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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Mar 01, 07
semblence within chaos.
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Try working the guilt factor. Write a nice articulate letter about a relative dying and your late hours of work and how you'd appreciate it if he please kept the music low after a certain hour. Guilt works way better than aggression.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Mar 01, 07
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Mar 01, 07
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oh man please tell me it's stairway to heaven
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
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slip fart bombs under his door til he comes out
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
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Originally Posted by starbright View Post
lildonkey, i live on my own at the foot of davie (aka on the beach) on the 17th floor. i see you live in burnaby. is that with your parents or by choice?

For your information, i've been living on my own and supporting myself since 16... but thanks for trying to impress me with the fact that you live downtown on the 17th floor.. congrat-u-fucking-lations - not impressive.

What does this have to do with my comment about you being an idiot for yelling into someones mailslot? or do you just like to find any reason to tell people how rich you are?
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
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Jerry ! Jerry! Jerry!
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
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she won't understand your "Jerry!" reference...

shes too high class to watch those types of shows... shes more onto "oprah" and "maury"

she lives on the 17th floor of a building on davie street ya know!
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
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i hope you were joking about the maury bit.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
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Originally Posted by mojo View Post
i hope you were joking about the maury bit.
hah. true that. maury is just as bad as springer. =P
oprah is the worst in my opinion though. psycho babble bullshit.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
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Originally Posted by lildonkey View Post

For your information, i've been living on my own and supporting myself since 16... but thanks for trying to impress me with the fact that you live downtown on the 17th floor.. congrat-u-fucking-lations - not impressive.

What does this have to do with my comment about you being an idiot for yelling into someones mailslot? or do you just like to find any reason to tell people how rich you are?
had nothing to do with your comment about me being an idiot. i ignored that entirely due to the fact that you are wrong.
me yelling at him to turn down his music thru his mailslot was the most appropriate way for me to be heard. i was also hopeful he would see me.

i was not talking about how much money i have.
simply defending your condescending remark toward whalley and my home. i had to win that one, kinda childish stooping to your level, but i really love living here so i rubbed it in your face for being an asshole.

i am not even close to being rich nor would i ever pride myself in having more money than another person. maybe it will make you feel better knowing that i am a poor student living off loans and part-time work.

seems like you are really sensitive.
you've been attacking me since i called you a "hypocrite dumbass" in that other thread even tho you admitted your behaviour demonstrated it yourself.
Originally Posted by lildonkey View Post
3. In this instance.... I may seem like a hypocrite but i was just poking fun at rawb...
so anyway, i am sorry for my careless insult.
i didn't know you had a difficult situation at home while you were growing up.
the post was more of a poke at wishbone than directed toward you.

did you finish highschool? if so, that is impressive.
if not, i could see how being called dumb could make you insecure.
you've been brought up to think that there is such a thing as a high class talk show where as i have a feeling i have been more privileged.
now i just feel sorry for you.

please move along, lildonkey.

(ps - i'm so high class and poor, i don't even have television!)
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
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seems like you are really sensitive.
you've been attacking me since i called you a "hypocrite dumbass" in that other thread even tho you admitted your behaviour demonstrated it yourself.
The fuck are you talking about? You give yourself too much credit, if i said something to you a day ago or something - do you really think you are that important that i would remember it today?

And you are horrible at flaming.... so don't try your "move along" thing as if you handed me my ass. I'm happy that you like your apartment, but bragging about it as if it was something impressive doesn't WOW me. Do you own the apartment? Are you barely skimming by every month, so that you can tell people "i live on the 17th floor of a building in davie!!!!" like you said to me?

I highly doubt you own your suite... so why you would brag about something like that is beyond me.

^ is this the lifestyle i'm supposed to be jealous of? looks like two homeless people fighting for a penny under a used condom in stanley park. (pre-windstorm tree knocking down thingy)

btw... the whole highschool bit..... that was good.... you should try talking about coming from a broken home next... maybe you'll hit a n erve in me!

Last edited by lildonkey; Mar 02, 07 at 02:34 AM.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
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i really don't see how that pic is related to this topic?
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
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Originally Posted by dabbler View Post
i really don't see how that pic is related to this topic?
Neither do I. i would be interested to know why she is beating him with what looks like a flip flop though.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
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Originally Posted by mojo View Post
Neither do I. i would be interested to know why she is beating him with what looks like a flip flop though.
thats a she??
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
Originally Posted by Chewy View Post
thats a she??

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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
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I was wondering wtf a picture of Avana was supposed to prove....

lildonkey, sorry dude but you're digging yourself deeper with every word you type. I suggest you quit while you're.... about as ahead as you're gonna be here.

starbright, you're not doing that much better. Psychobabbly theorizing is not becoming, and you're not a very good psychic. Stop assuming things and have a fucking backbone to your argument. Ad Hominem attacks just make you look like the high school dropout here.

Both of you have lost this argument.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
black swan
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someone really has to do the cricket thing...
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
semblence within chaos.
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Originally Posted by ebbomega View Post
Ad Hominem attacks
Dammit i wanted to be the one to drop the latin in this argument, as soon as you do that the whole things over! lol

But really, Lildonkey give it a rest.

When someone is being inconsiderate to the people around them those people have the right to do whatever they feel will get the msg across, including yelling in the mailslot. How does the possibility of being killed have anything to do with this? I could be that person who gets shot by a stray bullet from the street, i could bump into the wrong person at the wrong time, doesn't mean standing up to a dumbass downstairs is a stupid idea.

I don't see any point for your attack but that you were frustrated about something else and taking out your increased frustration towards someone elses frustration. Often the source of our frustration is veiled beneath layers that don't often surface. Want to talk about it? Maybe we can sit down for some hot coco.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
Originally Posted by decypher View Post
Dammit i wanted to be the one to drop the latin in this argument, as soon as you do that the whole things over! lol

But really, Lildonkey give it a rest.

When someone is being inconsiderate to the people around them those people have the right to do whatever they feel will get the msg across, including yelling in the mailslot. How does the possibility of being killed have anything to do with this? I could be that person who gets shot by a stray bullet from the street, i could bump into the wrong person at the wrong time, doesn't mean standing up to a dumbass downstairs is a stupid idea.

I don't see any point for your attack but that you were frustrated about something else and taking out your increased frustration towards someone elses frustration. Often the source of our frustration is veiled beneath layers that don't often surface. Want to talk about it? Maybe we can sit down for some hot coco.

I like that he doesn't believe Nicole doesn't own her own place, and that the only thing he can do to try and insult her is post a bad picture that he happens to find in her gallery and try to dig on looks. He might as well have gone up and pulled her hair with that weak attack. Childish much?
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
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rawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to all
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
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because different=coolness
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
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LEEROY CHANG!! will become famous soon enough
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
Beware the Toes
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Originally Posted by robyn View Post
so one time i had a neighbour like this and because i'm a baby i decided i would just let karma get him and then one night i came home and there were bloody handprints all over the hallway and he was all beaten and lying in the middle of the floor and i just stepped over him and went into my apt

you're a horrible person.

Granted he probley deserved it, you don't step around someone who obviously needs help - atleast give him a tap with you're foot to see if he's awake or call an ambulance for his sorry ass.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
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Originally Posted by Webber View Post

you're a horrible person.

Granted he probley deserved it, you don't step around someone who obviously needs help - atleast give him a tap with you're foot to see if he's awake or call an ambulance for his sorry ass.
cops were already there, also basically ignoring him
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Mar 02, 07
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Originally Posted by decypher View Post
Dammit i wanted to be the one to drop the latin in this argument, as soon as you do that the whole things over! lol

But really, Lildonkey give it a rest.

When someone is being inconsiderate to the people around them those people have the right to do whatever they feel will get the msg across, including yelling in the mailslot. How does the possibility of being killed have anything to do with this? I could be that person who gets shot by a stray bullet from the street, i could bump into the wrong person at the wrong time, doesn't mean standing up to a dumbass downstairs is a stupid idea.

I don't see any point for your attack but that you were frustrated about something else and taking out your increased frustration towards someone elses frustration. Often the source of our frustration is veiled beneath layers that don't often surface. Want to talk about it? Maybe we can sit down for some hot coco.
Someone getting hit with a stray bullet, and someone getting their face bashed in for yelling into someones mailbox are two completely different things. One is likely and one is not.

There are more logical ways of dealing with a situation like that, then to be an idiot yourself and to start yelling through someones mailbox in turn annoying other neighbours.

and avana, i see why you get along so well with the chick.... just how she likes to brag about how she lives on davie st, i remember you not shutting the fuck up about how you ran apex. It makes sense now.
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