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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 02
break dance, not hearts
Join Date: Sep 2001
bebu*funfun will become famous soon enough
stress from grade 12

GOD DAMN CLASSES!!! GOD DAMN TEACHERS!!! GOD DAMN MATH12!!! grrrrrzzz i go in almost everyday for help and i still get treated like shit from the teacher and i dont understand nethingggggggg! if i screw math up i dont have a university plannnnnnnn! GRRZ


stress in makin portfolio! ackkz its due NEXT MONTH for emily carr! AHHHHHH! damn myself for not knowing how to take pictures....SAMMY COME BACK AND HELP MEEEE!

GOD DAMN BITCH FIGHTS AT MY SCHOOL FOR A STUPID SCHOLARSHIP NOMINATION!!! my damn girlfriend quit the bball team cuz she didn't get NOMINATED...making me feeling SOO guilty!!

grrrrrrrzzz i need a huge scholarship.. my family can't support me =( DAMN STUDENT LOANS! grrrrzzz

DAMN FIRST GRAD EVENT COSTS 45 DOLLARS TO SIT ON A BOAT...no food, not opened to other ppl, and god damn cheesy top 40s! grrrz

one more damn... damn myself for being so outta shape for upcoming basketball season.. poor lungs! ahhhh

okay tats all for now. grade 12 is a stresss. okay im done i feel much much better...GRRRRZ ROARZ! only thing tats good is that im doing a really good job quiting smoking rite now!! yayyy!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 02
-->Tightcore Trucker<--
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Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
yeah, grade 12 is pain in the ass!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 02
JVL Fantasies
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yourlilbaby is an unknown quantity at this point
BEBU FUN FUN U ARE NOT IN GRADE 12 ARE YOU? I saw u before spooky i totally didnt think u were in grade 12... holy poo... aww but i totoally know how u feel, Chem 12, Bio 12, Math 12 and any physics can all go to hell... This is the hardest year of my life, and goddam those universities with the gay ass avg for entrance... damn those gay ass grad events (yeah our prom u can bring like a date u gotta bring your rents) and our semi formal is on an indian reserve or something... i dunno i dont want to go... lol best of kuck to you sweetheart
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 02
QQ (" )
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sh4un is on a distinguished road
yeah this year is so tuff
reading the sequal 2 harrpy potter now
read first 1 last year
my skool ownz!
easiest shit ever for my grd 12 haha
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 02
JVL Fantasies
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yourlilbaby is an unknown quantity at this point
what school do you kids go to?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 02
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ugh bev i know wut u mean....
im so fucked i dotn hava second language cuz i dropped french 10 i only have accounting 11 and i only have earth science 11 and my average is like 50% it really stresses me out cuz i donmt know wut the shit im goign to do with my life and school is so not my thing! ahhhhh
at the moment im mfailing english and thats so fucked cuz i usually get like a B my teacher is sucha idiot~!
ok but ya hun dont owrry u seem smart ulle get into sfu!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 02
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i dunno about u guys but i had so much fun in grade 12 =p
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 02
Sonic Nacartic
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Hmm... Gr.12 was the most slack year for me but only because I busted my ass so hard in Gr.11 to earn as many grad credits and a high GPA for SFU entry, it left my final year relatively free of courses.

Hehe... 'tis good to work the system to one's advantage whenever possible. :kam:
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 02
break dance, not hearts
Join Date: Sep 2001
bebu*funfun will become famous soon enough
yourlilbaby- lol well i looked like a plurry whore at spooky..once ure wuteva type of whore i guess u would look a bit older. u dont wanna know my age..im a baby.

ackz..linear system sucks ass..especially with no spare!
history12, geography12, math12, english 12, drafting11, art 12, art ap 12, marketing 12! aaahhh its a full load and i have 8 more months. FAWK. damn school for having so lil provincial courses.

courtz..im doin pretyt bad in english too no clue y. i got my marks today..not pretty at all!

just cuz im asian doesn't mean im smart..i wish it was a natural thing!! me go study for math now..
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 02
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~lazee_grrl~ is an unknown quantity at this point
hmmm..gr.12...it was my slackiest year of skool..i only had 5 classes..and at the end of the year..i only had 3 classes..=)..it was sooo good!..

it's tough bev..but don't just focus all on the skool stuff..HAVE FUN!!
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Nov 04, 02
Funked up
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Starberry is an unknown quantity at this point
Holy f'in shit....you're in grade 12?! I swear just months ago you were 16....

Time fucking fliiiiiies


p.s. I hope you don't take offence to this....I'm just gawking at how quickly time goes by....my little sissy is already in gr.10!
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 02
Join Date: Jan 2001
c.tard is an unknown quantity at this point
^^^ bev's a year younger then the rest of the grads!!

it's kinda like my friend sam. but hey, whatev's right??

but i totally know what you mean about it being stressful! Fuck, i have a fucked up first term.. food and bev and work experience..
that means right now, i have my one class halfway through lunch then i'm off (supposed to be working)

and it's fucked! i'm so outta the loop for everything! we were supposed to have a bunch of assemblies for grad shit so far but we've had none. the other grades have had more assemblies then us!

my grad pictures are at the end of the month, i don't know shit all about booking studio time, what were all wearing and blah blah and im' super stressed cause i don't techinically have a job and my parents don't wanna pay it all and AHFLSEKJFESJRFSEJ$"*&@$(#&423$9#@&

i'm not liking this very much. and next wednesday i start my new term.. history and info tech. *Ack*

why does it all have to be so stressful? I WANT FUN DAMNIT!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 02
break dance, not hearts
Join Date: Sep 2001
bebu*funfun will become famous soon enough
AT LEAST U GET A NEW TERM!! i just studied my ass off and my math test tomorrow will affect my first report card grade...MAJORLY its worth pretty much 60% for me. aaahhh. im totally outties for early admission. =(

cheryl i totally know wut u mean by grad pics and stuff. i wanna look all pretty and stuff for it..but i dont have time to book this book that. i was gonna get my grad and my winter formal dress made...but too late..im gonna buy my winter formal dress for now. aaaaaaaahhhhhhz stressssss.

work experience looks fun... but thats 100 hours outta my life and it just doens't work. im only gonna do like a 2 week "go see wuts up" thing at an advertising company. fun stuff.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 02
Funked up
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Starberry is an unknown quantity at this point
Ah, it all makes sense now....(I thought I was going crazy)....

Well congrats on being one step ahead of your peers and don't worry, after highschool is over, uhh....yeah, life is not any better. Heh

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 02
Don't Believe The Hype
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diva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the rough
Just work hard and you'll make it. I got into a program that only offered 60 spots and had about 600 applicants because I worked my ass off in high school.

Just work hard and you'll make it.

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 02
Join Date: Nov 2000
sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
grade 12 is a breeze, easier then ANY grade.. and I failed a bunch! :D
but ya after high school, something in the tech field and im set, just gotta graduate!

I think I can pull that off..
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 02
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*STARFISH* is on a distinguished road
hahah bev enjoy it while you can. :)
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 02
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c.tard is an unknown quantity at this point
but bev.. new terms aren't any better.
you know what you guys do in about a week?? (i'm assuming linear.. 8 classes.. 4 everyother day right??) i do in about 1 class. it's HARD!! so much too learn waaaaaaaaay to fast it's like there's not enough time to absorb it all and really learn it.. which sucks..

i know.. and all the stress from grad pics and the final grad event at the end of the year and AHHHHHHHHH!@!#@! i'm stressed about grad pics right now.. our studio day s(for my school) are nov.28,29,30.. and i don't know shit all about what's going on (thatnks school..grrr)

ahh it's all so stressful i don't like..

but good luck with your sfu admission bev. even if you don't get early admission you've still got a chance for later on =)
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 02
Celebrate or Suffer
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SEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of light
if you think grade 12 is stressful your gonna have a shock in your first year of university.

you don't need math12 to get into university anyway...drop it and take it later, when your older you'll be able to understand it better anyway...you don't need a 85% average to get into sfu either..its more like 77% for a good chance at being accepted.

bev i thought you were chinese, aren't your parents obligated to pay your tuition? :hehe: thats pretty harsh if they don't. it would be a tad bit overwhelming to pay for it yourself.

other then that just chill, take things as they come. Stressing over stuff will only hurt you in the end. Besides all that matters is the finals anyway. ;) also i don't think you guys should worry at all, youre all so young, youre life won't end if you don't get into university right away, it probably wouldn't matter at all in the scheme of things. Especially you bev, by the time your my age you could be through university.....that would suck!

my grade 12 year was soooo chill, i had alot of fun. Of course i only had 3 or 4 courses each semestre hahah, they were all academic tho.

Last edited by SEAN!; Nov 05, 02 at 12:47 PM.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 02
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i'm not going to university right away.. :P but if i don't graduate on time i'm going to get my ass kicked by my mom and my sis.. meh.. too much pressure.. that's why i'm taking a year off after highschool. (upgrading some courses and stuff as well) so i'm super stressed about marks.. :P

i'm just stressed.. mostly just so much stupid crap with pictures and the grad dinner dance bullshit crap grad writeups and all that stuff...

plus with my classes its hard cause i have like a year and a half in between em sometimes it's hard to remember everything! but they still expect us too.. too much pressure from parents and the school..

meh.. it wouldn't be so bad if my stupid school could tell us what the fuck is going on..idiots..
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 02
-->Tightcore Trucker<--
Join Date: Jan 2001
Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
wut sucks is when you change schools and your old school screws you over with credits so you have to take extra courses!!!OMG!!! I'm gonna kill my old school for that... I'm soooo mad! but atleast one of the extra courses I'mtakin I only have to do 4 projects and I'm done ;) but still BIG GRRR TO THAT!!!

ugh, and english 12 is a pain in the ass.. soooo easy last year.. fuck tough as hell this year(could be because I have the best teacher in the district though).. uhg.. fuck..

/me shuts up
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 02
Join Date: Apr 2001
Joanne is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by Sean!:
if you think grade 12 is stressful your gonna have a shock in your first year of university.

you don't need math12 to get into university anyway...drop it and take it later, when your older you'll be able to understand it better anyway...you don't need a 85% average to get into sfu either..its more like 77% for a good chance at being accepted.

I agree with sean... fuck, if you think highschool's stressful, wait till you get to university.

depending on your exam schedule, you might have to deal with 4 or 5 exams in a week, each worth 30%-50% of your entire grade. you fuck up that week, and that could make a huge difference in what kind of GPA you'll get. ahh... memories of having tests that were worth like 5% of my final grade... :P

but I've gone through stressful times myself (fuck, I think any student can empathize).. but it's all about time management. manage your time wisely and don't procrastinate is probably the best advice I can give to you.

btw bev, what faculty are you trying to get into? if it's for arts, 85% sounds kind of high.. is it for unconditional acceptance you're aiming for? it's weird cuz I've got a couple of friends trying to transfer to SFU from college. they told me the GPA went up from a 2.8 to 3.5! I didn't know if they got mixed information or SFU's standards were just getting higher...

oh! on more piece of advice. one of the best things I've ever done in my life was take math 12. see, no matter how far you plan ahead, you never know if you change your mind on what you want to do. the program I'm trying to get into recently changed their prerequisites and I actually need math 12 to take this statistics course. In my grad year, I was contemplating whether or not to drop math 12, but I'm SOOOO glad I didn't. I know several people who chose not to take math 12 in highschool, but regret it because certain courses they wanted to get into now required it. I dunno... you COULD take sean's advice and take math 100 in university... but I figure, why not just take in highschool when you don't have to pay for credits?

--Joanne :P
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 02
break dance, not hearts
Join Date: Sep 2001
bebu*funfun will become famous soon enough
joanne..i wanna get into communications RIGHT AWAY. i dont like takin slow steps up... i want to get in right away. in the book it says 85%.. and tats a heartbreaker for sure. eeekz. like i said.. rite now i rather go all out for emily carr for communication designs.. it really sounds like heaven there....very close to ryersons.

yah i think i passed my very first math test today....locked myself in my room last nite and studied my ass off. paid off fo shoz. im not gonna drop math..cuz i know i'll need it no matter wut happens. i only have 4 provincials..so every single one counts.

sean- my parents are "obligated to pay for my education" but thats cuz they want me to have a further post education. financially my family's not doin too well already and they already pay for my stupid sistahs job. i dont want them to spoon feed me everything.. i want to be able to support myself. hafta start sooner or later. i'll pay them back for school later in life... still a large amount.

cheryl- my way of learning i rather be facing the same subject everyday so i really absorb the information..instead of 8 differen't classes all mixed up in my head. and if i fail a class i can take it the next semester too.. or missing a provincial or wanna up the mark...etc. each system has its goods and bads. btw..HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 02
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c.tard is an unknown quantity at this point
bev ~ ya, each does have it's ups and downs. that's true. but i don't like it. it's like a week for you guys is one day to us. 3 hour classes. if you miss one, your screwed. and it's hard! like if you have a class first term. and then the next time you have it is next term. there's almost two years inbetween it! also if you fail a class you can't just take it the next term because most classes are offered at ne or two times that year, and most are full. s o it's hard. but so is linear. meh.. whatever! and thanks =)
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Nov 05, 02
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cinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the rough
skools is too much work i am liking my bed right now :)
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