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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mar 21, 04
Stinky Finger
Join Date: Jun 2002
mattymids is an unknown quantity at this point

had a good time good crowd, drunk and done
  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mar 21, 04
Join Date: Dec 2001
de-ken is an unknown quantity at this point
i was dancin my ass off when scot project came on! great stuff!

overall i liked the music, the setup, the crowd... everything. good times indeed... insomnia was NOT to be missed! made coming out to vancouver definitely worth it for me.

thx jimmy & jenn for helpin me out when i got there. much appreciated.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mar 21, 04
my best friend Tamara flew there yesterday w/ a friend and he took her to this party. shes never been to Vancouver ever , or a Plaza party and she was sooo excited because ive told her all about it and how much fun shes going to have....i just know she did. shes such a raver at heart she was probably in heaven there, compared to the places here in Calgary...the Plaza is a fucken palace. I also told her to hit up Laramy too....apparently she got me a present so im excited. i miss Laramy....:(
  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mar 21, 04
Join Date: Dec 2003
AqvaYak is an unknown quantity at this point
poor sound set up... top quality djs...

liked the shy bros new tracks, and their label launchwas wicked, and the theme song (even though those of us around 5 years ago remember faithless - insomnia) was cool.

solid traxxx... tracid traxxx... flash traxxxx.. hmm, coincidence?

huge kudos for ben and mike for helping get my records signed.

you guys did really well.

ps vlado, you are my new favorite dj. u almost have the tiesto grin, and you have the vlado wink... all you need is the hip hump and you could be up there with tiesto as far as stage presence.

hi to kandys (sweet and kid) attila, dsl, angel, anitta, deeb and deebette, krazy jay, crazE dave, kelly, mirka, mohawk dude and gf, Y2J or wahtever, hehe.
o im so tired, if i forgot u its cause im tired.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mar 21, 04
Join Date: Dec 2003
AqvaYak is an unknown quantity at this point
ps since when do tons of people know about Aqvayak? ive played out like 4-55 times in 5 monthes. I heard my trance theory set was good, but its getting me recognized? Twilight zone. Btw, my next set will be at a birthday party next friday for an fnker. Ill probably derail the 10:30 to cleveland just cause i can.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mar 21, 04
Join Date: Oct 2003
tested01 is an unknown quantity at this point
i wish i went, backed out pretty much right when i got there, didnt wanna have to waste money buyin a ticket of some guy that will probably try and hustle me, dropped off like 50 caps witha friend though so its allllll good inthe end.mehhh.scrillllla
  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
prangin' out
Join Date: May 2001
zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
rock on plaza
  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
messable decible
Join Date: Aug 2003
klockwize is an unknown quantity at this point
WHOLLY SHIT!! that is all i can say!....what a night!......im too tierd to do my shot outs right now.!! its sleepy time!, but ill do em later!

  #9 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
Join Date: Oct 2003
crackdragon will become famous soon enough
Sounds like a good time had by all so far.
Wish I could of gone :finger: flu
  #10 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
*~*PLUR b*tches*~*
Join Date: Apr 2002
RiCeY is on a distinguished road
I went down at 11:30 to check it out...But wow was surprised to see EVERYONE had gotten in already at that time!
  #11 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
I *Heart* Sarcasm
Join Date: Feb 2002
Rhianna is an unknown quantity at this point
scot project scares me...........
  #12 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
Join Date: Oct 2001
Anjew is on a distinguished road
Alright got there around 12:30.
setup was a bit of a disappointment....
Had fun getting my box of flyers in and then helping the Unite Party as well.
toured around the venue for a bit....
waited for CAK's set....
that set was so fucken good....
You guys are pro....
I would actually like to know ALL of the songs played in your set
so if anyone can help let me know plz
Near the end of the party me and amanda were coming down the escalator and she saw a man convulsing on the ground... when we reached the bottom of the escalator he was still convulsing....
and then movement stopped.
paramedics surrounded the guy.... proboly about 45 years old... asian.
I believed they pumped his chest.... and he started breathing again.....
while this was going on, I happened to look up and some of the "nammers" were laughing at the guy.....
the guy was eventually stretchered off... no idea how he is.
I think that was the scarriest thing we have ever seen at a party...

in conclusion.
the party was fun.
the people were overall fun.
CAK was fun.
Bev was fun.
Ty haven't seen you in a while. glad to see you still brought out your cards
Winson. saw you once.
Jeff Thnx
Michelle Thnx
Jen Thnx
Jimmy Thnx
Too many shouts to people.. and as you all know I'm lazy.
so yeah... to everyone i missed. read the last line of the post.
o my significant other.
You made everything positive with your beauty, your smile and your energy.

  #13 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
Join Date: Oct 2003
brokencrayon is an unknown quantity at this point
Attila - OMG haha thanks so much. I wish he coulda seen me too but oh well... I can look hawt again for sinful and I am gonna make him rave :kam: but we all know he will love it. PS- had tons of fun . thnks for getting me there and the ride home too. Those psycho car ppl scared me. can't believe one of them ended out being my neighbor :toasted: PPS- had fun "popping" those fisherman friend candies they actually tasted good!

Anita - darling what can I say: we pre-raved in ur bedroom with birdie and we raved hard at insomnia.. well sorta.. and we had a good time. You never fail to bring fun to my little world. Thank you also for helping get me to insomnia. The oxygen bar was interesting, hope you enjoyed it.... too bad we couldn't sit together tho. :p

mummy! aka.NUNDA - BITCHESSSS! RE-diculous! hahaha I love you! you rock my socks okay! sorry we left you early in the night but we were sooo spent. Had tons of fun though. Thanks for the pants btw- they were so hawt and you looked fine in that skirt :PartEkid:

other mummy aka GIA- you are so awesome! too bad I barely saw you last night. thnks for the sticker. it got lost pretty quick tho hehe. you looked purdy :p

Steve-O- hope ur drunk ass had fun ! We didn't see u tons last night cause you were off doin ur own thing but no worries. next time we flail!

Pussy my kat - I love you! thanks for the candy . you are too cute with ur carebears backpack. Had fun in the lineup with you. I couldnt find you for scot projects set and I left before it ended but while I was there he was the shit. Wish I coulda flailed with you!

Sean(aqvayak) - thanks for holding my bag in your bag that was a huge load off :D. I WAS SOBER ALLLL NIGHT! I told you so!!!! teehee.

Shawn(dsl-dude)- like attila said: where the hell was ur camera and ur picture whoringness! we missed your normal picturific ways! Hope your friends had fun at their first rave. :)

Kelly(klockwise)- good to see you hope you had fuN! too bad u weren't spinning. you rock socks! :p

Paige - HAHA the string glow stick .. to bad those dudes made us stop after 5 seconds. Hope you had an awesome night.

Ben - HAHA you were FUCKED! Hope you had fun partying it up.

Ang - my sister. we rock socks! ur outfit was amazingly hawt. loved it to bits! hope you had fun darling :p

Steph- You looked dam hawt too! Hope you had fun flailing. You are an awesome dancer and so sweet too. can't wait to see all the pics we took.:)

TINA - wow you looked amazing ! Hope you had fun. too bad I didn't really find the face in the flyer, I was so proud and then I was wrong :( hehe. but oh well I still love you . ps- ur sunglasses are very sexy.

Neal- Hope you had fun. that mini post-fnk meet thing after 12 am was interesting. At least I made it to the second one though. I want to see pictures!!!!! hehe

Sheena- nice meeting you in person you are so rad :D I am still confused about this Josh character who says he knows me :284: ... we were so sneaky with the kidnapping of you know who's candy but SHHH! I'll get in trouble if he finds out hehe. :kam:

Mercedes&caroline- it was nice seeing you guys hope you had fun . Mercedes that candy ring pop was sooo yummy

crazee dave- glad you came! hope you had a ravealicious night. :c-tard:

Kenji - hope you had fun working and making hot dogs :kam: bwahahaa . only saw you once but thats okie. Hope you had fun mister.

Goat- met u out in the front area... Pallleease beat that guy up like you offered. He is creepy and a half. :soak: hehe

Cass- saw you briefly in the front area... You were pretty shittarded. Hope you had a fun time :)

Dean- another drunk night for you eh. Hope you had funn times. I can't believe you were ready to drink bacardi 151 without anything with it. that is hardcore drinkingness!

J BOOGIE- dude I have your keys and bus pass and stuff. we left early and didn't know where the hell you dissapeared to. I must give them back to you cause you will obviously need them. Hope you had fun!

Ok that is it I gotta end this now before I die of tiredness. sorry to whoever I may have forgotten. I still love you guys too but this is getting too dam long and I have no more energy to type. INSOMNIA was fun! MARCO V and SCOT PROJECT FUCKING ROCKED IT! fun times had by all I hope.
  #14 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
*~*PLUR b*tches*~*
Join Date: Apr 2002
RiCeY is on a distinguished road
I wanna see pix of sweet~kandy *haha* I wanna see this hawt outfit she had on... :tounge1:
  #15 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
Join Date: Mar 2004
A-BoMb11 is an unknown quantity at this point
ye insomnia was krazy alright... haha happened to by my first rave... after an experience like that it wont be my last :p
  #16 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
Registered User
Join Date: Nov 2002
mojo is just really nicemojo is just really nicemojo is just really nicemojo is just really nicemojo is just really nicemojo is just really nice
come on chumps, how were stanton warriors.
  #17 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
*~*PLUR b*tches*~*
Join Date: Apr 2002
RiCeY is on a distinguished road
Any one know details about the old nammer passing away? Anyone see it? Appearently he was carried away in a stretcher?
  #18 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
addicted to sexohol
Join Date: Nov 2003
kidmanic is an unknown quantity at this point
exquisite evening!!
there was always a stage with music I liked
vidscreens would've been nice in the theatre room but no biggie
I really had a great time!!! Terrific work guys!!!
  #19 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
addicted to sexohol
Join Date: Nov 2003
kidmanic is an unknown quantity at this point
exquisite evening!!
there was always a stage with music I liked
vidscreens would've been nice in the theatre room but no biggie
I really had a great time!!! Thanks for the wicked beats guys!
  #20 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
....fucking evol
Join Date: Feb 2004
neoh will become famous soon enough
Atilla: :070:
AqvaYak: .. Where was everybody at 12?
lucyinthesky: neil? neno? nanimo? OOOH.. NEEOH.

I missed Marco V - Loops and strings because I was TOO NAUTIOUS TO DANCE! URG..

Though Godd was good. "OR DO YOU BELIEVE ME!"

Seth :soak:
James: :toasted:

And whomever stole my fucking stereo, YOU FORGOT TO GRAB THE FACE PLATE, DUMBASS.

I just replaced the damn thing 3 weeks ago!
There goes another $300 deductable.
  #21 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
Join Date: Mar 2004
Custard is an unknown quantity at this point
good show

i heard the guy had a seisure(sp?) and droped like a log. didn't see it myself though, was in main room, i was planted in theatre room all night
  #22 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
Candy Kid Extraordinaire!
Join Date: Mar 2004
D-Vine is an unknown quantity at this point
I missed the fnk meet.. and I didn't get to see any of you.. But my GAWD did I ever have a good time.. WOW.
  #23 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
Party Hard...
Join Date: Feb 2004
Spaz06 is an unknown quantity at this point
best party ever

I had the time of my life last night holy funk it was great i dont know where all the time went though i dont remember what happened in between my first and my second cap but i do remember not getting let down. No E missions this time though :284: I would have to say # 1 party outta all the raves and clubs i have been to #1. Awsome Awsome Party I cant stop thinking about it. But i did notice that the beats were on the low side during a few tracks. I didnt do much dancing i walked around and talked to people must of the night.

Thank U for throwing a sick ass party.

After the Plaza is no longer here i will remember insomnia for the sweet lasers show and Marco V and Scot Project.

To All the new people i met at Insomnia Sorry i couldnt remember everyones names but hope to see u at the next rave.

Last edited by Spaz06; Mar 23, 04 at 02:54 AM.
  #24 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
mapleleaf4ever's Avatar
sweet sensi crew
Join Date: Jan 2004
mapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the rough
Had a great night last night. Flailed up a storm... still dead on my feet here at work. I'll post my pics when I get home... But Shouts to: Attila, Goat, JBoogie, Char, Ben, Klockwize and everyone else I met... quite a few and I was pretty fucked. Anyways... need sleep. :toasted:
  #25 (permalink)  
Old Mar 22, 04
I dont rave
Join Date: Oct 2002
dreckis has a little shameless behaviour in the past
What a average party. I had lots of fun but the sound was disgusting. What the hell were shy brother's doing they recked twice and the goof before him recked like 6 times? The dj of the night was by far scott project. Marco v total joke! horrible !

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