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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Nov 15, 03
Join Date: Aug 2003
tvmann is an unknown quantity at this point
I hate email SPAM

All of a sudden I'm getting about 30 email spams a day. Offers of credit cards, computer utilities, get rich quick schemes etc.

I have 7 email accounts or addresses for various purposes from my ISP Shaw. The accounts are set up in the Outlook Express email program. The spam email seems to be going to each of my 7 email addresses, so that is why I am getting so much. Some of these email addresses I almost never use.

I think most of the spam is coming from one sender organization that has managed to obtain the email addresses, as the spam is similar format and comes in at the same time.

I'm beginning to think that somehow the spammer was able to get those email addresses from my email program. I don't know how they did this, since I never fill in forms on strange websites or accept downloads. I'm careful to not give out my email address and don't have it on many web pages where the searcher bots can find it.

Or maybe they somehow got the addresses from Shaw - through some scheme. Shaw itself does not give out information about clients.

Anyone else experienced a recent increase in email spam? A year ago I only received 2 or 3 a week. But 30 spams a day is a real pain in the ***
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Nov 15, 03
Sonic Nacartic
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It's been going on for a long time now. I don't know all the details but from what I hear, most spam is sent through programs rather than individuals, kind of like a worm. The only thing you can do about it right now is get good spam guard.

Although, y'gotta hand it to them crazy Nigerians. :kam:
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Nov 15, 03
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Originally posted by Sykonee
Although, y'gotta hand it to them crazy Nigerians. :kam:
hehe so true! :P

i get plenty of spam. not 30 a day, but enough. get a better email program to filter the junk for you. i have the new outlook and i don't have to see any of that stuff at all. it's great.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Nov 15, 03
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i used to get spam on my old email but thats probablty cause i signed up for eveything with it. I have been using 3 emails for a long time now and i have no problems wiht spam. SPAMS ARE HURT!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Nov 15, 03
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fucking piss me off.... .i don't even sign up wit my telus email i still get spammed to the max.. fucking spammers
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Nov 15, 03
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the secret is to not put your email ANYWHERE. this inclues applications like icq or yahoo. basically anything that creates an easily harvestable profile of yourself.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Nov 15, 03
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You can block stuff like that, you know that right, cuz your a smart person right...
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Nov 15, 03
Tux Tux is offline
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this is why i use multiple email accounts all for different things.. such as one for friends, another for professional purposes, one for instant messaging, another for signing up to forums and other online things, etc.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Nov 15, 03
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Install Cloudnet's Spamnet. It's beta and free, and for how long I don't know. But this program rocks. People who get spam will add the address to a network of spammers and it will filter it out of your outlook express. It's free to.!


Last edited by dj4mula; Nov 15, 03 at 02:51 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Nov 15, 03
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tvmann is an unknown quantity at this point
^ I'll check that Cloudmark one out, thanks! I've received over 100 spams today so it's more than I thought. Some of the spams say they are being sent because I registered with a YouLuckyYou mailing list or something, which I have not done. All the spams use random sender names, subjects, and return email addresses and domains. I raised my Internet Explorer privacy level in case they are somehow getting my email addresses that way.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Nov 15, 03
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inkster is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by tvmann
I raised my Internet Explorer privacy level in case they are somehow getting my email addresses that way.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Nov 15, 03
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Originally posted by inkster

definate lol.


spam is all done by spam lists, huge lists of emails. these lists are bought and sold, the more 'valid' emails on the list the more expensive it is. most lists have 5million+ email adresses on them, since mailings are usually done in batches of 5, 10 or 20 million.

lists are made up from a few sources, in order of popularity:

1) people signing up for web porn/gambling/shady stores
2) businesses selling thier customer contact lists or mailing lists (usually when a business is about to go under, a good amount of cash can be made. [kazaa/morpheus/napster made BUNDLES of cash on this])
3) sucking addresses off of the internet with a spider (www + usenet)

the lists are then compiled and priced based on a few criteria. if you get on one because you signed up for 'lesbianbangeroo.com', you get on a companies 'lesbo perv', 'general porno' and 'general' lists. if you just bought a hat at a shady store you probably will just get added to a companies 'general' list.

the more specific a list, the more money it fetches.

now all these copmpanies are compiling these lists of people to spam, but spamming them over and over doesn't make that much money, so they sell and trade these lists with other people. the lists eventually get bigger and bigger as they get passed around and bought and sold.

basicly, once you're on one list, you're fucked, because you soon will be on many more. theres no way you're going to stop getting spam. there's no real way to get less spam.

the only way is to stop it from reaching you using lists/filters. bayesian seems to work the best..
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 03
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I heard e-mailing them all back and saying "Stop Spamming me" works.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 03
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tvmann is an unknown quantity at this point
I noticed now I'm receiving bouncebacks of email that was sent out and could not be delivered. Only the original email was not sent by me, it was spam stuff sent by someone else. So it appears that a spammer is using one of my email addresses as a return email address. I think something like that happened last summer in connection with a virus.

The solution will be when the USA sets up laws that make it a crime to send out spam, and offenders must pay big fines.

I've deleted some of my email addresses and set up a bunch of rules to deal with the spam in my email program - pain in the a** - I should not hafta deal with this crap - waste of time and money. JUST TERMINATE THE SPAMMERS.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Nov 28, 03
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As a follow-up on this junk email thing, I recently found that somehow a Trojan Horse / spyware software thing had sneaked onto my computer and was causing problems, possibly related.

If you have ever had web browser popups seeming to follow you around on your surfing journeys, one of these Trojans might be on your computer. Do a search on your PC for files with name like


and if you find them, you might have a little problem. This software loads itself on your PC from a DLL file at boot time and spies on you to see which websites you go to, then it causes related pop-ups for loan sharks, printer ink, pornos etc etc etc to appear. These can also cause Internet Explorer to crash.

Anither symptom of winshow / winlink is a bootup error message like "Windows cannot find "copy"

The "hijack this" freeware utility can get rid of this type of spyware / Trojan but it is a little tricky to use, so you might need to call in a computer jock for help. Under normal conditions the DLL cannot be deleted. You also might need to edit the Windows Registry to get rid of all signs of the winlink / winshow spyware.

Anyway I got rid of this parasite "winshow" spyware and Internet Explorer now runs perfectly and crash-free like before. :smoke1:
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