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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
'latinum respect.
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Originally posted by specialkonrd
Please stop calling me dear, as its making me very uncomfortable.

oh please, don't flatter yourself! :hehe:
  #27 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
O.G. Sammy
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i call people dear a lot.

and if it makes you uncomfortable, rest assure that i find you very unnattractive, so you shouldn't feel that way.

i'm actually kind of offended you'd say "Please stop calling me dear, as its making me very uncomfortable. " cuz that implies that you think i'm hitting on you or something...and THAT implies i have bad taste :(

i like hot guys who are smart..and who can drive.

don't fret.

  #28 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
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Dude, you're an idiot...Any person with half a brain(and from what it appears, you don't have even that much) should know that even if the van pulls in front of you, the way ICBC is going to look at it is it's going to be 50/50 IF YOU'RE LUCKY. 180-200km/h is WAY BEYOND excessive speeding, and just on those grounds, if you were to hit anyone, it would: A) Most likely be deemed your fault, and B) Get your licence revoked for the MINIMUM of a year.

Not to mention, what if you killed someone else(you crashing and taking yourself out would be natural selection taking it's course, imo)? Could you live with that? Ending someone's life for your 5 minutes of cheap thrills? People like you need to have their licences revoked and not given back until they grow up and stop trying to prove that they have the bigger wang.

I hope your tranny falls out, you ignorant, IGNORANT little boy.
  #29 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
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Originally posted by specialkonrd
Im almost positive pedestrians have right of way only when at a crosswalk. Hence why its called "jaywalking" not "taking your right of way and legally crossing in the middle of heavy traffic"

cheryl, if im going straight, i have the right of way. If he doesn't look both ways before darting out into traffic, its his fault.
Its similar to tort law. If im walking down and slip on some ice on your stairs going to your house, its your fault. I can sue you. You should have assumed there was ice on your stairs and did something about it. Similar situation here. Minivan driver should have taken into account the fact someone could be speeding before darting out into traffic like that.
right of way dosn't matter when you hit someone at 200km/h and kill them..you're going to jail right of way or not...dumbass
  #30 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
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c.tard is an unknown quantity at this point
^^ exactly.

if you were going the speed limit, and this minivan did dart out onto the road (although really, if your acclerating like a grandma i don't see how you could just dart out in front of someone??) you would have a lot more control, rather then when your going 180.

and if you did hit someone, like it's been said. you were the fucktard going 180. they just happened to get in the way.

and you don't care if you kill someone?? as long as it's not someone you know?? right. i'm sure you'd just love living with the fact that you killed someone. it's so stupid. it's always the innocent people who die from other idiots mistakes.
  #31 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
Hot Rod Ho
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Originally posted by MissBehavior
Not to mention, what if you killed someone else(you crashing and taking yourself out would be natural selection taking it's course, imo)? Could you live with that?
The sad thing is, is that I wouldn't be suprised if he could. He's an ignorant, selfish asshole. And I didnt come to this conclusion just from reading his posts online either.
  #32 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
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c.tard is an unknown quantity at this point
^^ exactly.

he already said he wouldn't care unless it was someone he knew...
  #33 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
sooo fucken ugly
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I don't get your logic...
You're saying the van was wrong, cause it cut you off...
Yet, You're wrong, cause you were going 200 km/h...
and still, you think you're right?

How can you be so obtuse?
That's like a murderer saying "I killed all those innocent people and it's morally correct because some guy punched me"
  #34 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
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I think there are other things to think about other than having "right of way".

if a cop had caught you, you could've been charged with careless driving or dangerous driving. both involve objective liability, and I'm sure no judge or jury would have any problem finding a guy who goes streetracing at 200km/hr guilty for that.

if you had severely hurt someone, you could be charged with criminal negligence resulting in bodily harm.

if you had accidentally killed someone, you could be charged with manslaughter or criminal negligence causing bodily harm depending on whether the appropriate actus reus had been proved. either way, that's 10-15 years in prison, plus the guilt you'd have to live with for the rest of your life for killing someone.

anyways, stop trying to stick up for yourself. streetracing and driving 200km/hr is stupid regardless of the situation. just accept it and MAYBE some people will still have an eensy weensy bit of respect left to give to you.

--Joanne :P

*edit* Klaus, not that I'm sticking up for him or anything, but murderers CAN get bring up the defense of provocation and have a lesser charge from murder 1 to manslaughter or murder 2 if they can prove that the victim provoked them enough.

Last edited by Joanne; Jan 26, 03 at 08:42 PM.
  #35 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
Join Date: Aug 2002
specialkonrd is an unknown quantity at this point
I honestly think i could live with killing someone as long as i didn't goto jail for it. Thats what would worry me most. Every second of every day for the next month after i would be worried cops are gonna burst into my house and arrest me for murder.
  #36 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
O.G. Sammy
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Sammy Skillz is an unknown quantity at this point
^ point proven. you're a careless, immature, self centered little shit.

and you can't argue your way out of THAT, dipshit.

  #37 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
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Originally posted by specialkonrd
I honestly think i could live with killing someone as long as i didn't goto jail for it. Thats what would worry me most. Every second of every day for the next month after i would be worried cops are gonna burst into my house and arrest me for murder.
that is fucking disgusting.
  #38 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
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specialkonrd is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by Sammy Skillz
^ point proven. you're a careless, immature, self centered little shit.

and you can't argue your way out of THAT, dipshit.

Im not argueing that i could care less about strangers. Im argueing that the minivan cut me off. And you best believe i can argue my way out of that too

Last edited by specialkonrd; Jan 26, 03 at 10:36 PM.
  #39 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
O.G. Sammy
Join Date: Apr 2001
Sammy Skillz is an unknown quantity at this point
you can keep arguing too...it just makes you look like a bigger asshole and makes you look even more stupid. Which is fine by me, because, frankly, it's really entertaining. I can't wait to come back to Van and just point and laugh at you.

k i'm done...i thinkit's your turn to put up some lame-ass argument about how "the van cut you off". annnnnd...GO...

  #40 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
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specialkonrd is an unknown quantity at this point
Seeing as this is just going back and forth between everyone and me, with me saying its the van's fault and you guys saying its my fault, Let's just all agree it's the accord drivers fault for provoking me in the first place. Agreed?
  #41 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
O.G. Sammy
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Sammy Skillz is an unknown quantity at this point
nope. it's your fault.

and i need you to agree that you're an insensitive peice of trash too.

  #42 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
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specialkonrd is an unknown quantity at this point
No, im the victim here. The accord provoked me to race, and van infringed on my right of way.
  #43 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
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c.tard is an unknown quantity at this point
wow.. someone sure has a problem admitting when they are wrong.

it's not that hard.
  #44 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
O.G. Sammy
Join Date: Apr 2001
Sammy Skillz is an unknown quantity at this point
no no...you're the stupid one here.

the accord provoked you to race? so am i to assume you have no conscience that tells you perhaps racing a car isn't the best idea? are you incapable of logical thinking? you keep proving you're the dumbest kid in Van and possible the dumbest in the world.

and the van didn't infringe on your right of way...however you could have infringed on the person's LIFE. asshole.

so let me do the math here....hmmm...2+8x239/24.5+13= you're a fucking moron.

  #45 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
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Originally posted by specialkonrd
I honestly think i could live with killing someone as long as i didn't goto jail for it. Thats what would worry me most. Every second of every day for the next month after i would be worried cops are gonna burst into my house and arrest me for murder.
Holy shit. How fuckin ignorant, selfish, heartless and insensitive could you be?!?
  #46 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
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specialkonrd is an unknown quantity at this point
If you provoke a dog, it will bite you. Im sure the charge for murder is also lowered if you were provoked. I was provoke by the accord driver, so i raced. I guess it's just a guy thing.
  #47 (permalink)  
Old Jan 26, 03
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specialkonrd is an unknown quantity at this point
And before you say im compareing myself to a dog, im not. Its an example smart-ass.
  #48 (permalink)  
Old Jan 27, 03
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Joanne is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by specialkonrd
If you provoke a dog, it will bite you. Im sure the charge for murder is also lowered if you were provoked. I was provoke by the accord driver, so i raced. I guess it's just a guy thing.

the defense of provocation is only applicable to specific intent crimes. dangerous/careless driving is considered a basic intent crime. so is manslaughter and criminal negligence causing bodily harm.
so basically, you really don't have an excuse.

just give it a rest. you're wrong.

--Joanne :P
  #49 (permalink)  
Old Jan 27, 03
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specialkonrd is an unknown quantity at this point
Im right, and nothing you can say will convince me otherwise
  #50 (permalink)  
Old Jan 27, 03
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inkster is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by specialkonrd
Im almost positive pedestrians have right of way only when at a crosswalk.

well, i'm completely positive that you're a fucking moron for thinking that pedestrians only have the right of way when in crosswalks.


Hence why its called "jaywalking" not "taking your right of way and legally crossing in the middle of heavy traffic"

there is a law against jaywalking because it is dangerous and causes accidents. but, should someone be jaywalking, the pedestrian still gets the right of way. just because they're off the crosswalk doesn't mean that they become targets.


cheryl, if im going straight, i have the right of way. If he doesn't look both ways before darting out into traffic, its his fault.


if you had been going 50, you'd easily get off. if you had been going 100, you'd still win. but not at 200.

200 is fast. there is no justification for it, especially in a city setting. limits are set in residential areas based on line of sight, and the chance that random, unpredictable things happen. kids running out onto the road, someone trying to make the yellow, etc. as a result of these limits, suprisingly enough, people actually obey them.

and since nearly everyone obeys them or at least stays close to them, judging one's line of sight to account for a 50-100km/h car is essential, and standard. to suggest that one drive in a 50 zone always on the watch for street racers flying along at 4 times that speed is fucking ridiculous though.


Its similar to tort law. If im walking down and slip on some ice on your stairs going to your house, its your fault. I can sue you. You should have assumed there was ice on your stairs and did something about it. Similar situation here. Minivan driver should have taken into account the fact someone could be speeding before darting out into traffic like that.
applying that analogy better, this is like suing the owner of a house that you got injured in while breaking and entering.
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