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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 06
te kids can call you Hoju
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scue will become famous soon enough
If someone killed themselves..

..and left all of their friends and family wondering why. It's more pain of guilt on everyones mind that ever knew the person. What I'm sayin is, imagine someone you know is all steady and cool, gone the next day. The person left without a note or any signal of contemplation. Would you be going insane wondering what pushed this innocent person over the edge, seeing as it could've been the smallest of your own actions? Not like there would be a message out there. You're never going to find a real answer.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 06
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nabs is an unknown quantity at this point
One of my friends once committed suicide, it bothers me to this day. He was never bullied, nor been a bully. He had no problems, as far as I knew, with anyone. It still bothers me! I keep wondering.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 06
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well... thats the mystery of life I guess...
I mean hell I can go to bed and not wake up tommorow ya know?? natural or not... live life day by day and enjoy it
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 06
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No need to imagine this. :( A friend whom everyone thought was happy with life and was probably one of the cheeriest upbeat people I have ever met committed suicide years ago. It touched people who only barely knew him also. Such a shock, and so sad.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 06
'latinum respect.
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I ate lunch with this guy every day in highschool, and he was so charming, attractive, funny and really really smart. You know one of those people who is just meant for so many good things in life?

You'd think someone who spent at least an hour a day engaged in conversation with someone would at least be able to tell something? But you just don't. You don't know he's going to hang himself one day because he couldn't take it anymore. For awhile you really blame yourself because it should have been obvious, but the reality is when someone really really wants to do it, a lot of the time nobody would ever expect it.

Yes, you do go crazy. Years and years go by and you can't stop thinking about it, and you still blame yourself. Even seeing people whose appearance reminds you of them makes your stomach turn and your eyes water.

I don't wonder why anymore because it's obvious why young people are upset, angry, depressed....I'm just more upset at myself, that I couldn't have done something.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 06
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gnosis has a spectacular aura aboutgnosis has a spectacular aura about
If someone takes their life, it's their own damn business!

It was/is their life to do with as they please.

They don't owe anyone any kind of explanation, whatsoever.

If a suicide _does_ leave a note/letter/msg, then it was a gesture of courtesy on their part.

Any bitching, whining or, yes, crying is purely selfishness on the part of the people still living.

(been through it, twice)
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 06
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cinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the rough
if someone truely wants to kill themselves, you'll probably never know it.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 06
where's the beach
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mugsy is on a distinguished road
^harsh. *edit* for frosty

its human nature to hurt when they loose someone dear to them.

a friend of mine commited suicide, same story no one saw it coming. what was awful for me was the rumors that surfaced - reasons for his actions, some people were saying he was pushed off the bridge. he had left a note, however, this was not something known by all.
i ended up leaving countless classrooms either in a furry of anger or in tears due to what people were saying.
i still dont understand and dont really comprehend his death. i went to the bridge alot in the beginning, almost waiting for some sort of obvious answer. never found it, and honestly, he is in my thoughts very much so still.
and like cinist said, if someone is going to do it, you wont know until you get the phone call.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 06
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I personaly don't know anybody that commited suicide. I did lose two friends last year. I miss them both very much.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 06
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justa~gurl is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by gnosis
If someone takes their life, it's their own damn business!

It was/is their life to do with as they please.

They don't owe anyone any kind of explanation, whatsoever.

If a suicide _does_ leave a note/letter/msg, then it was a gesture of courtesy on their part.

Any bitching, whining or, yes, crying is purely selfishness on the part of the people still living.

(been through it, twice)

don't you think it's selfish of the person to go without leaving an explination or just a simple goodbye?

couldn't you say that life owes you nothing? life is a gift, you have to do the rest.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 06
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BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
I think it is very selfish for a person to commit suicide

an old classmate almost jumped off the bridge on Christmas I mean holly shit does the fucking world revolve around you think of everyone else before you wanna pull a bullshit stunt like that on such a family oriented day. Suicide I am not a fan..
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 06
tiestn vancorstenfold
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I dont like the drugs but the drugs like me

Thanks manson.. I heart you.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 06
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SEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of light
Originally Posted by gnosis
If someone takes their life, it's their own damn business!

It was/is their life to do with as they please.

They don't owe anyone any kind of explanation, whatsoever.

If a suicide _does_ leave a note/letter/msg, then it was a gesture of courtesy on their part.

Any bitching, whining or, yes, crying is purely selfishness on the part of the people still living.

(been through it, twice)
no way, suicide is the most selfish thing someone can do, its like giving a big fuck you to all the people who love you.

besides, theres is no reason to commit suicide, if you're depressed there are ways to fix it. giving up is a chump's way out

Last edited by SEAN!; Jan 19, 06 at 12:48 AM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 06
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^Just what I was going to say.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 06
where's the beach
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mugsy is on a distinguished road
i donno.
i've experienced many different types of death as im sure many of you have too. death that comes suddenly and unexpectedly, death that come after a long battle, death that comes naturaly with age and death that comes with reason but still feels unjust, and the lingering feeling of someone dying in my house.

truely, it all feels unfair. every single type felt like i was robbed. every type felt like i was getting a slap in the face or a punch in the stomach.

i was just having a conversation with a friend about death and how in the north american society its not only something we fear, but also something we get generally angry over, where in other cultures, sadness and loss are experienced yet there is more celebration of life rather then a depressed angry state of "its not fair."
death is never fair. at least in my mind. everyone is somebodies someone.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 06
no clouds in my stones
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Originally Posted by gnosis
If someone takes their life, it's their own damn business!

It was/is their life to do with as they please.

They don't owe anyone any kind of explanation, whatsoever.

If a suicide _does_ leave a note/letter/msg, then it was a gesture of courtesy on their part.

Any bitching, whining or, yes, crying is purely selfishness on the part of the people still living.

(been through it, twice)
I wholeheartedly agree!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 06
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PwInCeSs is on a distinguished road
My friend did something similar a few years back
The way he did it was in his car i dont want to get to in to it but in the end it was old and caught fire so who knows if there ever was a note.
It was hard wondering why, cause no one would have imagined this, but there must have been something really wrong that he couldnt even talk about to anyone that was eating him up inside....
I try and not think about it really, i just remember the good times
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 06
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fable is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by SEAN!
no way, suicide is the most selfish thing someone can do, its like giving a big fuck you to all the people who love you.

besides, theres is no reason to commit suicide, if you're depressed there are ways to fix it. giving up is a chump's way out
Wow, elequent as ever asshole.

Yes, suicide may be a selfish act, (usually the opinion of those left behind) but what of the selfish acts that lead up to such a suicide? We never trully understand the mind of someone who has killed themselves, if we did, perhaps the person may still be alive. It is natural to be angry, and it is natural to hurt, to be frustrated and be depressed. What isnt natural is to condemn someone who killed themeselves. Are you going to tell me its a fucking sin next, you callous piece of shit!?! You think someone just ups and kills themsleves, because thier lazy or uncarring of others?!? Couldnt someone just as easily kill themselves because of an overwhelming empathy, that they have no skill or experience or knowledge of dealing with? I know the several times i tried when i was younger had to do with this.

The act of suicide is something that is so elementely tragic, that it almost needs to stay this way. By attaching value judgements, we diminish the horror of the act, and diminish the importance of proactive steps to lessen the chances of people taking their lives. It may come off as a bitch move, for the "toughies" like your flippant ass, but fuck you, and your judgments.

Everytime you post something, i question if your in fact a fucking robot. Work on your own fucking soul, you piece of garbage.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 06
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brokencrayon is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by SEAN!
no way, suicide is the most selfish thing someone can do, its like giving a big fuck you to all the people who love you.

besides, theres is no reason to commit suicide, if you're depressed there are ways to fix it. giving up is a chump's way out
Okay so that's your opinion, fair enough. However, I completely disagree with that myself.. if someone is depressed and sick to the point where they have it set that they want to die, nothing can stop them or change how they feel you really can't fix it... and if they do voice it most times it's cry for help because they don't really want to die... atleast not yet, and if they do want to die they will eventually succeed.

My dad killed himself when I was 14 years old and throughout my teen years I was pissed the fuck off thinking it was the doctors' faults at the hospital where he was getting treatment for depression and even thinking it was my fault becuase when I saw him last I had no clue and I thought I should have noticed something. After some reasearch and a lot of painful thought I came to realize that he was just really very sick and very depressed, he didn't want his family and friends to see him deteriorate and see him unhappy because of it so he had it in his head that he was going to take his own life before his disease took it for him. I don't think anyone can change someone's mind unless they don't really want to die. and most people who DO want to die won't really leave any sign or explanation.. we thought my dad was getting better we thought he wasn't derpessed anymore and then bam he was gone... and I don't think people are chumps.. not just because my dad died this way but because in a way it is quite brave... most people are terrified of death and then there are people who can take their own lives and not be afraid of dying what so ever. Yes it seems selfish but to them it isn't.. to them it is almost like a favour.

PS- not all of that is just my opinion, some of it is also what I learned through doing research on suicide.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 06
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nabs is an unknown quantity at this point
^^^angie, ohmygod, i had no idea.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 06
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PwInCeSs is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by brokencrayon
Okay so that's your opinion, fair enough. However, I completely disagree with that myself.. if someone is depressed and sick to the point where they have it set that they want to die, nothing can stop them or change how they feel you really can't fix it... and if they do voice it most times it's cry for help because they don't really want to die... atleast not yet, and if they do want to die they will eventually succeed.

My dad killed himself when I was 14 years old and throughout my teen years I was pissed the fuck off thinking it was the doctors' faults at the hospital where he was getting treatment for depression and even thinking it was my fault becuase when I saw him last I had no clue and I thought I should have noticed something. .

Awwe even tho i knew this i still hate hearing it again...
I do agree tho, i dont find it selfish at all
sometime your just in that place where you want to die and some people do it cause they cant stand life anymore.
And not all ways help everyone..
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 06
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brokencrayon is an unknown quantity at this point
^^ Nabs that seems so hard to believe. The whole school practically knew about it and razzed me all the time thanks to Ms.Butfuckler. weird... lol
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Jan 21, 06
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yoshi242 is an unknown quantity at this point
my g/f commited suicide..very close to me ...and without warning,
she was in a world of pain deep inside and her outer appearance only masked the pain.

yes it is a selfish act, but these people need to know there are people in this world that do care and love them more than they allready know...

if you see any signs of someone about to give up in life....it is your duty to help save them, b/c it will make a world of a difference not giving up on these people or letting them give up on themselves...
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Jan 21, 06
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It's up to you to decide what you want in life. If you're not strong enough to deal with your problems, then that's between you and your beliefs - whatever or whoever that may be. It may hurt those around you, but hopefully they are wise enough to know that it was on your own accord, and that they could have done nothing to aid you. If life's bad enough to warrant ending it, then what could another person do to help you anyways? We live in a world where we are told to follow our hearts.. why should that limit this decision? We are blessed with free will, meaning we have the right to exercise that will freely. My deepest regards go out to those who have lost someone like that, but take comfort in knowing they took the path they wanted in life.

With all respect,
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