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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Jan 13, 06
'latinum respect.
Join Date: Jan 2002
miss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to all
It's pretty normal to take it personal at that point, and I hate to say it, but there's probably a reason if it has been that long. I'd stop overanalyzing at this point and probably work towards moving on.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Jan 13, 06
Hot Rod Ho
Join Date: Jun 2002
MistressSpankME is an unknown quantity at this point
hhmm.. such contradicting advice. I wish I could just hear it from the horses mouth. Dont worry Myra, part of me was ready for this to happen all along... and if he cant handle me then, well.. theres nothing I can (or will) do about that so why bother with it too much?
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Jan 13, 06
'latinum respect.
Join Date: Jan 2002
miss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to all
Exactly. As right as something might feel initially in the first weeks/months it's possible that there's just something that won't click after time. It can be hard to face I am sure, especially if the person just kind of floated off the radar and didn't have the guts to really tell you what was up, I think being with someone who couldn't accept your passion in life would be worse.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Jan 13, 06
Hot Rod Ho
Join Date: Jun 2002
MistressSpankME is an unknown quantity at this point
^agreed. I just wanted him to come to one show to see how it was....

Now I'm worried about finding someone who is "MAN" or whateverthe fuck enough to handle what I do. I dont see why its so hard to realise if the girl is as smitten with you as I am with him... none of the boys watching me at the show... or walking down the street for that matter (because it happens there too) compare, and they deffinately aren't the one that will be taking me home so!?!?! Isn't there some instinct in there that would cause a decent guy to be proud of his girl and the fact that he is the one she wants? I wouldn't even mind if the guy got a little cocky, a LITTLE cocky because of the boys jealous of HIM.


this is where I start wondering why I even bother?
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 06
Hot Rod Ho
Join Date: Jun 2002
MistressSpankME is an unknown quantity at this point
I was right.... he couldn't handle my burlesque and "didnt want a relationship" and decided to avoid me instead of being honest with me. I busted him by calling with a number he wouldn't recognize.

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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 06
Sonic Nacartic
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Sykonee will become famous soon enough
Devious. :kam:
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Jan 27, 06
Join Date: May 2004
mystique is an unknown quantity at this point
Ah, in the case of dissapearing men.

I am guilty of being the dissapearing one on several occasions. I guess its kind of taking the easy way out, not so much avoiding the person but avoiding the hurt that you feel your going to cause them.

So when someone recently dissapeared on me, I had to stop myself from attempting contact any further. I turn things around in my mind and say Ok if I was doing this... what would be my reason? For me that was answer enough.
Have you ever been to busy to contact someone you were really interested in? Really cared for? Even is it was just to tell them that your really busy?

If you really care about someone and/or maintaining their interest in you...you wouldnt want them to wonder, to worry or to be hurt.

It can be hard, because we feel like we deserve answers!

Or you want to "give them a piece of your mind" However rest assured they already know that your angry/hurt, all the more reason for them to run avoidance.

Sometimes we have to get closure on our own, and its not easy... but I always keep in mind that no answer is more than answer enough... if someone doesnt want to speak with me so much so that they "dissapear" from my life.... why would I go out of my way to contact them, just so I can hear the words of rejection? Its like being rejected twice, Id rather maintain my dignity and walk away from it being the bigger person. Even when you really love someone, sometimes loveing someone calls for being able swallow the hurt and the pain and let them go when they clearly want to be let go.

As far as blocking numbers, when I have dissapeared on someone in the past and they run that trick on me... Im sure they are just left with more hurt then satisfaction... and I question... why would you want to talk to me if you have to trick me into answering your call?

Im not crtitisizing you in any way, these are just my opinions, based on my own experiences... If someone is capable of walking out of your life, leaving you with no closure, they really were hardly worth it to begin with.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Jan 30, 06
Living in the NOW
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Bobby_T is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by miss.myra
It's pretty normal to take it personal at that point, and I hate to say it, but there's probably a reason if it has been that long. I'd stop overanalyzing at this point and probably work towards moving on.

Are you ever wrong?
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Jan 30, 06
no clouds in my stones
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galaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the rough
Sounds to me like he's pulling the infamous "painless fadeout" on you :(
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Jan 30, 06
no clouds in my stones
Join Date: May 2001
galaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the rough
Hun, I don't think that you'll have a problem finding a guy who will accept it. I think you just need to look for a guy who is more outgoing than shy, and who is really secure with himself. I've had the jealous boyfriend before and it's absolutely horrible - Grady's self confidence is awesome, and he actually enjoys it when we're out and he sees another guy hitting on me because I'm HIS hot girlfriend and not that other guy's. Don't worry, the right one will come along, just be patient <3
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Jan 30, 06
Aki Aki is offline
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i say if a guy isn't calling you, miranda from sex in the city says it best "he's just not that into you"
it's brutally honest, but if you start making up excuses or reasons in why he's not calling you, then you know that it's just not meant to be. i say if a guy really likes you, he'd be calling you non stop and making it known that he likes you and wants to be with you as well as making plans to see you.
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