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  #101 (permalink)  
Old May 24, 06
Join Date: Nov 2001
djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough

Really people, can't you just imagine this guy beating up Bush and then having a standoff with the evil Governator!?

If we got our act together, it could happen!
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  #102 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
Join Date: Dec 2001
wigglesworth is on a distinguished road
hi mark. yes i did watch the whole movie. 1rst and 2nd edition.

why do you feel sorry for me, you dont know me.

did you read the link? its definitely biased, but it has a lot of good points about the movie that cannot be ignored.
lately, ive been reading a lot of these "conspiricy" theories about 9/11 and watching the indy movies made as well.
they're pretty persuasive!
however, i thought it was a little weak just to stop there, believe all these videos and websites and take their word as gospel. i checked around as well for people arguing against these theories. I find their information (for the most part) to make a lot more sense then these "conspiracy theories" about 9/11.
you gotta admit. many of the ideas in this movie are pretty hokey.

i am not an american supporter. i am not very happy about globalization. im not happy that usa is in iraq. i am not happy that canada is in afghanistan.
i wanted to believe in a lot of these movies as well, but i just cant.
i do think there's much more to 9/11 then meets the eye, but the public is never going to know the truth.
All these conspiracy theories seem like a waste of time...compared to whats going on in iraq.

Originally Posted by djmarkpaul
Have you even watched the movie?

Look, speculate all you want, infact, it's a good thing you are skeptical. Don't just go on believing this video, question it to shit.

However, it seems that you are happy to write it off with 1 link that cheerfully does the work for you.

Explain the following:

*Why did the South Tower collapse first even though it was the second to get hit by a plane?

*Why is the smoke cloud protruding from the building pyroclastic? Just compare it to footage of controlled demolition, same type of cloud indicating an extreme burst of heat due to an explosion, again, compare the clouds to something like a volcano, same type...only explosions due to a great amount of heat cause clouds with crystalized sout like that. Just a little knowledge on physics prooves this to be a controlled demolition.

* WTC building 7 was admited to have been taken out with explosives by it's lease owner, Larry Silverstein, but for a building of that size, it would take atleast a couple weeks to accomplish.

*Explain the Lone Gunman. Do you believe their scriptwriters are just psychics in the wrong field? Keep in mind this was filmed in 2000 and released March 4th 2001.

*Why did countless news agencies report (I'm talking mainstream live reports from on the scene reporters) of multiple explosives and then those reports wer never heard of again from the mainstream media?

I could go on, but it's a waste of time now anyways. You don't really seem to be interested in asking any questions. You seem more than happy to just have your mind made up on this. If there's one question, just one, that you can't answer right off the bat from this video, the only BS from this video is that you have eyes that can look, but don't see, and perhaps ears that can hear, but don't listen. I kinda feel sorry for you, I mean the US government is corrupt as hell. Ever heard of the Northwoods document?
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  #103 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
Join Date: Nov 2001
djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by wigglesworth
hi mark. yes i did watch the whole movie. 1rst and 2nd edition.

why do you feel sorry for me, you dont know me.

did you read the link?

I feel sorry for you because the truth of the matter flashed before your eyes and you didn't recognize it.

It's good you are questioning the material, but there's another thing to be said about over analyzing.

Yes I read about 50% of the link and skimmed through the rest, and it does draw some insights that may put some of their material to question, I don't doubt that.

However it's maladapted to go on and call this video BS when you haven't even bothered to attempt to answering those questions I earlier posted.

Originally Posted by wigglesworth
lately, ive been reading a lot of these "conspiricy" theories about 9/11 and watching the indy movies made as well.
they're pretty persuasive!
however, i thought it was a little weak just to stop there, believe all these videos and websites and take their word as gospel. i checked around as well for people arguing against these theories. I find their information (for the most part) to make a lot more sense then these "conspiracy theories" about 9/11.
you gotta admit. many of the ideas in this movie are pretty hokey.

What's hokey is you make all these claims yet ignore the questions that would make the official version stop dead in it's tracks.

And therein lies your problem, you have just revealed your biased, that this intel is "hokey" is a knee jerk reaction people have to "conspiracy theories". That word is mad MKultra btw... a theory implies it is merely a supposition, a baseless (or near baseless) assumption, or atleast that is what alot of people have been lead to believe. It seems as though you have yourself locked into a comfort zone that is compartmentalized with hegelian dialect.

Originally Posted by wigglesworth
i am not an american supporter. i am not very happy about globalization. im not happy that usa is in iraq. i am not happy that canada is in afghanistan.
i wanted to believe in a lot of these movies as well, but i just cant.
i do think there's much more to 9/11 then meets the eye, but the public is never going to know the truth.
All these conspiracy theories seem like a waste of time...compared to whats going on in iraq.
Well where did the pretext to invade Iraq originate from?

I have to call you out when you say that you wanted to believe in these types of documentries. It is far more convienent to ignore them and get on with your life as the vast majority of people have done. The public at large is ingorant because they do not utilize the wealth of information that our society offers. Again, you point out that these theories are a waste of time, implying that you are moreover more interested in prooving they aren't legitimate just enough so you can get on with your life.

You've already confided that the public will never be able to know the truth, well that is a losers attitude and you will always be blind to the ways of the world if you keep believing that.

If not, see if you can come up with some answers to the following that fit in with the official version, not to mention THE LAWS OF PHYSICS:

*Why did the South Tower collapse first even though it was the second to get hit by a plane?

*Why is the smoke cloud protruding from the building pyroclastic? Just compare it to footage of controlled demolition, same type of cloud indicating an extreme burst of heat due to an explosion, again, compare the clouds to something like a volcano, same type...only explosions due to a great amount of heat cause clouds with crystalized sout like that. Just a little knowledge on physics prooves this to be a controlled demolition.

* WTC building 7 was admited to have been taken out with explosives by it's lease owner, Larry Silverstein, but for a building of that size, it would take atleast a couple weeks to accomplish.

*Explain the Lone Gunman. Do you believe their scriptwriters are just psychics in the wrong field? Keep in mind this was filmed in 2000 and released March 4th 2001.

*Why did countless news agencies report (I'm talking mainstream live reports from on the scene reporters) of multiple explosives and then those reports wer never heard of again from the mainstream media?
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  #104 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
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John RevoLover
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^victims list for the plane that supposedly crashed into the pentagon...AA77

if you really want to dig deep, like i tend to do, google and research each name on the list....google their families. what happend to all these people? where did they go and how did they really die.

after reveiwing all the evidience and spending hours upon hours of time reading and investigateing with a open and clear mind to all possiblities i find it ABSOLUTLY FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE THAT A PLANE HIT THE PENTAGON...

so what the hell happend to all these people?
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  #105 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
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John RevoLover
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Originally Posted by wigglesworth

read this while watching. this movie is BS.
lmao..i had a read at this....

I think your BS

this companion is a fukcing joke. i like how he superimposed a b-25 over the scale of the WTC just for effect...

full of nothing but cat calls and the slanderous vernacular of a 9th grade girl.
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  #106 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
Join Date: Dec 2001
wigglesworth is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by djmarkpaul
*Why did the South Tower collapse first even though it was the second to get hit by a plane?
it says why right there in the link. I think it was because the south tower plane hit directly on the corner, therefore making the building more unstable then the north

Originally Posted by djmarkpaul
*Why is the smoke cloud protruding from the building pyroclastic? Just compare it to footage of controlled demolition, same type of cloud indicating an extreme burst of heat due to an explosion, again, compare the clouds to something like a volcano, same type...only explosions due to a great amount of heat cause clouds with crystalized sout like that. Just a little knowledge on physics prooves this to be a controlled demolition.[/i]
The clip that this movie shows is deceiving. it doesnt show the whole fall. its actually longer then they show by 4-5 seconds.
i dont know about the smoke.

Originally Posted by djmarkpaul
** WTC building 7 was admited to have been taken out with explosives by it's lease owner, Larry Silverstein, but for a building of that size, it would take atleast a couple weeks to accomplish.[/i]
the "pull it" qoute was taken out of context. all the clips of this dont show the begening of the interview. its pretty obvious he meant "pull the fire fighters out of there, because the buildings going to fall."
a lot of these 9/11 sites are happy to show you the side of building 7 that looks untoutched. however the opposite side was a wreck, with smoke coming out of every hole.

Originally Posted by djmarkpaul
** *Explain the Lone Gunman. Do you believe their scriptwriters are just psychics in the wrong field? Keep in mind this was filmed in 2000 and released March 4th 2001..[/i]
the wtc had already been hit by a terrorist attack before. a good imagination could cook up a story about planes.

Originally Posted by djmarkpaul
** *Why did countless news agencies report (I'm talking mainstream live reports from on the scene reporters) of multiple explosives and then those reports wer never heard of again from the mainstream media? [/i]
in loose change when they talk to their expert, who says wtc came down by use of bombs, has since retracted his statement.

another interesting bit of info to me, is the pnac quote about "needing a new pearl harbour" is taken out of context. the "transformation" they were talking about, is for america to persue higher technology (ei star wars) for their military.

this is what most of these conpiracy sites do. take bits of quotes, or footage from the news, and chop it up, and make it look like they want to, so it comes off as being very damning. in reality, its anything but.
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  #107 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
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John RevoLover
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  #108 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
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wigglesworth is on a distinguished road
revolver, why are you so sure no plane hit the pentagon?
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  #109 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
Join Date: Nov 2001
djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
Exactly what I expected. But for shits and giggles lets go with this for a l'il while longer.

Originally Posted by wigglesworth
it says why right there in the link. I think it was because the south tower plane hit directly on the corner, therefore making the building more unstable then the north
You're not the only fish to bite that line. You can't argue physics though as much as you want to talk blue in the face, it takes atleast 40 mins of consistant heat to melt steal at around 1500 degrees farenheit, but the jet feul used for these types of planes burns usually only around 1100 degrees. You obviously haven't done your homework.

Originally Posted by wigglesworth
The clip that this movie shows is deceiving. it doesnt show the whole fall. its actually longer then they show by 4-5 seconds.
i dont know about the smoke.
Actually the only deception is that what you do to yourself. Go watch 911eyewitnesses and you can hear multiple explosions before the building collapses, and again, these buildings came straight down and had a perfect blueprint of themselves, completely consistant with controlled demolition.

And ofcourse you don't know about the smoke. If you bothered to research it, you'd see it could have only happened that way by the use of explosives.

Originally Posted by wigglesworth
the "pull it" qoute was taken out of context. all the clips of this dont show the begening of the interview. its pretty obvious he meant "pull the fire fighters out of there, because the buildings going to fall."
a lot of these 9/11 sites are happy to show you the side of building 7 that looks untoutched. however the opposite side was a wreck, with smoke coming out of every hole.
Actually you're the one taking this out of context.

I have watched that entire PBS documentry, and trust me pal, to paraphrase he says "There's been such terrible losses that day that we decided the best thing to do was to pull the building. So the decision was made and we watched the building collapse."

A building furtherest away from the 2 towers and having the least amount of debris pelting it mysteriously catches fire in the basement and burns only for a few hours and then comes down straight on it's footprint. Please, give me a god damn break.

"Pull it" is an industry term for controlled demolition. Period. And that building, it came down exactly like a controlled demolition, because it was one.

Originally Posted by wigglesworth
the wtc had already been hit by a terrorist attack before. a good imagination could cook up a story about planes.
No actually it's called MKultra, but let me guess you don't know about that either.

Originally Posted by wigglesworth
in loose change when they talk to their expert, who says wtc came down by use of bombs, has since retracted his statement.
You know if I had billions of dollars and pulled of this kind of insurance scam I could hire an army of mercinaries and have them threaten the lives of someone's wife and kids. Or ofcourse they could simply just have an accident, or a suicide, like David Kelly. I am sick of people who go on every word of the supposed experts out there, it's a neurotic side effect of a hyper compartmentalized society.

Originally Posted by wigglesworth
another interesting bit of info to me, is the pnac quote about "needing a new pearl harbour" is taken out of context. the "transformation" they were talking about, is for america to persue higher technology (ei star wars) for their military.
Right, that's why Bush is peddling for the American union right?

BTW, do you know how many PNACers are also on the CFR? I bet not.

Originally Posted by wigglesworth
this is what most of these conpiracy sites do. take bits of quotes, or footage from the news, and chop it up, and make it look like they want to, so it comes off as being very damning. in reality, its anything but.
Yeah plenty of them do that, but you've done it yourself too as far as taking things out of context.

You can ignore physics all you want, but physics don't lie, you do, even if it is unwittingly. Even when declassified government documents proove that the US has already staged attacks on itself, you choose to believe they would never do that again, because they've learned their lesson that crime doesn't pay right. It's not like there was over 150 billion dollars worth of gold in those WTC towers or anything....oh wait, there was. But still, they wouldn't do it when enough people decide to ignore history and can totally get away with it. You do know what they say about history if you forget it right?



I like how you totally side stepped the questions about the mainstream media footage mentioning explosives and about the operation northwoods declassified document. You have clearly established (atleast to me and to the people on here that I would say "get it") that you are MKultra-ed.

So enjoy your life, it's obviously all you are really interested in.

Last edited by djmarkpaul; May 25, 06 at 08:06 PM.
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  #110 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
[RooЯ]pure glass
Join Date: Oct 2002
Hot Karl is an unknown quantity at this point
so let's assume for a moment that the U.S. govt is neck deep in 9/11. doing basically everything that has been accused of them. from the pentagon/missile, to demolition of wtc, etc etc.

pick whichever ones you want to believe. still with me?

now can you please explain how this govt pulled off THE biggest hoax in the history of the world on live tv, BUT they couldn't plant a single wmd in a country they controlled?

had they simply added "plant wmd in iraq" to their gigantic conspiracy "to do" list then they would already be in iran or any other country they felt like invading. on top of the huge shitstorm they would have avoided.

kinda goes against your whole theory of the govt taking over and trying to basically cow the masses. creating unrest and suspicion within your own citizens? yea that'll make sure they give in quicker.
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  #111 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
Join Date: Dec 2001
wigglesworth is on a distinguished road
mark, you're ignoring a lot of the fact about 9/11.
you saw the conpiracy movies. you got convinced the official story was ALL a lie.
now you're living in make believe land, refusing to look at facts, and trying to get people to watch a movie that is obviously total bullshit.

btw the metal in the buildings didnt have to melt to make the building come down. steel loses a majority of its strength long before its melting point. enough for the whole building to come down.

are you waiting for the aliens to pick you up too?
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  #112 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
Join Date: Nov 2001
djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
Well hello Hot Karl, I was wondering when you were gonna join in the fun! ;)

Please note that I have no intention in arguing with you, you're already enough of a hot head. Here we go:

Originally Posted by Hot Karl
so let's assume for a moment that the U.S. govt is neck deep in 9/11. doing basically everything that has been accused of them. from the pentagon/missile, to demolition of wtc, etc etc.

pick whichever ones you want to believe. still with me?
Sure am.

Originally Posted by Hot Karl
now can you please explain how this govt pulled off THE biggest hoax in the history of the world on live tv, BUT they couldn't plant a single wmd in a country they controlled?
The biggest Hoax in the history of the world would be orthodox religion or the moon landing, but hey it's close enough.

It's simple though, really. They didn't control that country yet, they had assests there for sure, but it wasn't there territory yet, not until it could be completely occupied. 9/11 changed all that, because you know, we gotta get dem terrorists!

It really is a shakey assumption on your part though Karl. Sure there were already US troops amassing around the borders of Iraq weeks before 9/11...but that country was, and still is, very much controlled by non-partison militant networks known to have control in cetrain sectors of the city, besides the corrupt regime of Sadam. Ofcourse he was a US asset in the Iran Iraq war, and even got the okay from the US to invade Kuwait, but the reason he became an evil dictator was because they needed a scape goat to get into Kuwait to get in there for the same reason Sadam wanted it, huge oil reserves. Then they could play the good guy and take it themselves. They didn't take control of Iraq though pal, not yet.

I mean it's obvious they didn't control that territory yet, that's why it was UN officials looking for the WMD, not the US who could be planting it.

The PNAC manifesto on building america's defenses clearly outlines the need for a new pearl harbour to extract resources from the middle east.

BTW, if they lied about WMD as a pretext to invade Iraq, how can you give this government any credibility at all?

Originally Posted by Hot Karl
had they simply added "plant wmd in iraq" to their gigantic conspiracy "to do" list then they would already be in iran or any other country they felt like invading. on top of the huge shitstorm they would have avoided.
Assuming they had control of Iraq, which they didn't. Besides, there is still plenty of mid-level insurgance resisting in Iraq. You don't move into another house until you pack up and secure your belongings.

Originally Posted by Hot Karl
kinda goes against your whole theory of the govt taking over and trying to basically cow the masses. creating unrest and suspicion within your own citizens? yea that'll make sure they give in quicker.
Revisit how WW2 started, the masses are already cowed. Besides Karl, these people are globalists, creating unrest within your own citizens works just fine, then you can role out your United Nations New World Order to come save the day. And we all know that the UN can be trusted for it's humantarian vigilence, that's why the have China on board for it's humanitarian council. We all know that China treats it's citizens great, you know, with Tiananmen square, organ harvesting on tibetan monks and protestors, working with yahoo to spy on it's citizens to clamp down on internet free speach...yeah, we can really trust the good ol' NWO to come to the rescue.

But nevermind China, or the UN, you think THIS would happen in a free country?
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  #113 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
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djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by wigglesworth
mark, you're ignoring a lot of the fact about 9/11.
LOL x 9999999999999999999999999999999999999 to the power of 99999999999999999999999999999999999999


... Irony much?

You've already proven yourself to have no credibility by side stepping the questions you can't throw out an excuse to. Here here!

Originally Posted by wigglesworth
you saw the conpiracy movies. you got convinced the official story was ALL a lie.
now you're living in make believe land, refusing to look at facts, and trying to get people to watch a movie that is obviously total bullshit.
Wouldn't you like to believe that....how stunningly hypocritical of you.

Originally Posted by wigglesworth
btw the metal in the buildings didnt have to melt to make the building come down. steel loses a majority of its strength long before its melting point. enough for the whole building to come down.
Well if that was the case, the point of impact would be where the most structal integrity would be comprimised, making the building wean over and topple over it's side, like an axe hitting a tree. Not falling down completely straight down on itself on a perfect footprint like a controlled demotion. If that happened, half the building would have still been up to...but wait, that makes sense since it is based on logic and reason, so obviously you aren't going to believe it.

Originally Posted by wigglesworth
are you waiting for the aliens to pick you up too?
Nawww, they've already came by here a couple times, but I got work to do. :alien:
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  #114 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
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wigglesworth is on a distinguished road
last post about this.
please dont post anymore movies like this, unless you fact check it first.
many people as impressionable as you could actually believe this stuff....
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  #115 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
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John RevoLover
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Originally Posted by wigglesworth
mark, you're ignoring a lot of the fact about 9/11.
you saw the conpiracy movies. you got convinced the official story was ALL a lie.
now you're living in make believe land, refusing to look at facts, and trying to get people to watch a movie that is obviously total bullshit.

btw the metal in the buildings didnt have to melt to make the building come down. steel loses a majority of its strength long before its melting point. enough for the whole building to come down.

are you waiting for the aliens to pick you up too?
lol....this kids got to be phisin.

cause no one is this much of a stoolie...
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  #116 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
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Originally Posted by Revolver
lol....this kids got to be phisin.

cause no one is this much of a stoolie...
With a name like wigglesworth he was clearly suckled at tv's teet from birth.
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  #117 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
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djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by wigglesworth
last post about this.
please dont post anymore movies like this, unless you fact check it first.
many people as impressionable as you could actually believe this stuff....
LOL!!!! Stop it you're killing me!

Because questioning government and religion is a bad thing.

Man I really hope you are just trolling me for your sake, otherwise you got one hell of a mindfuck to deal with.

Though in all seriousness....what possible harm could come into believing this?

If they do...people will question the acts of their government instead of just accepting whatever they say. Or wait... maybe they will try to progress to a self sustainable community instead of letting big brother take care of all their problems. Yeah man...we wouldn't want people to have those sort of impressions!


Now let's look at the situation from the tables turned. The danger in NOT accepting this evidence is a government that will eliminate privacy by wiretapping, making biometrics an industry standard, microchipping the population with GPS to track their movement, a never ending war with a draft that no one will escape, concentration camps, moving us into a credit based society with no raw materials for our access, no freedom of expression, FULL BLOWN FACIST GLOBAL POLICE STATE......yeah....why would anyone want to stop that?

Bottom line, you're mind controlled as bas as can be...there's no one more enslaved then someone who is enslaved and thinks they are free. Good luck with your psychosis.
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  #118 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
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Originally Posted by Hot Karl
so let's assume for a moment that the U.S. govt is neck deep in 9/11. doing basically everything that has been accused of them. from the pentagon/missile, to demolition of wtc, etc etc.

pick whichever ones you want to believe. still with me?

now can you please explain how this govt pulled off THE biggest hoax in the history of the world on live tv, BUT they couldn't plant a single wmd in a country they controlled?

had they simply added "plant wmd in iraq" to their gigantic conspiracy "to do" list then they would already be in iran or any other country they felt like invading. on top of the huge shitstorm they would have avoided.

kinda goes against your whole theory of the govt taking over and trying to basically cow the masses. creating unrest and suspicion within your own citizens? yea that'll make sure they give in quicker.
Not everyone is in on the plan.

Those that wanted the entire world to attack the arab world got what they wanted.

Don't think that because no wmd's were found they're not goin to Iran.

WW3 is what they wanted and we're knee deep in it now.

It's not so simple as Bush knew this and that and was in on the 9/11.

He wasn't, he's a fuckin monkey.

Who did everyone hate and kick out of their lands for centuries ?

The same people that everyone now loves and feels sorry for more than anyone.

You can't just look @ the world dilemma from 2001 on.

This shitstorm of religious hate has been going on for centuries.


triangle of hate, ignorance, stupidity etc...

War for blood, land, oil, race, money, religion, power, control....ad infinitum.

This shit didn't start even 2000 years ago, when it started is in the very first amoebas and cells that consume other cells to survive/procreate.

this goes down to the very fibres of nature.

No one has the answers, no one.
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  #119 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
Join Date: Dec 2001
wigglesworth is on a distinguished road
for real, this is my last post.
i never said questioning government and religion is a bad thing. i questioned this loose change movie, and you went on tyrant.
why are you calling me all these names for no reason??? because you're pissed off this movie doesnt make any sense, but you want to beleive it so badly?
you're off your meds...seriously.

ps now a movie like "the corporation" is a movie you should be posting a link to. thats a real eye opener for people, and is full of facts, not fairy tales.

Originally Posted by djmarkpaul
LOL!!!! Stop it you're killing me!

Because questioning government and religion is a bad thing.

Man I really hope you are just trolling me for your sake, otherwise you got one hell of a mindfuck to deal with.

Though in all seriousness....what possible harm could come into believing this?

If they do...people will question the acts of their government instead of just accepting whatever they say. Or wait... maybe they will try to progress to a self sustainable community instead of letting big brother take care of all their problems. Yeah man...we wouldn't want people to have those sort of impressions!


Now let's look at the situation from the tables turned. The danger in NOT accepting this evidence is a government that will eliminate privacy by wiretapping, making biometrics an industry standard, microchipping the population with GPS to track their movement, a never ending war with a draft that no one will escape, concentration camps, moving us into a credit based society with no raw materials for our access, no freedom of expression, FULL BLOWN FACIST GLOBAL POLICE STATE......yeah....why would anyone want to stop that?

Bottom line, you're mind controlled as bas as can be...there's no one more enslaved then someone who is enslaved and thinks they are free. Good luck with your psychosis.
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  #120 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 06
Join Date: Nov 2001
djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
Blake: I must interject, it's not that no one has the answers as much as it is no one has all the answers.

Originally Posted by wigglesworth
for real, this is my last post.
Like last time!? Please keep them coming this is quite a larf.

Originally Posted by wigglesworth
i never said questioning government and religion is a bad thing. i questioned this loose change movie, and you went on tyrant.
I think you mean tirade. Anyways I never said not to question the loose change movie, I certainly don't believe it 100%....but all you need to know about to proove those building were exploded is to study pyroclastic smoke and you'd know that it's a full on conspiracy. However, the smoke you are interested in is more over just a smoke screen.

Originally Posted by wigglesworth
why are you calling me all these names for no reason???
NO REASON!? Dude you are being such a fucking stoolie it's hard to comprehend outside of the realm of satire. Seriously, I have given you gold and all you did was write it off. Even if planes could have taken down those buildings, they wouldn't come down perfectly straight and leave a perfect footprint.

I am calling you names because that is what you are, a moron. The truth hurts, deal with it. You still have time to wake up if you can get over the fact that you are wrong and have been sold a bill of goods.

Originally Posted by wigglesworth
because you're pissed off this movie doesnt make any sense, but you want to beleive it so badly?
you're off your meds...seriously.
Since you can't come up with any answers to refute my claims, let's just question my sanity. You're a real winner there pal!

Originally Posted by wigglesworth
ps now a movie like "the corporation" is a movie you should be posting a link to. thats a real eye opener for people, and is full of facts, not fairy tales.
I got a fairy tale for you...it's about a boy who called Wolfowitz...
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  #121 (permalink)  
Old May 26, 06
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Join Date: Sep 2005
fable is an unknown quantity at this point
ps now a movie like "the corporation" is a movie you should be posting a link to. thats a real eye opener for people, and is full of facts, not fairy tales.
less movie watching, more reading, travelling and listening.
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old May 26, 06
Join Date: Sep 2004
esoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to all
Just let people think what they want.
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 06
Join Date: Nov 2001
djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
May those that have fallen 5 years ago get the restitution of the truth.

*hangs head*

Do yourself the favour if you haven't already, get educated on the alternative story. It is far more descriptive and doesn't tell you to give up your freedom for security, which doesn't work when you think of it logically:





In short, pyroclastic smoke = explosion.
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  #124 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 06
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Join Date: Apr 2006
anewlife will become famous soon enoughanewlife will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by djmarkpaul View Post
The science is in, 9/11 attacks is 100% an inside job
that clip is crap and has nothing to do with science and its methods.

sorry dude, reading some carl sagan or karl popper might be a good idea...

i'm all for skepticism but hey, don't let yourself fool by pseudo-science!

argh, demon-haunted world we live in...sigh.
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 06
Join Date: Nov 2001
djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by stokedfish View Post
that clip is crap and has nothing to do with science and its methods.

sorry dude, reading some carl sagan or karl popper might be a good idea...

i'm all for skepticism but hey, don't let yourself fool by pseudo-science!

argh, demon-haunted world we live in...sigh.
You really outta try reading the whole thread before you come on here and get the wrong idea.

I got a question for you that science, not psuedo science, will explain to anyone paying attention how 9/11 HAS TO be an inside job.

Point in case, can you explain to me, how pyroclastic smoke could have existed from the twin towers without the use of explosives?

Can you explain how building 7 came down without a plane hitting it, perfectly on it's own footprint?

Can you show me any clip at all of a commercial passanger jet hitting the pentagon or any debris of said plane?

If you can't answer ALL of those questions logically, maybe you should view the links I just recently posted. If you do, try to watch them without leading yourself to a certain opinion off the bat, like automatically trying to "debunk" the info for instance as I have seen many do.

Take care and may the truth be told.
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