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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
Fanku Oshiego
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Lowest on the food chain?

...a few friends were discussing people by their occupations, as to who was the scumiest, who was the rudest, who sucked more than who, and breifly, why? Figured it would be interesting to see who you think are the lowest people on the food chain... this is in fun, no need to mention racial connections, but feel free to vent about what type of people bother u most... example: SkyTrain Staff would be bottom feeders -high paid, position of authority, no intellectual requirements...( ever asked one a question?) Meter-Maids (male or female)-same idea... Tow-Truck Drivers -you only have to meet one... these are common opinions... personally, I think you have to get into the XXX industry to get under a Tow Truck Driver... course, I have to compare a few more government employees...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
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"Hello can I take your Order...?"
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
SkyTrain Staff
. I never knew, but most skytrain *cops* are ex-rcmp officers! however some may think pigs are pretty low on the food chain too... hell i had bacon for breakfast this morning
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
I <3 House
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Personaly I dont think anyone is on the bottom or top of the the food chain. Everyone deserves the same amout of resepcet no matter what your position, age, back ground, looks, disabilities etc.

You also have to realize that there are ppl with degree's and BA's working/applying for a minimum wage job and than there are ppl who have never even graduated from highschool that have much better paying jobs/carreers.

Also some ppl are very happy and satisfied with their job even if its lower pay or not as "high up in the chian". Ive known lots of ppl who have had better jobs/carreers and have steped down because they rather have a more simpler job that they enjoy doing.

The only ppl I would put at the top of the food chain are those who enjoy what they do and do it well. Condradulations for being happy at what you do for a living!

Last edited by Ree Fresh; Apr 04, 05 at 07:00 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
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I dunno... if you compare say; the CEO of Benson & Hedges and Billy the Fry-Boy at your local Burger Shack. I'm not sure that Billy would be the first one to get the respect of the latter.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
I <3 House
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Originally Posted by mapleleaf4ever
I dunno... if you compare say; the CEO of Benson & Hedges and Billy the Fry-Boy at your local Burger Shack. I'm not sure that Billy would be the first one to get the respect of the latter.
Well thats up to you and makes the person you are.

You can tell ppl that have worked in the servince industry or not by the way they treat ppl who serve them. I get so anyoed with ppl who feel they can treat ppl like crap because they classify them to be "lower in the chain" then themselfs.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
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Originally Posted by Junglist
. I never knew, but most skytrain *cops* are ex-rcmp officers! however some may think pigs are pretty low on the food chain too... hell i had bacon for breakfast this morning

If you're over the age of 16 and still call police officers pigs and make bacon jokes then there's some serious 'grow up' issues you need to face.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
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Originally Posted by wellbelove's
Personaly I dont think anyone is on the bottom or top of the the food chain. Everyone deserves the same amout of resepcet no matter what your position, age, back ground, looks, disabilities etc.

You also have to realize that there are ppl with degree's and BA's working/applying for a minimum wage job and than there are ppl who have never even graduated from highschool that have much better paying jobs/carreers.

Also some ppl are very happy and satisfied with their job even if its lower pay or not as "high up in the chian". Ive known lots of ppl who have had better jobs/carreers and have steped down because they rather have a more simpler job that they enjoy doing.

The only ppl I would put at the top of the food chain are those who enjoy what they do and do it well. Condradulations for being happy at what you do for a living!
awsome=) i agree with you...although there are jobs that are better paying/recive more respect then others, still every job needs to be done.
if there wernt people to "take your oderers" for example, then we wouldnt be able to go to a restarant and eat :) everything has a place for everyone..
but if you enjoy your job, then props to you =)
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
runnin thru the streets
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OBVIOUSLY the answer is midgets

Originally Posted by mapleleaf4ever
"Hello can I take your Order...?"
can i get a double cheese burger and a soda
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
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Would you like that Supersized? :)
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
--&amp;gt;Tightcore Trucker&amp;lt;--
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Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
It's :
"Would you like fries with that?" :p

There's really not an existing 'lowest' job, cause think about it... there's always something worse.

Actually the worse would to be unemployed and living on the streets.
Perphaps selling crack?!
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
runnin thru the streets
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what?? you think i just have an extra thirty-nine cents floating around...

you bigshots always gotta put the little guy down
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
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I remember seeing this on the front page of the Vancouver Sun taken from a British Newspaper within the past years. Apparently, the worst proffessions are picking out bad pees on a converyer belt and sex telephone operator. Pees - because the employees had to stand 8hours a day and look at pees which resulted in seeing red. And the sex telephone operator says it all.

Personally, I think the person who is at the bottom of the food chain is those that do not enjoy what their work. Those that spend their time without meaning and with semblence.

Last edited by vesperstina; Apr 04, 05 at 08:52 PM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
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I think i'd rather be a sex telephone operator than say...a whore. but to each their own. I'm guessing they could only include legit occupations in the article.
why does this thread make me feel like I'm living in a caste system...arg
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
If you're over the age of 16 and still call police officers pigs and make bacon jokes then there's some serious 'grow up' issues you need to face.
You're 23 and you average 11 posts a day on fnk... Gimmie 5 you all-star!
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
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Originally Posted by Junglist
You're 23 and you average 11 posts a day on fnk... Gimmie 5 you all-star!

Why? because you can read my profile and do simple math?

Or were you just being defensive because I had a point? I don't get what my age and post count have to do with the fact that calling cops 'pigs' is pretty immature.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
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You're 23 and you average 11 posts a day on fnk... Gimmie 5 you all-star!
Some people still like to communicate a lot, even when they're TWENTY THREE! Or *gasp*... OLDER THAN TWENTY THREE!!!

Also, some people have jobs where they're stuck in front of computers all day, as opposed to jobs running back and forth in traffic with a squeegee, mouthing off "pigs".
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Apr 04, 05
--&amp;gt;Tightcore Trucker&amp;lt;--
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Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
Shit if being 23 and having a post count average of 11.. is bad...

Could you imagine what I'm gonna be like.
I'm almost 20 and have a post count of pretty much 12.

Myra, we'll pull through this together <3

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Apr 05, 05
tellin it like it is
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arent the unemployed at the bottom? really..
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Apr 05, 05
Bigups to cops!

Why? because you can read my profile and do simple math?

Or were you just being defensive because I had a point? I don't get what my age and post count have to do with the fact that calling cops 'pigs' is pretty immature.
Actually, I have nothing but respect for police officers!! I've never had any problems with them, in fact... I can't stand the whole "I'm a bad-ass, mothafukin cop hatin' gangsta" mentality! Maybe I shouldn't have made such an immature comment, but the context was right... jobs/foodchain/bacon- i mean.. who really puts any thought into the posts they make on FNK? However; it was immature for you to retaliate. u should've just kept your mouth shut instead of trying to start a immature, cliche argument about powerhappy cops or whatever. :)
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Apr 05, 05
Fanku Oshiego
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Darth Vinyl is an unknown quantity at this point
...er, yeah...

...somehow the point was missed, I wasn't asking what the lowest job would be, (digging ditches, take my word for it)... there is not enough fun in life, that's all this is, FUN... healthier to vent here, than get into an altercation getting angry... but argue on... maybe we can learn something?
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Apr 05, 05
Lowest jobs in my own honest opinion:

- Sex trade
- Drug trade
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Apr 05, 05
Fanku Oshiego
Join Date: Aug 2004
Darth Vinyl is an unknown quantity at this point
...this Is the punching bag, isn't it?

...ok maybe not so much the job itself, moral standards will vary, more on the mind-frame of the individuals who take such role in society, the people who cause the stereo-types, the college student working a minimum wage job is temporary, their role will not be "Waiter/Waitress" or "Customer Service", whereas the 30-something-yr old who drives his own tow-truck, it's a fairly safe bet he's gonna find his own forms of enjoyment,as he knows nothing else... don't knock a guy who is doing what he's gotta do, but c'mon, there are pricks out there in the real world, it's hard enough not being one yourself...
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Apr 05, 05
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^I actually like my CS job, fuckface!
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Apr 05, 05
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I fucking hate wanks who think they're better than me cuz I serve them coffee..quit talking on your phone and making me wait while I'm trying to serve you pal..oyeah and don't even worry about not leaving me that 10 cents in the tip jar cuz I know how much you NEED that cash..I'm sorry I didn't remember that your triple grande sugar free vanilla soy extra hot no foam latte was suppose to be 170 degrees..fuckin pretentious pricks...
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