I don't get jealous over material possesions, wealth, social status or anything... but I can get somewhat jealous when it comes to a mate.
When I was in high school, I used to be a very open person with my jealousy, but I grew out of it and started to not care about it so much... I find relationships work a whole lot better when you dont' spend most your time trying to pick your significant other apart for your own paranoia, "ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME??"
I had one bf that did that all the time, was insecure, paranoia and got jealous a lot, thus, leading to possessiveness. I was constantly asked the typical questions, "where are you going? who's going with you? when are you going to be home? are you cheating on me? who's with you right now? are you seeing someone else? did you cheat on me?" It all boils down to the person being insecure enough to let their emotions get the best of them and make them go a lil obsessive.
So in the end, jealousy gets you no where, shows your mate that you aren't emotionally stable and don't trust them. It can show your mate you care about them if used properly, but most the time people just end up going off the wall with it.