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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Feb 15, 05
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Wisom teeth

So mine have been coming in slowly for over a year now... And now one of em is coming thru s'more and it kiiiiills.

Orajel and Tylenol 8hr are my best friends right now.

Man, I need to make a dentist appointment! Ugh... But if they do hafta come out, I've heard so many horror stories. Some people have had no trouble, but some have gone thru hell...

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Feb 15, 05
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ah Nev, I feel your pain.... im going through the exact same thing right now. somtimes they hurt really bad, then it goes away for a while... but a couple weeks ago they hurt so bad i couldnt sleep and i had to get some percocets from my friends mom to ease the pain. I dont have any dental right now. FUUUUCK.

PS im scared too :(
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Feb 15, 05
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We can hold hands, OK?

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Feb 15, 05
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can I hold your other hand just for fun?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Feb 15, 05
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^ Yesssssss :)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Feb 15, 05
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I'm just so happy now.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Feb 15, 05
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my mouth was big enough to accomodate all my teeth so it's all good :)
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Feb 15, 05
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^ My dentist had originally thought mine was too. I dunno if it hurts because its breaking thru more (only one point was showing before, now two are) or if it's because I haven't enough room.

But MAN THIS SUCKS! :n: :n: :n:
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Feb 15, 05
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^ sorry about you being born with a wittle mouth
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Feb 16, 05
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same thing goes for me. last week i had a dentist appointment and was told that they have to come out .... all 4 of them in one sitting, now that will be hell. then he goes on telling me that they are going to give me a little anestetic to numb the pain and going on how safe it is and how i don't have to worry. i was just standing there trying to hold back a smirk. then he says a few days after the op. i'll have to take some T3s. told me that the op. takes about an hour so i could listen to their music or bring some of my own. k now lets see here, going to inject me with a drug, rip some teeth out of my head while i'm locked into my music then later given more drugs to numb the pain. i'm willing to make that trade. Nev i hope that you'll have a good dentist like mine and hopefully you'll only have a few uncomfutable days.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Feb 16, 05
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Originally Posted by Jeaninah
can I hold your other hand just for fun?
stop trying to get in on my action! ;)
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Feb 16, 05
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mine are basically in... they did hurt.. but not so much anymore.. I thinkthey're taking a break.

I have no idea whther they have to some out or not.. I rather they dont those.. I think I've already had enough teeth pulled for one life time.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Feb 16, 05
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haha I remember posting about the exact same thing a while back.. sad thing is that none of those painful little bastards have come in yet.. they just act up once in a while then stop growing and then start again.. and so on and so on... it is a pretty greuling process going on in my mouth at times and they aren't ready to be taken out yet apparently, so for now I must continue to suffer. I hope those little buggers decide they are ready to grow in enough soon so the dentist will remove them.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Feb 16, 05
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Made a dentist appointment for tomorrow. We will see what Mr Dentist Man has to say about these little buggers. Paaaaaain. I'm thinking of just squeezing the whole bottle of Orajel into my mouth and seeing what happens.

$10 says I throw up a lot and can't even feel it. LOL.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Feb 16, 05
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It took like a year or so for my wisdom teeth to come in, i actually kinda enjoyed it. I would purposly chew with them and poke them cuz i liked the pain, sorta like getting a hang nail and repeatedly pushing it heh. Maybe im weird like that but after i got all 4 wisdom teeth pulled it didn't hurt at all.

Nev when you get your wisdom teeth pulled i could give you a Oxycodone if you want. It's many steps up from T3's

orrr u can lie and tell ur dentist that you have an unusual tolerance to opiates and he'll hook u up ;)
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Feb 16, 05
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if they are just coming in now, it shouldnt be too bad to get em out as they arent rooted in completely...

i remember a dentist told me i needed to get em out, i worried them straight :D actually, i got a second opinion and she said 'theyre fine' and no problems.. stupid dentists

teething sucks.. heh
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Feb 16, 05
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Originally Posted by decypher
It took like a year or so for my wisdom teeth to come in, i actually kinda enjoyed it. I would purposly chew with them and poke them cuz i liked the pain, sorta like getting a hang nail and repeatedly pushing it heh. Maybe im weird like that but after i got all 4 wisdom teeth pulled it didn't hurt at all.

Nev when you get your wisdom teeth pulled i could give you a Oxycodone if you want. It's many steps up from T3's

orrr u can lie and tell ur dentist that you have an unusual tolerance to opiates and he'll hook u up ;)
Wicked :) Kam you ruuuuuuule!

They've been coming in for like a year and a half now. Only one is giving me a problem right now. Grr... We'll see what happens tomorrow at the dentist!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Feb 16, 05
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Mine are also little bitches.
But I HATE the dentist. So i just let them hurt untill the stop for a few months.
Bad I know.
But I won't go to the dentist no matter what!#$%

However my boss' dentist gives her valium for even a cleaning(she's a wuss too). I might be able to handle that.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Feb 16, 05
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heh when I got my wisdom teeth, taken out I got all 4 done at the same time. Dentist really hit me up with that freezing stuff. Only gross thing about it and I totally freaked right out was the cracking and snapping sound that rings through your head when there trying to get it out. Other then that those suckers were huge!!!!
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Feb 16, 05
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Originally Posted by Nev
Made a dentist appointment for tomorrow. We will see what Mr Dentist Man has to say about these little buggers. Paaaaaain. I'm thinking of just squeezing the whole bottle of Orajel into my mouth and seeing what happens.

$10 says I throw up a lot and can't even feel it. LOL.
I used to put orajel into my kitties mouth. :|
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Feb 16, 05
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gettin my 4 wisdom teeth out was HELL. i had to deal with that shit for like 3 weeks, i think mine got infected.. also don't even think about smokin a joint, i pulled one of my sockets out and i was spitting out blood for 5 minutes. only later did i realize you aren't suppose to do that haha

and try not to drink alcohol.. it'll affect your recovery time.

basically just take'r easy and don't do anything stupid and you should be able to bear it. hopefully you get knocked out like i did, i wouldn't wanna sit there while they opened up my gums and ripped teeth out from under.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Feb 17, 05
veN veN is offline
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Update: Saw Mr. Dentist Man and I hafta get all three (I've only got three) wisdom teeth yanked. I hafta call an oral surgeon they referred me to tmrw for an app't... I'm hoping I can get in during the 1.5 week spring break coming up in March so I don't hafta miss any work. Yeeeeah. M'eh, I'm not worried though.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Feb 18, 05
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Originally Posted by Nev
So mine have been coming in slowly for over a year now... And now one of em is coming thru s'more and it kiiiiills.

Orajel and Tylenol 8hr are my best friends right now.

Man, I need to make a dentist appointment! Ugh... But if they do hafta come out, I've heard so many horror stories. Some people have had no trouble, but some have gone thru hell...

just make sure to go to a specialist, not just a dentist.
and for the horror stories, those people either went to a dentist, are full of shit and trying to scare you, or are big pussies.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Feb 18, 05
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^ Most of the horror stories I heard were from people who went to specialists, and now looking back they wished they'd gone to their regular dentist.

I am going to see a specialist, but I am going to one because my dentist doesn't extract wisdom teeth himself.

And I'm not worried in at all - It's seriously no big deal. I just have teeth that need to come back. before, I didn't know why they were hurting, so I was freaked.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Feb 18, 05
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Originally Posted by Nev
^ Most of the horror stories I heard were from people who went to specialists, and now looking back they wished they'd gone to their regular dentist.

I am going to see a specialist, but I am going to one because my dentist doesn't extract wisdom teeth himself.

And I'm not worried in at all - It's seriously no big deal. I just have teeth that need to come back. before, I didn't know why they were hurting, so I was freaked.
if the specialist had trouble the dentist wouldve had more...my brother went to our regular dentist, three hours later and only two teeth out he "cursed them out something awful" and walked out
they seriously fucked that shit up
my mom went back and cursed them out some more.
aaahhhhhh memories
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