help Aboriginal people, they can't keep throwing money at the problem and hope it goes away, they have to give the POWER back to the Aboriginal people and have them able to help decide their own fate once again.

i could go on, but i don't want to make this post novel length. i hope that you think about the causes of the current state of Aboriginal people in our society before you spout of stereotypes and beliefs that Aboriginal people are lazy in nature.

**i now return you to your regularely scheduled FNKing**
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 05
not colbert
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it's pretty disheartening to learn just how some of you think of first nations people. for all the fairness, righteousness and human rights we preach to other nations, we sure don't practice much of it ourselves.
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 05
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Originally Posted by mapleleaf4ever
I was gonna say, it'll be a long hard search to find an Inukshuk ANYWHERE in B.C. as they are not an artifact of Natives from this part of Canada. Try North of 60 folks... on a related side-note they do look pretty cool as I've seen them by Tuktoyaktuk. :)
There's one in English Bay.

In fact, I just saw a snippet of an interview with the creator of the logo, and he says the Inukshuk at English Bay was the inspiration.

I think the logo's not that bad. It looks just rather clunky. If it was more stylized, it would definitely be much better. It's just boring, just standing there, looking dull.

Personally, I like the totem pole idea. Not because it represents Natives or multiculturalism, but becuase it represents Vancouver. When someone says totem pole, I immediately think of the ones at Stanley Park.
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 05
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Wow jake, you sure know your history. Well you do know more than me apparently when it comes to Canada's history. I just know that in the news natives are always complaining about something, and they always seem to have some excuse not to work. If I owned my own company and a first nations applied, I'd hire them. I don't think that many Canadians have huge problems with them. Lots of teens finish school, work at mcdonalds or whatever, save up and go to college or uni. Is there anything stopping first nations from doing that? Oh well, getting way off topic here.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 05
Get down, I do!
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^See that's the biggest problem... they are more than capable of doing it and a lot of them choose not to. You can't blame the immense alcohol abuse problem on us either.

Opportunities are thrown at first nations left, right, and centre. If I was offered a completely free university education I sure as hell would take it. You know, I agree that what our ancestors did to the first nations people was a disgrace but that time has long since passed and there are many concessions made in it's wake to try and help the aboriginal people succeed. It is well past the time for first nations people to quit screaming oppression and do something for themselves.

Now before someone goes and gets all self righteous on me playing the race card again I am a metis myself.... I have a small amount of first nations in me and I could take advantage of all sorts of the freebies offered by our gov't. Thing is, I kind of like doing things on my own, I take pride in it and I don't expect anything to be given for nothing.

When is enough going to be enough or is our gov't just going to have to continue supporting first nations for the rest of the life of our glorious country? Thinking that my grandkid's kids are going to have to support some first nations guy who doesn't feel like leaving the reserve to do something with himself is pretty disheartening.
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 05
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I think it's pretty cool. The logo is meant to represent Canada as a whole, not just BC. Olympic games are awarded to a city in a nation, not a city in a province. I think it's especially fitting as it comes from a culture that is indigenous to Canada and can't be found elsewhere in the world. Could be far worse.
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  #71 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 05
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PHUNK is an unknown quantity at this point
its a stupid logo.

it represents whats, like 5% of the people in canada and maybe 1% of the people in bc??? wtf is that. makes no sense.
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 05
like a kick in your side
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Originally Posted by Cdn_Brdr
It is well past the time for first nations people to quit screaming oppression and do something for themselves.
**sorry again for the semi-novel length post**

okay, i wasn't putting the entire blame upon Canadian society for everything that goes on with Aboriginal people. i was just saying that you have to put things in a historical and social perspective before you go around claiming that a group of people are just lazy and alcoholics.

you've probably heard about it, but there is something called a self-fulfilling prophecy. when you label someone, or a group of people, as something for a long period of time, eventually he/she/they might actually come to believe that it is true. however, there things like this work two ways. there are some people, such as yourself, who toss off the label and go out and prove everyone wrong. however, you have an advantage that most other Aboriginal people don't have. you don't LOOK aboriginal. unfortunately, there is still a lot of stigma surrounding Aboriginal people. we can see it a lot in this thread. people that say "i'm not a racist, but Aboriginal people are lazy and drunks, aren't they". it's this kind of subconscious, latent racism that is still affecting the Aboriginal people in society today. and pardon me for saying, but a negative stereotype is a negative stereotype regardless of whether you are a member of that group of people or not.

people may not be overtly discriminatory against the Aboriginal people, but prejudiced thoughts can be easily translated into someone who hires a white guy over an Aboriginal guy because of those thoughts and not because of who is better for the job. THIS is the kind of racism that is incredibly difficult to see and to detect, until you look at the bigger picture of things and you realize that aboriginal people make about 10,000 bucks less a year than Canadian born white males. keep in mind, this figure is only accounting for Aborginal people WITH jobs. so you can see that even when Aboriginal people get a job, they are still not nearly earning as much annually as the rest of our society. i don't know for sure, but i'll be damned if this has nothing to do with that negative stereotype floating around that Aboriginals are lazy and drunks.

you can also see this kind of racism in the criminal 'justice' system where Aboriginal people are completely over-represented compared to the ammount of Aboriginal people in society. there was one jail where the occupants were 75% Aboriginal females; that is an incredibly high number when you consider the actual percentage of aboriginal people living in canada. Aboriginals are more likely to be arrested, and more likely to be charged and jailed for crimes than white people.

you may say, well, that's because Aboriginals participate in more criminal activity. that's probably true. i wouldn't doubt that the poor economic situations on reserves drive some Aboriginal people to crime. however, it can't explain that gross over-representation. perhaps some of the cops share the thinking of many people in Canadian society that Aboriginals are criminal, lazy and drunks? maybe this means they are going to be tougher on Aboriginals and take any opportunity to arrest one? just look at all the racist problems that the Saskatchewan and Ontario police have had to deal with.

i'm also not surprised of the poor economy on reserves. if you were a group of people that didn't really know much about how to build a community and a strong economy and then the government gave you some money, how do you think you would do? the government needs to give more than money, they need to give Aborginal people the power to control their own situations and they need to help them use that power to create a stable economy.

and the government has only been doing that since the mid-1990's with considerations of Aboriginal self-government. The 1999 Nunavut agreement and the 2000 Nisga'a Treaty were not that long ago. it's great that the government is finally recognizing that to help Aboriginal people you have to give them back some of the self-governing power that they had stolen from them so long ago. but it's going to be a long process to rebuild Aboriginal life, and they're going to need a lot of help. why? because for the last many many years they've been pushed into the gutter, or stuck in reserves far away from society and forgotten about, and they're going to need a lot of help to gain everything back that they've lost.

**end chapter 2 of my novel**
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 05
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it look's half ass, like no one really cared to take the time to actually make it resemble BC, they just wanted go get it made and out there. Whatever what's done is done right.
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 05
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Originally Posted by wum
shoulda gone with a pot leaf
my thoughts exactly
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 05
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its a fucking joke IMO!
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