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View Poll Results: What should we do with the Karma System?
Keep it, if you don't like it, turn it off! 29 52.73%
Get rid of it, there's too many Gremlins 10 18.18%
I like it, but something has to be changed 10 18.18%
What's a karma system? 6 10.91%
Voters: 55. You may not vote on this poll

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 02
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Karma Poll

What should we do with it...?

Replies below, votes on top
  #2 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 02
bob bob is offline
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 02
blest w/ chest
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frogprincess is a jewel in the roughfrogprincess is a jewel in the roughfrogprincess is a jewel in the rough
what the pickle is a gremlin??

i love the karma system...

  #4 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 02
Extra Crispy Beats
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Karma is good...even when it's bad

tho it does allow people to take anonymous potshots at people...
  #5 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 02
-->Tightcore Trucker<--
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Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
if they dont like it turn it off, its just that simple.. but I also think that it should tell us who sends us the karma. whether its good or bad....

cuase I'm sick of seeing these lil'shits hiding behind it...
  #6 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 02
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sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
yeah we did go over this a few times, if you don't like it, don't use it... the karma system is back on. (remembering who paid for it)
  #7 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 02
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~lazee_grrl~ is an unknown quantity at this point
meh?..it doesn't really matter if its there or not..
here?..good...gone?..good..yupz~ :288:
  #8 (permalink)  
Old Feb 06, 02
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I think we should keep the karma system...I rather enjoyed being devil karma boy when I was KrAzYRiCeBoY!! *hehe* Lex2
  #9 (permalink)  
Old Feb 07, 02
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Originally posted by jovi_is_me
but I also think that it should tell us who sends us the karma. whether its good or bad....

cuase I'm sick of seeing these lil'shits hiding behind it...
W E R D ! !

fuckin' werd... that pisses me off.

it would be nice to see who gives you karma...
  #10 (permalink)  
Old Feb 07, 02
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Originally posted by PegasuS

W E R D ! !

fuckin' werd... that pisses me off.

it would be nice to see who gives you karma...
i like the karma system, cuz i like giving out good karma too people..happy happy :)

ive only got bad karma from two people and they both left their names...poor high-dee and frogprincess, misguided youth who idolize alice deejay :)

its cheeze i tell you, cheese :)

alice deejay isn't even a real person, its just a group of people who like to produce cheese together.

hahahha..im gonna move to holland and start a production company/cheese factory..nothing but the cheeziest cheeze for the masses...doot de doot doot!! ill make so much money :)
  #11 (permalink)  
Old Feb 07, 02
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wigglesworth is on a distinguished road
WTF? DJ Ricey??? When did that happen?

*shakes head knowing this day was inevitable*
  #12 (permalink)  
Old Feb 07, 02
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redrum is an unknown quantity at this point
:119: hahaha alice deejay :119:
  #13 (permalink)  
Old Feb 07, 02
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Dj_RiCeY is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by wigglesworth
WTF? DJ Ricey??? When did that happen?

*shakes head knowing this day was inevitable*
*buahahaha* :119:
  #14 (permalink)  
Old Feb 07, 02
-->Tightcore Trucker<--
Join Date: Jan 2001
Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
yeah, mike we should have the right to know who gives us are bad karma.!!!

'Dj_Ricey'... you do realize your just gonna be made fun of even more... do you like to prvoct(sp?) it?
  #15 (permalink)  
Old Feb 07, 02
i *DO NOT* think so!
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Originally posted by Crackfiend

ive only got bad karma from two people and they both left their names...poor high-dee and frogprincess, misguided youth who idolize alice deejay :)

its cheeze i tell you, cheese :)

alice deejay isn't even a real person, its just a group of people who like to produce cheese together.

hahahha..im gonna move to holland and start a production company/cheese factory..nothing but the cheeziest cheeze for the masses...doot de doot doot!! ill make so much money :)
Look here, crack head. Alice Deejay is the best trance vocalist, ok? I learned from her.

Expect more bad karma from me in the near future.

ok, BYE!
  #16 (permalink)  
Old Feb 07, 02
Bounce or be Bounced
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B-Funk is on a distinguished road
might as well leave it on because peopl who cant deal with it have the option of turning it off if they want
  #17 (permalink)  
Old Feb 07, 02
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inkster is an unknown quantity at this point

No one is going to turn it off.

As long as there is a chance that someone will give them a little green dot, they aren't going to turn it off.

And as long as they aren't going to turn it off, there will be people who will give them nasty remarks.

Either fix the system so that this doesn't happen, or scrap it.


ps, who really runs this site anyways?
  #18 (permalink)  
Old Feb 07, 02
Extra Crispy Beats
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oliver is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by inkster

No one is going to turn it off.

As long as there is a chance that someone will give them a little green dot, they aren't going to turn it off.
Of course they won't. But if they make the choice to leave it on so that they may get a little green dot, then thats great. I know thats why I get up in the morning.

[/quote]And as long as they aren't going to turn it off, there will be people who will give them nasty remarks. [/quote]

And by leaving it on, they have voluntarily decided to recieve all remarks, joyful, and nasty.

[/quote]Either fix the system so that this doesn't happen, or scrap it.[/quote]

Why? Can you not handle little black dots in your quest for green ones?

The whole point of karma is that you can recieve both, it would be pretty freaking boring if you can only get praise.
  #19 (permalink)  
Old Feb 08, 02
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inkster is an unknown quantity at this point
The karma system has been around for more than a few months now. Users have had the option to turn if off should they like. This option has been very thoroughly advertised and I doubt that very many, if even a few, of F-K's members don't know about this option.

Now, only a tiny amount of F-K's more active posters have decided to opt-out of the karma system. The rest keep using it really uncaring about its existence. Occasionally they'll get good or bad karma. Most really don't care. But less often, but quite a bit more importantly, they'll get bad karma that they feel is unjustified. Whether it was given on a post that was positive, not deserving of bad karma, or if there was an offensive anonymous message attached to it, the result is the same. General mistrust and suspicion of fellow board members.

This does not create community. It only breaks it apart.

Considering that this is the way the karma system has operated in the last few months, and that it still is the same now, why do you expect that people will all of a sudden opt out? If they were ever going to do so, they would have done so long ago.

Now that we know this, we must think about what you can do next. Since it has been proven that people are using the karma system regardless, the admins must either remove it, or modify it, if they wish to keep their forums from spiralling into hatred and distrust. Keeping it operating as it is right now will only make things worse.

To the person who reinstated it, swallow your fucking pride. It doesn't work. Now, pick up the pieces, become a better man, and make it better.

From the way you're acting, you'd think that an attack on the karma system was a direct attack on you.


  #20 (permalink)  
Old Feb 08, 02
Keep it cuz what are these people gonna do without it?
They might go mental! :288:
  #21 (permalink)  
Old Feb 08, 02
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sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
Originally posted by inkster
To the person who reinstated it, swallow your fucking pride. It doesn't work. Now, pick up the pieces, become a better man, and make it better.

From the way you're acting, you'd think that an attack on the karma system was a direct attack on you.
you got some nerve man. and there is nothing wrong with the karma system, its simply a anonymous private message system. if you are going to cry over some bad comments you get, tuff. grow up, its text. if your so insecure about yourself you overreact about sone person's opinion, you don't even know, off a messageboard, then you have bigger problems them our karma system. inkster, I would like to know if you spit out this much shit outside your room, off your computer...
  #22 (permalink)  
Old Feb 08, 02
Extra Crispy Beats
Join Date: Dec 2001
oliver is an unknown quantity at this point
actually, one thing i would ask to be changed...

from how i understand it, when someone gives you karma, you only recieve good karma if it is given to you by someone WITH good karma...right? if they have bad karma, the karma they give you will also be bad, or grey or something...right?
that could be kept, but maybe make it so you know whether their intention was to give good or bad karma...

...am i totally out to lunch here, or does this make sense?
  #23 (permalink)  
Old Feb 09, 02
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inkster is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by snyx
you got some nerve man.
Why? For giving you a well thought out and thoroughly explained reason as to why the karma system should be removed or modified? Where is the "nerve" that you speak of at? I only wish for the greater good of the board. I actually kind of like it here... it's grown on me... and I don't want some stupid option turning the board into an environment that harbours animosity between its members.

And really, who is the one who has the nerve here? The person who comments on a policy change, or the person that reverses a policy change, even when the change was made by the rightful owners of the medium?

Some nerve indeed.


and there is nothing wrong with the karma system,
Was not the original point of the karma system to rid the board of "bad vibes"? Really, isn't that what this is all about?

Hasn't it failed horrendously in doing that? And hasn't even made things worse? Wouldn't this make one think that the karma system is working right?

But you say there is nothing wrong with it.

Really, if this is how the karma system was meant to be, it makes me wonder how much you really care for this board if you were to implement it in the first place.

its simply a anonymous private message system.

How convinient that the karma system has been downgraded to this, after all of its other facets have proved to be a failure.

For promoting a positive vibe, it has failed. However, for promoting anonymous bashing, it has flourished.

Congrats. I don't know what we'd ever do without you to give us such useful options.


if you are going to cry over some bad comments you get, tuff. grow up, its text. if your so insecure about yourself you overreact about sone person's opinion, you don't even know, off a messageboard, then you have bigger problems them our karma system.

For some reason, your pubescent brain thinks that I am offended by the comments I receive in my karma. This is far from the truth. Rather, I am often amused by the idiocy that the karma system promotes. I cannot help but chuckle whenever someone says "yer a fag" to me. It just goes to show that people are fucking pussies and have to resort to such media in order for them to express themselves.

However, not everyone is this way. There are those who do get offended by it. And there are those that just get confused. Either way, it does not make for a positive environment. The board suffers as a result.


And really, why is anonymous messaging needed in the first place? Why must we give people an oppurtunity to be cowards?


inkster, I would like to know if you spit out this much shit outside your room, off your computer...
Well yes, Little Man, I actually hold power, influence and intelligence in real life too.

Unlike you.

My wang is large and fearsome. Your admin powers are not.

  #24 (permalink)  
Old Feb 09, 02
Extra Crispy Beats
Join Date: Dec 2001
oliver is an unknown quantity at this point
excellent points.
  #25 (permalink)  
Old Feb 10, 02
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nigel is an unknown quantity at this point
"This does not create community. It only breaks it apart. "

It's fun leaving horrible messages undersomeone elses name. Find a soap opera between two people find something that they're saying in a post and then use it. Or play a anonymous friend.

"I'd be watching Alex if I were you, I saw him really close to lizzy the other day, I mean really close"

fun tearing up little soap operas, or creating more.

Lets go kids, lets see a feud :)
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