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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 04
Control Canonical
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Leviathan will become famous soon enoughLeviathan will become famous soon enough
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 04
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The weight loss industry is a multi billion dollar business. This is the latest trend. The weight loss industry needs fat people to exist so why not partner up with someone like McDicks? That way they lose a bit of weight, start to feel good about themselves, go back to eating double big macs and volla a few months later the whole cycle starts again.

Last edited by Senior; Mar 07, 04 at 02:05 AM.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 04
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Also isn't the point of eating carbs so that you have the energy you need to exercise?
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 04
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carbs are cell fuel giving the energy for metabolic reactions...there's 3 types a carbs but basicaly the simple one enters the body and quickly turns into fat, while the more complex 'fiber' breaks down slower yielding more energy fo yo booodeee

anyways...here's a diagram, it's great

carbs and protein turn into fat when there's excess intake
fat and protein turn into carbs when carbs run low and you got low glucose levels in your body...which happens when you're either starving, exercising a lot, or on a low carb diet

either wya i lost my notes and i don't remember much more, but it's all bout balanced meals and controlled calorie intake, accompanied by exercise...it's really not hard

carbs 4 life
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Last edited by Kelster; Mar 07, 04 at 02:43 AM.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 04
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thanks kel. i'm a visual learner so the diagram helped out a lot.

could you make one of those up explaining the theory of relativity too? i'm a little spotty on my understanding of that.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 04
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People today forget about their roots.. their connection to the world around us, and their anthropological history. It's part of our very essence to consume carbohydrates.

Saying "don't eat carbs, just meat and vegetables" is like saying "no more girl on top, just doggystyle and missionary".

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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 04
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Originally posted by inkster
i intend on going to mcdonalds sometime soon and ordering each of the protein platters. then accompanying it with a large fries.

mainly just to see if they say anything.

That's like ordering a double big mac meal with a diet coke. :kam:
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 04
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Which is like ordering a piece of cardboard and sprinkling some sugar on it and deep frying it.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 04
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Diets are odd. Once you go off of it wont you just get fat again. People don't want to wait and do things the right way. They want to be skinny............NOW! It's true though refined simple carbs are not good. But why not just switch to whole grains.

I don't think we even have white flour in my house. Everything is whole wheat, millet, oats, brown rice. We don't eat that much meat and when we do it's organic.

It's not the carbs, it's the type of carbs. It is about balance.

There is so much wrong w/ food today. It's really gross.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 04
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Originally posted by Leviathan
The reason the diet is so popular is because it works and it works fast.
best of luck avoiding renal failure and/or cardiovascular diseases :keebler:

--Joanne :P
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 04
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Originally posted by Leviathan
having high blood sugar levels and insulin levels as far as I know helps the carbs turn to fat when there is an over abundance. Carbs such as sugar obviously raise blood sugar levels and thus raise insulin levels. BUT protein does not effect your blood sugar level and I think takes longer and much more to turn to fat. as well.

There were a few studies published last year, one I think in the New England Journal of Medicine that showed people on a low carb diet who ate more calories then people on a low fat low calorie diet lost more weight and had better cholesteral levels all around. The simple fact is there is not enough long term data to suggest the diet is bad OR good.

It would be interesting to see a thermodynamic model of the human body.

there isn't enough long-term data simply because there haven't been enough people who have been able to maintain a weight loss of 30 pounds or more for over a year using that diet.

you've mentioned some reasons why the diet works. but you also forgot to mention other mechanisms of weightloss with the low carb diets such as low energy intake. I don't know about you, but if I was restricted to high protein and high fat foods, I wouldn't be eating all that much probably because I'd get pretty sick easily.

secondly, the low carb intake will aid in the depletion of glycogen stores, resulting in water loss. this also causea a dramatic weight loss.

and don't forget, without enough carbs, fats don't break down properly causing the production of ketone bodies. this also decreases your appetite, not to mention other studies that show you could be at risk for metabolic acidosis, which could lead to problems such as cardiac arrhythmias.

--Joanne :P
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 04
Control Canonical
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Leviathan will become famous soon enoughLeviathan will become famous soon enough
There is no long term data because there hasn't been any long term tests. It takes time for these to happen when a new fad comes out. Your agrument about eating less doesn't hold water to me. As I said, I've done it and eaten plenty, if not more than what I used to. The study in the New England article of medicine also suggest the same thing... The people ate more calories and still lost weight. The principles of thermodynamics are definately at work here. As far as heart disease goes... There is also evidence that suggests that bad cholesterol levels will go down and good cholesterol levels can will go up. A guy at my work on the diet just had all his checked after being on the diet for 6 months and his levels are amazing. After I went throught all the phases I've been doing my own thing with the diet now... mostly just cutting out all the sugar and white flower and I've kept the weight off for a good 7 - 8 months now.

best of luck avoiding diabetes and hypo glycemia. :)

Have you read any of the books on low carb dieting? Just so you know saturated fats etc are not suppose to be eaten liberally. Its all about the essential fatty acids but I'm sure you knew that.

Originally posted by bananasinpjs

there isn't enough long-term data simply because there haven't been enough people who have been able to maintain a weight loss of 30 pounds or more for over a year using that diet.

you've mentioned some reasons why the diet works. but you also forgot to mention other mechanisms of weightloss with the low carb diets such as low energy intake. I don't know about you, but if I was restricted to high protein and high fat foods, I wouldn't be eating all that much probably because I'd get pretty sick easily.

secondly, the low carb intake will aid in the depletion of glycogen stores, resulting in water loss. this also causea a dramatic weight loss.

and don't forget, without enough carbs, fats don't break down properly causing the production of ketone bodies. this also decreases your appetite, not to mention other studies that show you could be at risk for metabolic acidosis, which could lead to problems such as cardiac arrhythmias.

--Joanne :P

Last edited by Leviathan; Mar 07, 04 at 08:41 AM.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 04
eff eff
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Ahhh, Atkins
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 04
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There is no long term data because there hasn't been any long term tests. It takes time for these to happen when a new fad comes out. Your agrument about eating less doesn't hold water to me. As I said, I've done it and eaten plenty, if not more than what I used to. The study in the New England article of medicine also suggest the same thing... The people ate more calories and still lost weight. The principles of thermodynamics are definately at work here.

and there are also studies that have found the opposite.

and the argument was that some people will initially lose weight fast on the atkin's diet because cutting carbs constitutes cutting out quite a large portion of what they may usually eat, and so they eat much less than they normally do when they start the diet.

As far as heart disease goes... There is also evidence that suggests that bad cholesterol levels will go down and good cholesterol levels can will go up.

again, there is also evidence to show the opposite.

best of luck avoiding diabetes and hypo glycemia. :)

eating too much food which leads to being overweight is what is associated with diabetes, not necessarily too much carbs in the diet.

and I think you mean HYPERglycemia. :)

Have you read any of the books on low carb dieting? Just so you know saturated fats etc are not suppose to be eaten liberally. Its all about the essential fatty acids but I'm sure you knew that.

funny, I thought meats and meat products like eggs and butter just naturally had more saturated fats. :P

--Joanne :P
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 04
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Originally posted by inkster
i intend on going to mcdonalds sometime soon and ordering each of the protein platters. then accompanying it with a large fries.

mainly just to see if they say anything.
i've actually seen someone do that.. it was some asian guy... i broke out in laughter
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Mar 07, 04
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as soon as they make a carb-free lucky lager, i'll jump on the bandwagon.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Mar 08, 04
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