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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Nov 20, 05
(>'.')> <('.'<)
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g!ggles is on a distinguished road
Friends that aren't really friends

So lately I've really been questioning who are my real friends and who aren't. The ppl that are there for me through thick and thin and even if Im in a bad mood or change my mind about going out will still call me the next day and ask me how Im feeling. The friends that aren't really worth it are the ones that get back at you for not going out with them by breakin plans with you next time that you have them and staying mad at you when you are going through a really rough time in life.

It's really upsetting when you thought that they were really there for you and you considered them a really close friend.

Time to clean up the friends slate and move on. So not worth my time!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Nov 20, 05
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Originally Posted by ¤°giggles°¤
So lately I've really been questioning who are my real friends and who aren't. The ppl that are there for me through thick and thin and even if Im in a bad mood or change my mind about going out will still call me the next day and ask me how Im feeling. The friends that aren't really worth it are the ones that get back at you for not going out with them by breakin plans with you next time that you have them and staying mad at you when you are going through a really rough time in life.

It's really upsetting when you thought that they were really there for you and you considered them a really close friend.

Time to clean up the friends slate and move on. So not worth my time!
Moreover, what sucks is when you attempt to give shit excuses for friends another chance at friendship.
And they are total jerks again, and then you just feel like a big fool.
Why some people are just huge wastes of space, and decide to treat others like this will continue to be a mystery to me.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Nov 20, 05
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sof, we went through this over a year ago and you questioned the same thing.

just don't let it get to you, think about who is there for you! and who loves being with you whether you want to go out or you just don't feel like it anymore.

people don't care about you, they care about themselves .

i *heart* you.

thanks for helping me pick my outfit for tomorrow.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Nov 20, 05
(>'.')> <('.'<)
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g!ggles is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Carrie
sof, we went through this over a year ago and you questioned the same thing.

just don't let it get to you, think about who is there for you! and who loves being with you whether you want to go out or you just don't feel like it anymore.

people don't care about you, they care about themselves .

i *heart* you.

thanks for helping me pick my outfit for tomorrow.
i know hunney.. but you know how sensitive I get b/c my friends mean soo much to me. Last year I gave them all a chance again and I thought that it was different this time. I know that you will always be around.

And you're welcome for the help! Anything for my lil baby!! <3
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Nov 20, 05
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I know , it sucks.. my friends mean a lot to me aswell, but sometimes the feeling isn't returned!

don't worry be happy!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Nov 20, 05
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i love u sof.....
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Nov 20, 05
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Do a spring friend cleaning every year. The thing is if you have too many friends, you tend to rely on them too much. Just find yourself one or two true best friends and everyone else just consider them friends that can be replaced.

The true friends are the ones that have been around with you through everything and never turned your back on you. People you can call for help when you need it. People who respect you and don't lie to you, those are real friends.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 05
(>'.')> <('.'<)
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g!ggles is on a distinguished road
^^^I totally agree with you. I do have one very good best friend indeed who has been there through thick and thin and also my boy. This weekend sadly I lost two friends who I thought were very important in my life but it turns out I wasn't in their's. No resepct at all. Time to forget and move on. *sigh*
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 05
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Shot that totally sucks babe *Hugz*

Sometimes things like that happen, I'm sorry to hear that, but if they don't respect you as their friend, then they don't deserve you as their friend. Even though it might be hard, try to move on and forget about them. If they are your friends then they will come and talk to you and even appologize for the way they wronged you.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 05
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there are different levels of friends. some are just meant to be acquaintances whom you can't count on, some are the ones who will willingly make sacrifices for you, without expecting anything in return. both have their uses.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 05
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Originally Posted by ¤°giggles°¤
^^^I totally agree with you. I do have one very good best friend indeed who has been there through thick and thin and also my boy. This weekend sadly I lost two friends who I thought were very important in my life but it turns out I wasn't in their's. No resepct at all. Time to forget and move on. *sigh*
*blush* she's talking about me.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 05
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Carrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really nice
ps. time friends !
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 05
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Oh Sofia baby, just you wait till I move. :) Miss you ya cutie.
And Carrie, my lil sis, love ya.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 05
ToTaLLy AdDiCtEd To BaSs
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Hmm this is a weird topic because we all have those friends that are idiots but for some reason we still spend time with them. Recently I went through my phonebook and deleted half the numbers out because I just don't need their stress anymore.. I still have my 2 best friends from kindergarden, my boyfriend, and several other close friends. Thats really all I need now.

It makes me feel alot better to know that everyone one of my few friends would do anything for you that more than half of my friends would fuck me over at any given chance.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Nov 21, 05
(>'.')> <('.'<)
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g!ggles is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Jeaninah
Hmm this is a weird topic because we all have those friends that are idiots but for some reason we still spend time with them. Recently I went through my phonebook and deleted half the numbers out because I just don't need their stress anymore.. I still have my 2 best friends from kindergarden, my boyfriend, and several other close friends. Thats really all I need now.

It makes me feel alot better to know that everyone one of my few friends would do anything for you that more than half of my friends would fuck me over at any given chance.

yuppers....the phone book and MSN cleaning are my favorites :)
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 06
(>'.')> <('.'<)
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g!ggles is on a distinguished road
I took one of the friends back that I thought that I had lost for good that weekend. She has been in my life since I was 5 so she is a huge part of my life. Now less then 3 months later she does it again. My heart can't handle this anymore.... im breaking inside. :(
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 06
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Oh honey bunches. I'm sorry to hear that. :( *big smooshy hugz*
I hate it when 'friends' do that kinda stuff. Like when you try to make plans with them and every single time it falls through (no joke), it makes you feel like not even bothering to ask.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 06
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mindgurl is an unknown quantity at this point
awe. you seem like a sweet girl.

you can only learn from your mistakes. my mom once told me sometimes we have friends that WE need in our lives that dont always need us.

if she isn't there for you then surround urself with the people who are !
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 06
feelsssss love
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awwwwww...........sof! whats wrong?

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 06
rip zilla.
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as i get older..my group of good friends gets smaller.
and even more fantastic.
plus new jobs mean meeting great new people. woo.

Last edited by ash1ee; Jan 18, 06 at 12:53 AM.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 06
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Two_Six is an unknown quantity at this point
I have one best friend that has never ever once fucked me over with anything and has always been there for me. I don't get to see him much lately cause of his work, but now I will also work similar shifts like him, so hopefully we can hang out more. I been friends with him for 10 years, ever since grade 7.

The others I wouldn't be suprised if they tryed to fuck me over the second they got a chance to (not everyone of course, I got two really good friends that I'd do alot for cause I consider them two really good friends). The others are just people I hang out with, I wouldn't rely on them for anything. They lie about the stupidest things and are so two faced. Its okay drinking with them, but that's as far as it goes. I'm glad I got my new job, I might not get the weekends to party and get hammered, but its also alot less drama and bs to deal with.

I'm sorry to here that this happened to you again babe, its a terrible thing to have to go through. Just kick her to the curb, if she fucked you over twice already its obvious she could careless about you. I know she's been your friend for such a long time, but sometimes people change for the worse.

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 06
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maztraz is an unknown quantity at this point
Real Friends

About a year ago, I was talking to a friend of mine on the telephone. He had just experienced a big success in his career and wanted to brag. We had a great time cheering and laughing over his big moment. Then as we were wrapping up our phone call, he apologized for gloating to me. I blew it off telling him, "Don't apologize! Real friends are people that you can cry with during the bad times and gloat with during the good times. Everyone else expects you to be politically correct in your behaviors." What's the point of having friends if you can't be yourself around them?

A friend is someone to cry with during the bad times. Everyone knows how great it is to have a friend during your time of need to cry on their shoulder. In reality, people don't like it if you cry on their shoulder for very long. So the sign of a real friend is that you can cry on their shoulder until you're done crying. And if you're crying too long, your friend will make you snap out of it. They help you to pull yourself back together rather than just give a superficial "There there dearie" and then going on about their lives. You'll be able to tell real quick who your real friends are during the crisis and uglier times of your life. They're the only ones still hanging around.

A friend is some to gloat with during the good times. We're all raised that it's distasteful to brag and to come across as egotistical. The result is that most of us are afraid to say much of anything positive about ourselves. You're allowed to celebrate a job promotion, a marriage, or the birth of a child, but it's supposed to be done with class and style. A real friend is someone that you can call up and spend twenty minutes telling them what an awesome job you just did on a project at work and how you feel so incredibly proud of yourself and they are going to be happy for you. They are not going to chastise you for being arrogant. When you have some serious politics going on at work and you pull of a brilliant career move, your friend is going to cheer with you and laugh along with you as you succeed.

A friend is someone to rage with when life is really unfair. That's not to say they're going to help you plot your ex's murder or anything like that, but when you're really ticked off and need to vent, they'll be there for you. You can safely tell your real friends just how angry you are and they'll help you find ways to dissipate the anger and to eventually let it go. Humor is a wonderful way that friends have of helping us to let go of our anger. Rather then help you plot the murder, they can throw out a few wonderfully witty comments about your ex and get you laughing again. Know matter what it is that you're upset about, your real friends will be there for you.

A friend is someone to dream with while plotting your goals. Real friends make awesome cheerleaders. They believe in you and in your ability to achieve your goals. Everyone else may be politely disinterested in what you're planning to do with your life, but your real friends will be thrilled to hear about what you're doing. They'll help you to brainstorm ideas and will pitch in to help you make your dreams come true whenever possible.

A friend is someone to pray with for support. We've all seen the research and the studies show that the power of prayer is magical no matter who or what it is that you think you're praying to. The studies also show that whenever two or more people get together to pray, that they power becomes increasingly strong. From my own experience I would like to point out that when you have a real friend pray with you instead of a well meaning acquaintance, that the increased power is so much greater. Yes the stranger helps, but nothing beats the power of a friend's prayers.

A friend is someone that you can laugh with until you make that funny snorting sound. Only with my dearest friends have I laughed so hard that tears poured down my face. I have shared funny stories with my friends that I'd never share with coworkers and such. Part of it is because with real friends there is a trust level and you know that you have similar views about what's humor and what's not. So, you can share jokes that otherwise might not be appropriate to tell the church ladies after service. Real friends laugh together.

My daughter wanted me to add this last one. A friend is someone to burp and fart with because they don't care if you are a real person. She has determined that the reason her best friend has trouble getting along with the other girls at school is because her friend doesn't realize that you can't do that sort of thing in front of people that are only polite superficial surface level friends. My daughter says that because they're best friends it's okay if one of them burps or farts in the presence of the other, but they can't do it in front of anyone else. I suppose she makes a valid point.

I'm not saying you should be a completely trashy mess of bad manners and selfishness around your friends, but at least know that with real friends you can be yourself and they aren't going to turn their back on you. If you have to walk on eggshells, be on your best manners, or monitor your every word and action, then you're probably not with a real friend. A real friend is one of life's greatest blessings, don't forget to give thanks.

by: Skye Thomas

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old May 17, 06
(>'.')> <('.'<)
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g!ggles is on a distinguished road
I've realized that friends come into your life for either a reason, a season or a life time. I remeber getting one of those pointless chain letter emails that said that and I totally agree with it.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old May 17, 06
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Originally Posted by dabbler
there are different levels of friends. some are just meant to be acquaintances whom you can't count on, some are the ones who will willingly make sacrifices for you, without expecting anything in return. both have their uses.
Well said.

I did a big cleaning after moving and I've been making better choices on whom I invest time with here.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old May 17, 06
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Ray! is an unknown quantity at this point
like attracts like so if u have freinds that arenst solid maybe u should look at yourself!!! :180:
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