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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 05, 05
just why?
Join Date: Jan 2003
pbreak is an unknown quantity at this point
sleep paralysis

I've had this a number of times in the past and never really talked to anybody about it (until recently, I mentioned it to a friend) because it just seemed like kind of a weird thing... for those of you who don't know what it is, which is probably most people:

"Sleep paralysis is a condition in which someone, most often lying in a supine position, about to drop off to sleep, or just upon waking from sleep realizes that s/he is unable to move, or speak, or cry out. This may last a few seconds or several moments, occasionally longer. People frequently report feeling a "presence" that is often described as malevolent, threatening, or evil. An intense sense of dread and terror is very common. The presence is likely to be vaguely felt or sensed just out of sight but thought to be watching or monitoring, often with intense interest, sometimes standing by, or sitting on, the bed."

above exerp was from this university of waterloo website http://watarts.uwaterloo.ca/~acheyne/S_P.html#tabcon

Just wondering if any other people ever experience this, and believe me, you would know if you have... there is a sense of intense fear/dread associated with the experience that seems to happen to most people that have it, that I think I can honestly say I've never felt even in my most dire situations in real life. When this has happened it has always been when I'm alone and waking up, often from naps - I even stopped taking naps for a while because I didnt' want the possibility of going through this.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 05, 05
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dude i got scared just reading that
can't begin to imagine what it FEELS like =\
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 05, 05
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brokencrayon is an unknown quantity at this point
holy fack! I get the EXACT same thing.... and I too stopped taking naps because that was when I would usually get the paralysis. You can't even open your eyes.. it is like you are dead but your soul is still trapped in your body or something. =\ ULTRA SCARY! I can't beleive someone else on here shares the same problem.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 05, 05
just why?
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Originally Posted by M!SKA
dude i got scared just reading that
can't begin to imagine what it FEELS like =\
it's really messed... at least after it's happened a couple times you sort of get used to it and know it will pass, but even then... the worst is on occasion I've actually had the feeling that somebody/something was there as well (as described to a tee in the website i might add, which makes me feel a little better), and even though you know something isn't there you still really feel that it is, and of course you can't move. Apparently it affects a reasonable portion of the population which is why I bothered to see if anybody else on here has ever had this.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 05, 05
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Whenever I'm alone somewhere I always get the feeling that something is around me, though I know there's nothing.
But I never get the 'tramped in my body' part.

I'm probably just paranoid @ the times or something.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 05, 05
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i've had it happen a few times in the past.

hasn't really happened to me since i've quit doing drugs tho :)
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old May 05, 05
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happened to me when i was wee (like 7-8 years old)

the worst part is like forgetting how to breathe, you're starving for air, it's very scary, especially for a kid.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old May 05, 05
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this has happened to me a few times. First time freaked me out because I just couldn't move, scream, etc. It was weird because you end up panicing and normally you'd breath alot harder and during the whole situation because you dunno wtf is going on, it was like you weren't able to breath at all simply because you can feel the air moving at all. Only thing I was able to move a little was my eye's. I thought maybe I suffered a heart attack or a stroke or some type of blood clot that screwed me up but after a few minutes I was able to move.

Or once I had half of my body do that. My whole right side was absolutely dead. Now that was freaky because I was able to use my left hand to grab my right arm and as much as I wanted to move the right arm it just wouldn't go. And having feel with your other hand that has no feeling and is completely dead for a few moments is just damn freaky. Its like you can twist and break it without you feeling a thing...
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old May 05, 05
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This has happened to me a couple of times. Both times I was lying on my back with my arms on my chest. Both times I felt a heavy weight on my body and heard a loud squeeling noise..almost calling my name. I couldnt move/talk/open my eyes (which is honestly the worst part) Both times I woke up with BOTH of my arms asleep. So f'ing weird. I was sure I was being abducted by aliens.

I've told this to so many people and most of them were all like "It was a dream" No way was that a dream. I was on the verge of asleep but very awake.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old May 05, 05
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this happened to me before. i felt like i was being dragged out of my bed from my feet and i saw a ghost to my left calling my name. SCARY.

i believe sleeping on your side avoids sleep paralysis as opposed to on your back.. not too sure tho
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old May 05, 05
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i have it all the time...never really gave it much thought
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old May 05, 05
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Originally Posted by winger
i believe sleeping on your side avoids sleep paralysis as opposed to on your back.. not too sure tho
I've always slept on my Back with no incident other than the sudden feeling that you've fallen about 6' when you haven't moved at all. That shocks the hell out of you lemme tellz ya!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old May 05, 05
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Originally Posted by mapleleaf4ever
I've always slept on my Back with no incident other than the sudden feeling that you've fallen about 6' when you haven't moved at all. That shocks the hell out of you lemme tellz ya!
Hahaha! That happens to me atleast twice a night. I have no idea why it happens.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old May 05, 05
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Or is it just me thinking I'm about to die a tragic death by SkyDiving when that happens?
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old May 05, 05
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Yeh it happens to me every once and awhile, pretty scary shit. sorta like an anxiety attack.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old May 05, 05
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i have gotten it before, it is an odd sensation thats for sure
once you wake up its no big deal though
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old May 05, 05
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My ex boyfriend used to get that all the time, almost every time he went to sleep. It used to freak him out big time. As for the sleeping on the back thing, he always did so perhaps that does have some corelation (sp?).
Anyways, just had to add my 2 cents.. :)
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old May 06, 05
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This happens to me a couple times a month id say.. at first I felt if I gave in and went to sleep, id die. Now I dont worry about it; after all, its just your brain half awake when your body is still asleep. I was reading up on this for the past few nights, and apparently if you relax and dont try to fight it and just gooo with the flow, you will slip into a lucid out of body dreamstate.

wieeerd.. but cool.

Has anyone experienced this??
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old May 06, 05
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i don't think i've had it quite to the extent as some others here but something similar. some nights where i'm having a hard time falling asleep it almost feels like my eyes have gone into my head more cause my arms look like another 2 feet longer, i've talked to an optomitrist about it but she's never heard of something like it before. i've had my right side seize up on me so i couldn't move it, tried lifting up my right arm with my left and let me tell ya that suckers heavy when you can't move it. great now that i've read all these freaky posts it's bed time for me ......... hello cold sweat wake up:(
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old May 06, 05
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ive had sleep paralysis before. just a couple times, though.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old May 06, 05
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i get this real bad ive even seen a doctor about it. i got many a crazy story i could tell.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old May 06, 05
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i have had this a bunch of times..

mostly when im pretty strung out and lying down to sleep..

very sketchy
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old May 06, 05
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i have never had the not able to open eyes part, but MOS DEF the part bout not being able to speak... its like u dont have control over yourself.

never felt and "evil" presence however either.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old May 06, 05
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I've had it many times.

I once had it 4 times IN A ROW, in like a span of 10 minutes. I was so freaked out I went and slept in the guest room beside my parents room.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old May 06, 05
just why?
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pbreak is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by hardstylin
i get this real bad ive even seen a doctor about it. i got many a crazy story i could tell.
crazy - the shitty thing is there isn't really anything you can do about it either, aside from having better sleeping habits, etc. but sometimes that doesn't even matter.

I find it interesting that some of the people have had this problem while falling asleep, i've only ever had it while waking up (both can happen just as easily according to research). As well, any time i've had it I've woken up on my back - i didn't necessarily go to bed that way.. so I really think that has a lot to do with it.
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