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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Apr 27, 06
Star Trek Girls Are Easy
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Discord is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Tea
You can't agree with somethin you know nothing about.

My brother is ill with more then one mental illness I’ve grown up in and out of hospitals. I’ve seen my Fiancé go though "depression" medication hell from the age of 12 when all that was wrong was teenage "growing pains" and 3 of my best friends in the hospital due to misdiagnosed symptoms and wrong Medications which had made the symptoms they've had worse one of which died....

I myself have been put on medication which was later to be revealed "caused" kids under 20 to commit suicide, hear voices, and become extremely insomniatic.

After my bout with bad meds I took classes on natural medications. I apprenticed at a shop which promotes ways to teach your body to deal with emotions instead of over medicating.

I think most "anti depressants" make things worse in the long run.

that’s just my belief and i think i'm in a place to make an educated opinion
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Apr 28, 06
Big Deal Lucille
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Originally Posted by Discord
I myself have been put on medication which was later to be revealed "caused" kids under 20 to commit suicide, hear voices, and become extremely insomniatic.
please, please do share what these drugs are.
i have my suspicions.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Apr 28, 06
Join Date: Oct 2002
Ragga_Wh0re will become famous soon enoughRagga_Wh0re will become famous soon enough
^any medication that is the wrong medication for someone can cause those side effects.

for example,i was put on effexor when i was a teenager for depression,the shit was supposed to level me out instead it made me a nutter.I couldnt sleep,the shit was like crack,same with paxil.Did the exact same thing to me.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Apr 28, 06
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PAXIL IS FUCKED UP. I have known a couple people who have had to stop taking it. The comedown is fucked. I was pumped full of ritalin when i was a tyke, then i ended up seeing a news report about how university students were crushing it up and railing it.....so i tried that.... it wasnt exactly a good time... i then decided that I didnt want to have pharmaceutical grade anphetamines shoved down my throat anymore.

Effexor is pretty fucked up too. They tried to give me that shit and it was not very helpful.... fucking doctors think they can just throw drugs at ppl, it makes me fucking sick!
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Apr 28, 06
Big Deal Lucille
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Originally Posted by Ragga_Wh0re
^any medication that is the wrong medication for someone can cause those side effects.

for example,i was put on effexor when i was a teenager for depression,the shit was supposed to level me out instead it made me a nutter.I couldnt sleep,the shit was like crack,same with paxil.Did the exact same thing to me.
if you understood more than brand names you would know that those two drugs effect the serotonin receptors in the same fashion.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Apr 28, 06
Big Deal Lucille
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Originally Posted by Heffmeister
PAXIL IS FUCKED UP. I have known a couple people who have had to stop taking it. The comedown is fucked. I was pumped full of ritalin when i was a tyke, then i ended up seeing a news report about how university students were crushing it up and railing it.....so i tried that.... it wasnt exactly a good time... i then decided that I didnt want to have pharmaceutical grade anphetamines shoved down my throat anymore.

Effexor is pretty fucked up too. They tried to give me that shit and it was not very helpful.... fucking doctors think they can just throw drugs at ppl, it makes me fucking sick!
by tyke do you mean young child?
did they put you on effexor when you were an adult?

i have alot of friends on this SSRI and various other ones. i'm not a fan, their doctors insist it's not physically addictive, but that doens't explain the withdrawl i've seen all of them go through.
my moms doc recently medicated her, with some super new fantastic drug! i don't know what it is yet, but i'll find out.
unlike effexor it doesn't take 6 months to take full effect, and it doesn't make you tired. but it did make me feel that i had a real person for a mother for the first time in my life. it was amazing. i could tell the diffrence even though i was on the other side of a diffrent country. when she'd call me prior to the meds, i would usualy wind up hanging up on her because she became irrational and screaming. now, she's quite easy to talk to.
it's lovely.
AND her doctors are not just leaving it at that, they're using it to help her address her real problems in a rational and clear headed way that wasn't possible before.

truly a positive move in her life, finally at the age of 50, she gets the help she needed years ago.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Apr 28, 06
Join Date: Oct 2002
Ragga_Wh0re will become famous soon enoughRagga_Wh0re will become famous soon enough
^hahaha i do know that,however im not the one who writes my prescriptions,its my doctor.Who prolly shouldve put 2&2 together and realized that paxil prolly wouldnt be a good fit for me as effexor was not either.My issue was that i produced too much serotonin,something my doctor found out the hard way.And it was his bad when he prescribed me 2 serotonin inhibitors,hence my reaction to it!Amitryptaline(sp?)was a good fit for me because it was a dopamine inhibitor and evened me out.

anyways,as for paxil...the come down is super fucked up.My sister was on paxil for years because of her adhd,took it throughout her pregnancy and at the time there were no case studies done on the effects of paxil during pregnancy.Anyways 8 years later we find out it causes premature birth,my niece was born premature.

and yeah heffmeister,doctors can and will throw drugs at people.The reason for that being is that health care is ran by the pharmaceutical companys,for every prescription a doctor writes he gets a monetary kick back from the pharmaceutical companys.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Apr 28, 06
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zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
ding ding ding!

godessa is fully correct. lots of the time doctors can and will throw medication at you, they get what one would call "comission" from drug companies.

why do you think so many teenaged kids are over medicated? adults even? this cornucopia (i like that word) of drugs that is presented to most of society is just insane. most of the time ssri's/sdri's are not the right solution, they're a quick fix which can induce psychosis/gloss you over for the time being.

and dating someone with a mental illness... yes. if there really is love, it can work. you just have to understand that there will be hard times, and times where you will be absolutely frustrated, but if you want that greater good, all the better.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Apr 29, 06
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^most the doctors i went to up north are harsh pill pushers.
so many kids on this and that, young kids too. its a bad scene.

Originally Posted by impure

i have alot of friends on this SSRI and various other ones. i'm not a fan, their doctors insist it's not physically addictive, but that doens't explain the withdrawl i've seen all of them go through.
I was on paxil+benzos a few years back.

Although the withdrawal period (approx 3 months) is a very rough one, I cant say the drug itself was addictive.
Like I felt shitty - really shitty after, but never once did i think "gee I wish i had more paxil then i wouldnt feel this way", unlike say the way pot or cigarettes can be addictive. I never had cravings for more paxil.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Apr 29, 06
Big Deal Lucille
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Originally Posted by -evil-duerr-
^most the doctors i went to up north are harsh pill pushers.
so many kids on this and that, young kids too. its a bad scene.

I was on paxil+benzos a few years back.

Although the withdrawal period (approx 3 months) is a very rough one, I cant say the drug itself was addictive.
Like I felt shitty - really shitty after, but never once did i think "gee I wish i had more paxil then i wouldnt feel this way", unlike say the way pot or cigarettes can be addictive. I never had cravings for more paxil.
i guess i was meaning physical addiction.
alot of cravings can be psychological i think
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Apr 29, 06
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wtf_wtf is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by C_squared
do it.

you never know... it could be crazy sex.
I like the way you think dude lol
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Apr 29, 06
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Originally Posted by C_squared
do it.

you never know... it could be crazy sex.
If you have sex with someone who has Schizophrenia does is count as group sex?
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Apr 29, 06
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wtf_wtf is on a distinguished road
^ lmao - defff sum karma for u man
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Apr 29, 06
Big Deal Lucille
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Originally Posted by mapleleaf4ever
If you have sex with someone who has Schizophrenia does is count as group sex?
i <3 you eric

i'm working on borrowing daves car while we're there, jfre said only you can drive though because last time i almost went off a cliff. boourns
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Apr 29, 06
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Apr 29, 06
Big Deal Lucille
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impure is a jewel in the roughimpure is a jewel in the roughimpure is a jewel in the roughimpure is a jewel in the rough
fo sho buddy!
you know that it'll be bad news with you me and amanda there!
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Apr 30, 06
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Ray! is an unknown quantity at this point
My dad runs a fairly prominent rehabilitation home for people with mental disabilities,
so i have been around that environments since i was very young. they are people just like you and me they have good hearts and are gods creation, therefore they should be treated with respect.

If u happen to fall in love with someone with a disablility and they are mentally stimulating and attractive, then there is nothing wrong with that
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Apr 30, 06
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Ray! is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Discord
My brother is ill with more then one mental illness I’ve grown up in and out of hospitals. I’ve seen my Fiancé go though "depression" medication hell from the age of 12 when all that was wrong was teenage "growing pains" and 3 of my best friends in the hospital due to misdiagnosed symptoms and wrong Medications which had made the symptoms they've had worse one of which died....

I myself have been put on medication which was later to be revealed "caused" kids under 20 to commit suicide, hear voices, and become extremely insomniatic.

After my bout with bad meds I took classes on natural medications. I apprenticed at a shop which promotes ways to teach your body to deal with emotions instead of over medicating.

I think most "anti depressants" make things worse in the long run.

that’s just my belief and i think i'm in a place to make an educated opinion
i took antidepressants for 8 months when i was 17 worse mistakes i ever i was more depressed then when i started, i switched to vitamins and herbs and i have never felt better

im reminded of a quote
For every disease we know God allows a herb to grow
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old May 01, 06
Star Trek Girls Are Easy
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Originally Posted by impure
i guess i was meaning physical addiction.
alot of cravings can be psychological i think
the withdrawl from effexor and Paxil is just like any other drug.

you get sweats, your heart rate goes up: chest pains: tummy pains: you get dizy cant eat or drink... getting sick.

its harsh.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old May 01, 06
Star Trek Girls Are Easy
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Discord is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Ray!
i took antidepressants for 8 months when i was 17 worse mistakes i ever i was more depressed then when i started, i switched to vitamins and herbs and i have never felt better

im reminded of a quote
For every disease we know God allows a herb to grow
I like that quote alot!
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old May 01, 06
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beedub is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Ray!

If u happen to fall in love with someone with a disablility and they are mentally stimulating and attractive, then there is nothing wrong with that
I've known a couple of people that ended their own lives, it's still a fairly common thing for people with schizophrenia, so take care. For some people it's a terminal illness (by their own decision) and if you fall in love with them and something bad happens it will be very painful to lose them.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old May 01, 06
Big Deal Lucille
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Originally Posted by Discord
the withdrawl from effexor and Paxil is just like any other drug.

you get sweats, your heart rate goes up: chest pains: tummy pains: you get dizy cant eat or drink... getting sick.

its harsh.
i know, i've watched many a friend go through it.
but i've also watched their docs deny any physical addictive properties in SSRIs
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old May 01, 06
Star Trek Girls Are Easy
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Discord is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by impure
i know, i've watched many a friend go through it.
but i've also watched their docs deny any physical addictive properties in SSRIs
They seem to deny allot of things don't they?
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old May 01, 06
Star Trek Girls Are Easy
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Originally Posted by beedub
I've known a couple of people that ended their own lives, it's still a fairly common thing for people with schizophrenia, so take care. For some people it's a terminal illness (by their own decision) and if you fall in love with them and something bad happens it will be very painful to lose them.

I guess you can think that way in any relationship = My old boyfriend got killed in a car wreck.

another lover of mine tried to take his own life without being mentally ill.

you can lose a lover at any time... so why deny the chance to have something great with someone just because they may or may not go off the deep end.

"We all go off a little mad sometimes" - anthony perkins psycho
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old May 01, 06
Big Deal Lucille
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impure is a jewel in the roughimpure is a jewel in the roughimpure is a jewel in the roughimpure is a jewel in the rough
not mine.
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