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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 03
O.G. Sammy
Join Date: Apr 2001
Sammy Skillz is an unknown quantity at this point
the asshole critiquing our work at our final art show/critique

so today we had our final art show of the year. we had to produce a 10-12 piece series on a concentration of our choosing. so i chose urban landscape/urban fashion photography. i had to mount 5 prints this morning and crop them as well..not an easy task...cuz i was still semi-drunk from last night. but i managed...barely. so the guy critiquing our work was an asshole. he was sinking his teeth into everyone...and he wouldn't stop. i understand that he was there to critique but he had nothing positive to say about anyone's work and he'd ONLY focus on the negative aspects to each piece.

apparently i have no technical skill and it shows in my photographs. according to asshole-man, i could never be a photographer. ever.

i don't take criticism that well. and i know i need to grow a thick skin cuz art is all relative to the viewer. but it still sucked hearing him say that. i could have taken the usual "sammy" route and got all mouthy but i just stood there...and took it.

oh well. to each their own, i suppose.

he's still a bitch though.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 03
femme fatale
Join Date: Feb 2003
Jingles is on a distinguished road
um are you saying you were surprised by critique, when you put together your mounts and such this morning, and half plastered to boot? What were you only told about this yesterday?
Come on- take a little more pride in diplay work....

But its your right to vent, and so I shall shut up.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 03
O.G. Sammy
Join Date: Apr 2001
Sammy Skillz is an unknown quantity at this point
did i say they were displayed poorly? no.

stop putting words into my mouth, dear.

take a little more pride in my work? do i know you? didn't think so. i do take pride in my work. a lot of pride. it's like the only thing about me that i take pride in.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 03
Join Date: Jun 2001
krisamata is an unknown quantity at this point
sammy what a jerk....lets hope he gets hit by a bus too.

you can and will be a photographer...im not just saying this as a friend...
you have so much talent it blows my mind.

you're incredible.
just take it as constructive criticism...and try to blow him away next time.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 03
Sonic Nacartic
Join Date: Aug 2002
Sykonee will become famous soon enough
"What does not kill you..." :keebler:
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 03
femme fatale
Join Date: Feb 2003
Jingles is on a distinguished road
[quote]Originally posted by Sammy Skillz
[b]did i say they were displayed poorly? no. <--- neither did I > I asked what you expected would come out of last minute work...

stop putting words into my mouth, dear. <-- I didn't, honey

"take a little more pride in my work? do i know you? didn't think so. i do take pride in my work. a lot of pride. it's like the only thing about me that i take pride in." < -- nope we do not know one another, the only work of your i have seen is here and its great, by my standards, but i am no art critic, other people here are quite enamored with your work and that's cool- but miracle talent or no, you said you put together your piece half plastered, is that taking pride? Seriously, I ask you -
I mean it doesn't mean you can't do a good job - but when you post that this was the process involved, it sounds last minute (although the pics themselves were I am sure done well in advance and painstakingly selected)

I ain't puttin' words in your mouth, just pointin' out what you already said . Anyway I didn't mean to insult you, you are right I have little idea about you - i can only use what information you choose to give
Besides, you know critic are all cinics anyway - what this guy says really has fuck all to do with your life path, if anything it'll push you harder.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 03
sooo fucken ugly
Join Date: May 2001
sungoo is an unknown quantity at this point
meh, you shouldn't let a critique get you down.

In the end, he's just a person with his own opinion
and the only person who can truly validate your own artwork is yourself.
If you truly believe your stuff is great. I don't think it matters what a critique or anybody else thinks.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 03
Join Date: Jun 2001
inkster is an unknown quantity at this point
wow. simon's really working his rep now.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 03
O.G. Sammy
Join Date: Apr 2001
Sammy Skillz is an unknown quantity at this point
who's simon
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 03
i really look like this!
Join Date: Apr 2001
yoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the rough
Originally posted by inkster
wow. simon's really working his rep now.
too much american idol for you!
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 03
i really look like this!
Join Date: Apr 2001
yoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the rough
Criticism is tough at times, but try to embrace it. There will be people who WILL and WON'T like your work. But what is there to learn from those who only have something good to say? You probably aren't going to learn much from those that DO like your work. Especially those who say "WOW THAT'S AMAZING SAMMY" and fail to elaborate. Those who i think it would benefit you, would be those who have the confidence and the experience to criticize you. Even if it's super-harsh and anal, really listen to what they have to say and the things that they're criticizing you about. Its a good way to expand your technique, and to learn what works for a wide range of audience. Because you're in an art school it's likely that the criticism isn't going to stop here. It must be a blow to you now, because you're probably more used getting compliments.. but just as my essays in university achieve C's, as opposed to highschool where I actually used to produce A's. You get specific in a field, and you encounter more criticism.

Just because one person, whether he be a professional art critic or not, didn't like your work doesn't mean that he's RIGHT. The choice of whether or not you want to ABSORB his comments is up to you, never mind the bullshit, take only what you can learn from. If it works for you then grasp it like free candy, if you find that it doesn't, to hell with him. Remember that there will always be some one out there that isn't going to appreciate what you do, just "believe in yourself". Oh cliche.;)
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Apr 11, 03
bungoshlung's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2003
bungoshlung is on a distinguished road
maybe take em as pointers to perfect your work
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Apr 11, 03
prangin' out
Join Date: May 2001
zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
Yeah, don't let it get you down.. in the end, it's not worth it. Just consider what he said, and ask yourself if there's any truth to it? If you look at it in the right perspective, you might find that a few of the things he said were true.

..But if it was all shit along the lines of "you'll never be a good photographer"... I call BULLSHIT, 'cause it's already happened. :)
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Apr 12, 03
I <3 House
Join Date: Jan 2002
Ree Fresh is an unknown quantity at this point
When you come accross ass holes like that its supose to make you stroger, work harder and drive yourself more into your passions to prove them wrong.

I dont reckon weve ever met, but I can you form looking on this board you have great passion for photagraohy, and personaly im empresst and jelouse (wish I could do that) Your always gonna run into ass holes, jerks, wankers, know it alls, big money making snobs etc... All they do is ween out the wusses (witch is sad)
Being young and talented can be a threat too.

Just keep at it and do it for yourself, you do have heeps to experience... look at it more as a learnig experience then critizing.

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