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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Feb 20, 04
'latinum respect.
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miss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to all
Originally posted by ~Veni_C~
I love adbusters!!!

some very interesting articles..... i liked the one they did last time about them trying to go to big media corporations wanting to put ads on thier station about how mcdondalds is bad for u and none of them would allow it.....

i think CNN is gonna start allowing them to do some ad campaign... should be interesting. good read. :kimmie:
Maybe it's just me but...
Adbuster's and CNN joining forces seems so incredibly wrong.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Feb 20, 04
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starbright: Well as far as huge corporations go, starfucks is no angel sugar plumb. Howard Schultz is a snake.

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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Feb 20, 04
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Originally posted by bob

yea we're so mainstream even a magazine vendor like Chapters is below our radar...

your post should stop RIGHT HERE.

the anti-globalization/megacorporation "find a 2x4 and some posterboard" fad hit the real world like 5 years ago. any somewhat aware high school english teacher would've shown their students a copy of adbusters in grade 8 unless you're from surrey where the economy depends on the business of conglomerates such as wal-mart. you're approaching us like we're a sister-site of clubvibes and we don't know anything other than nike and bootlegger.

eat a dick. i hope someone intelligent on this board chews you and your ignorance up, spits you out a mushy pulp and uses your remains to produce a fresh roll of 2-ply.

next time you wanna do something for the world to help yourself feel better, drop a cap of E and float off the alex fraser bridge.


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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Feb 20, 04
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Originally posted by miss.myra

Maybe it's just me but...
Adbuster's and CNN joining forces seems so incredibly wrong.
ya i guess it defeats their purpose....
but they would make some pretty kewl commericals u gotta admit.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Feb 20, 04
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starbright will become famous soon enoughstarbright will become famous soon enough
^i'm not a huge fan of howard shultz, but i also think that article was pretty biased.

it's not like the company is doing anything wrong. they're just ridiculously successful... it's only growing due to the support of the public, and they're not tricking anyone. we all know we're paying $4.75 for a latte that's costing starbucks $0.10 to produce.
sure it's annoying, but if we're willing to pay...

starbucks pays fair trade or more for all of their beans worldwide. they provide full health benefits to all of their farmers in 3rd world countries!
they donate to all kinds of charities, big and small.

every single store takes their leftover food at the end of the day and donates it to local charities (ie food bank, union gospel mission, woman's centres, etc)
each store also is given a budget to support their community - donate to schools, sports teams, etc

starbucks is active in earth day, aids walks, pride, etc etc

the staff do get paid with incentive increases
part time employees can have full health coverage, stock options and vacation time.
employees can also apply for grants, support from a shared fund for fellow workers in need, and even support groups and help lines when they are in need

starbucks has a bijillion strict routines to ensure quality in all aspects of their business. they do give a shit about coffee & customer satisfaction.

compare this coffee strategy to nabobs...
or compare their business strategy to GAP

in the grand scheme of things, i don't think starbucks is hurting anyone... and they are definately improving life for many.
but, that's my opinion. you're entitled to yours too.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Feb 20, 04
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Originally posted by Rytalin


my bad, i haven't been on fnk in a while and i needed someone to yell at.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Feb 20, 04
bob bob is offline
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Originally posted by starbright
^i'm not a huge fan of howard shultz, but i also think that article was pretty biased.

it's not like the company is doing anything wrong. they're just ridiculously successful... it's only growing due to the support of the public, and they're not tricking anyone. we all know we're paying $4.75 for a latte that's costing starbucks $0.10 to produce.
sure it's annoying, but if we're willing to pay...

starbucks pays fair trade or more for all of their beans worldwide. they provide full health benefits to all of their farmers in 3rd world countries!
they donate to all kinds of charities, big and small.

every single store takes their leftover food at the end of the day and donates it to local charities (ie food bank, union gospel mission, woman's centres, etc)
each store also is given a budget to support their community - donate to schools, sports teams, etc

starbucks is active in earth day, aids walks, pride, etc etc

the staff do get paid with incentive increases
part time employees can have full health coverage, stock options and vacation time.
employees can also apply for grants, support from a shared fund for fellow workers in need, and even support groups and help lines when they are in need

starbucks has a bijillion strict routines to ensure quality in all aspects of their business. they do give a shit about coffee & customer satisfaction.

compare this coffee strategy to nabobs...
or compare their business strategy to GAP

in the grand scheme of things, i don't think starbucks is hurting anyone... and they are definately improving life for many.
but, that's my opinion. you're entitled to yours too.
i'm curious as to where you got all this information... can u hook me up with some links? or do u work at starbucks or something?
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Feb 20, 04
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my brother worked at starbucks and i have alot of the t-shirts in which he had to wear that say all the shit they were involved in...
honestely though i think its just things they would plaster their name on to get good attention, starbucks is almost as bad as disney.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Feb 20, 04
bob bob is offline
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stop blaming companies for their success.
blame the governments that allow them to do the things they do.

starbucks, disney, nike, whoever... they're all successful corporations. yea they might do a lot of nasty things. but all they're doing is walking through a door that was opened to them by someone else.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Feb 20, 04
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^^smart comment
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Feb 20, 04
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Being a successful big corparation is one thing.

Being a big corparation who's successful because of heavily manipulated promotional tactics is a bit different.

Starbucks is successful because they are good at making us think we want their coffee.

They provide ok quality product for alot more than its worth, then surround it with an image that silently shoots you in the head while your caught up in how aesthetically pleasing it is.

Big corporations have the cash and power to pretty much eliminate poverty/financial related suffering. But instead they choose to make a mountain outta money and build a mansion on top.

We got the power to evolve, its too bad the people at the top don't want that. They know they're the first ones to go as soon as anything revolutionary happens, so they're doing everything in their power to keep things under their control.

What we need is a few good covert ops teams, armed with sprayguns filled with DMSO and LSD.

:trippin: :keebler: :trippin:
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Feb 20, 04
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SEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of light
the more stuff you have the better person you are..a true measure of a person is how much wealth the accumulate and all the neat stuff they buy with it.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Feb 20, 04
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Originally posted by starbright
starbucks pays fair trade or more for all of their beans worldwide. they provide full health benefits to all of their farmers in 3rd world countries!
they donate to all kinds of charities, big and small.
not all their beans are fair trade!

i'd support fair trade coffee if it didn't taste so bad

Originally posted by Rytalin
Being a big corparation who's successful because of heavily manipulated promotional tactics is a bit different.
that's not the only reason why they're successful, but either way, i don't see anything wrong with their promotional ways
....quit hating on others success
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Feb 21, 04
benz and a backpack
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Originally posted by Rytalin
Being a successful big corparation is one thing.

Being a big corparation who's successful because of heavily manipulated promotional tactics is a bit different.

Starbucks is successful because they are good at making us think we want their coffee.
Dude, so what? Isnt the goal of advertising and promotion to make you want the product. Should we go as far as saying that overly succesful advertising and promotional tactics should be regulated, because we are being, in your words, "manipulated". Being an 'educated' consumer you should be able to rise above that.
You are the captian of your own boat so to speak, no one is leading you by the hand into your local starbucks.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Feb 21, 04
d i g i t a
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starbright will become famous soon enoughstarbright will become famous soon enough
Originally posted by Kelster:

not all their beans are fair trade!

i'd support fair trade coffee if it didn't taste so bad

they all are, but because it costs money to sell it as "fair trade" they only have the one blend or roast or whatever.
same with organic coffee... i think it's almost all organic, but because it's so expensive, and the guidelines are so strict, they've only got a couple certified organic coffees.
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Feb 21, 04
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djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
Originally posted by starbright
^i'm not a huge fan of howard shultz, but i also think that article was pretty biased.
Well let's face it, all media is biased. However, there are some statistics in that article that clearly speak for themselves and if that didn't even_slightly_alarm you I may be wasting my time here.

Originally posted by starbright
it's not like the company is doing anything wrong. they're just ridiculously successful... it's only growing due to the support of the public, and they're not tricking anyone. we all know we're paying $4.75 for a latte that's costing starbucks $0.10 to produce.
sure it's annoying, but if we're willing to pay...
Well ofcourse they are doing shitloads of wrong to the third world and to small businesses..but I guess if one is just sitting in a pleather couch surfin on their wireless lan i-book... they probably won't have it high up on their "things to give a fuck about" list. Conglomorate corporations always have a cut-throat competitive edge and thinking anything else is just ignoring the nature of big business.

Originally posted by starbright starbucks pays fair trade or more for all of their beans worldwide. they provide full health benefits to all of their farmers in 3rd world countries!
they donate to all kinds of charities, big and small.
You're not the only fish to bite that line dear, but I have read many biased articles, with the bleeding heart spinning aside, and the math staring me in the face to prove to anyone who really wants to know the truth about starfucks. So what am I saying? Go fish! Philanthropy is a tried tested and true marketing scheme. McDonald's has a children's charity too you know...does that mean I'm loving it?

Originally posted by starbright every single store takes their leftover food at the end of the day and donates it to local charities (ie food bank, union gospel mission, woman's centres, etc)
each store also is given a budget to support their community - donate to schools, sports teams, etc

starbucks is active in earth day, aids walks, pride, etc etc
Philanthropy the marketing scheme, wise up to it! It's quite common that a corporation will spend more time in advertising about their good deeds then the actual act of donating. J.P. Morgan comes to mind...can't say I know specifically in regards to starfucks, but it's niave to think they aren't, and that's not to say they are ;).

Originally posted by starbright
the staff do get paid with incentive increases
part time employees can have full health coverage, stock options and vacation time.
employees can also apply for grants, support from a shared fund for fellow workers in need, and even support groups and help lines when they are in need

starbucks has a bijillion strict routines to ensure quality in all aspects of their business. they do give a shit about coffee & customer satisfaction.

compare this coffee strategy to nabobs...
or compare their business strategy to GAP

in the grand scheme of things, i don't think starbucks is hurting anyone... and they are definately improving life for many.
but, that's my opinion. you're entitled to yours too.
Somehow I am led to assume that you live life very comfortably and probably think this planet is a pretty easy going place...well you are entilted to your opinion naturally, but don't shit yourself! Huge corporations don't give a fuck about you! They just want your money, period.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Feb 21, 04
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Kelster and Axion
I'm not hating on other success, I just don't like what they DO with it.

Waaay too self centred.

Corporations have the power to do a hell of alot more good in this world than they actually do.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Feb 21, 04
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Originally posted by Rytalin
Kelster and Axion
I'm not hating on other success, I just don't like what they DO with it.

Waaay too self centred.

Corporations have the power to do a hell of alot more good in this world than they actually do.
corporations have a mandate to make profits and fullfill the desires of there shareholders. Even thoguht starbucks is privately owned they dont have to do anyhting other then follow regulations set out by the government, they are not required to, nor should they be required to use their wealth to altruisticly "help others"

i think if the information posted by starbright is correct then starbucks is already a head of the game when it comes to the ethical treatment of their employees and suppliers

Last edited by SEAN!; Feb 21, 04 at 04:51 AM.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Feb 21, 04
benz and a backpack
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Originally posted by Rytalin
Kelster and Axion
I'm not hating on other success, I just don't like what they DO with it.

Waaay too self centred.

Corporations have the power to do a hell of alot more good in this world than they actually do.
fair enough, thats a noble opinion.
but im sure you have the power to do a hell of alot more good in this world than you actually do (provided it's on a much smaller scale). when you get your paycheck do you go and give that bum on the corner a hundred bucks?

didnt think so...

money is intoxicating, imagine the situation with your paycheck X 1000. im sure the last thing the owner of starbucks thinks about when he gets 1 million dollar paychecks is giving 200,000$ to some third world country. im not saying that he shouldnt, it would be the right thing to do but it's alot easier said than done.

just something to think about.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Feb 21, 04
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Giving a bum $100 isn't a very good example dude.
I'd love to do that :)
but its kinda tough when your paychecks are around $300 and you got alot of bills.

The CEO of starbucks probably makes a hell of alot more profit than me.

Money is intoxicating, this is true.

So is alcohol.

But I'm still held fully responsible if I drive drunk and roadkill someone, am I not?
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Feb 21, 04
bob bob is offline
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Originally posted by Rytalin
Money is intoxicating, this is true.

So is alcohol.

But I'm still held fully responsible if I drive drunk and roadkill someone, am I not?
oooh that was good.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Feb 21, 04
Knigel Giraffe
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To my perception Adbusters sold out a long time ago, but this article is interesting in itself
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Feb 21, 04
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Originally posted by Knigel


To my perception Adbusters sold out a long time ago, but this article is interesting in itself
oh man i love it. i absolutely love it.

this just goes to show that capitalism rocks
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Feb 21, 04
Knigel Giraffe
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Originally posted by SEAN!

oh man i love it. i absolutely love it.

this just goes to show that capitalism rocks

You would be correct if logic of A = B then A must also = X was also correct. I'm not indicting that it's not possibly true, just that it's going to be a long journey to prove it.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Feb 21, 04
Hot Rod Ho
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Originally posted by bli5s

So I've decided I'm going to get a lot more politically active. The first thing i'm going to protest is the welfare cuts and the lack of housing for the homeless because I'm on welfare and I have no home... only this couch the kind residents of Dogwood house let me sleep on.
that's a great issue to fight for.. However, didn't you "choose" to be homeless? It just doesn't seem like a noble reason to start complaining about welfare cuts when you aren't someone who had no choice but to rely on it.

Part of the reason welfare is fucked is because of people deciding not to get jobs, even though they could with alot, or even a little of effort.

Then again I don't really know you or your real reasons for becoming homeless, and I guess having anyone fight for that cause is a good thing but yeah, there is always the afformentioned issues to think about.

p.s. Adbusters rules, some of the shit in their makes me so sick. grrrrrrrrrr
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