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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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ppl who get your info and change your pass words!!!! man its harsh and a pian...does this ever happen to anyone else and what can i do to stop it??
i dont even know why it is happening to me

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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islandgirl is an unknown quantity at this point
What did they Hack into????
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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Vitamin-X will become famous soon enough
Is this happening on your home pc?
Or a public one? work/school/ect
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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yuppers I know that this is a pain in the butt!! It happened to me before by someone who I thought was my friend a co-worker. They hacked into my MSN and started chatting and emailing everyone on my list nasty, horrible mean things. I just changed my email address and only added back all the ppl that I wanted to. Unfortunately there isn't really anything that you can do to prevent this. Now a days you can buy programs off the interent that you can run and hack into ppl's things no prob.

What those ppl need to do is get a life! *ggrrrr*

I feel your pain......
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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oh noes they hacked teh gibson!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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my firewall helps alot....have you tried one of those?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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Originally Posted by ¤°giggles°¤
unfortunately there isn't really anything that you can do to prevent this. Now a days you can buy programs off the interent that you can run and hack into ppl's things no prob.
that's not true. just set stronger passwords and don't use secret questions to remember your passwords, or at least don't make them easy. if you can handle it, don't use the same password everywhere either.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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Originally Posted by gusto
that's not true. just set stronger passwords and don't use secret questions to remember your passwords, or at least don't make them easy. if you can handle it, don't use the same password everywhere either.
actually it is true! I know people that have them :) That is if you were referncing the programs that you can buy part.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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Originally Posted by ¤°giggles°¤
actually it is true! I know people that have them :) That is if you were referncing the programs that you can buy part.
they won't work on strong passwords, it would take too long. i've run programs like you're talking about and not been able to crack my own password after leaving it running for days. it's not as simple as you're making it sound. you can't just click "crack password" and magically have their password. and your hotmail password is different than your windows password is different than your fnk password.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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Originally Posted by gusto
they won't work on strong passwords, it would take too long. i've run programs like you're talking about and not been able to crack my own password after leaving it running for days. it's not as simple as you're making it sound. you can't just click "crack password" and magically have their password. and your hotmail password is different than your windows password is different than your fnk password.
I never meant to make it sound so easy but most hackers have no life so in a sense they can can afford to work for days at cracking it. Also some of the programs can be more intense then the rest. Maybe the one that you had didn't work but it doens't mean that another one won't work. That's good for you that it didn't crack yours. And you are right about all your passwords should be different and also include things such as a capitol, a number and also a symbol.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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i'll concede that passwords can be hacked, but definately not easily. but if you have a strong password set, that generally isn't how someone is getting into your accounts. it's because you have something like a secret question or they've managed to get it reset, because they know other information.

you just made it sound as if it was hopeless and said there is nothing you can do to prevent it, which just isn't true. haha, sorry, this is just what i do for a living. i've studied this stuff, so you'll understand when i'm not any less skeptical because you "know people that have them". ;)
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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Originally Posted by gusto
i'll concede that passwords can be hacked, but definately not easily. but if you have a strong password set, that generally isn't how someone is getting into your accounts. it's because you have something like a secret question or they've managed to get it reset, because they know other information.

you just made it sound as if it was hopeless and said there is nothing you can do to prevent it, which just isn't true. haha, sorry, this is just what i do for a living. i've studied this stuff, so you'll understand when i'm not any less skeptical because you "know people that have them". ;)
done and done :)
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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k good talk, now get back in there.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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gusto was hacked by chinese.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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KOREAN. jim, you are so racially insensitive sometimes.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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Vitamin-X will become famous soon enough
Well you should take a few basic steps to prevent your being hacked.

1. firewall, zonealarm.com has a good free one.

2. Virus checker: not free but besides checking for virus problems you get the added bonus of detecting certain trojans like sub-7 that hackers use to take over your computer (get your passwords ect).

3. Spyware checker: also not free but I believe they do detect all those nasty keyboard loggers.

A guy I knew had his computer sub sevened. He had a firewall ect but didn't use it much. I watched as the hacker kicked him out of his starcraft game and started talking to him through some chat program.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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that's me, one big giant bag of racial intolerance.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand central!

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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lol lovin the Hackers movie references.

But really, it's probably just a friend that surfed the password over your shoulder or something. Hackers don't waste time trying to figure out your hotmail password so they can read your junk mail. It's most likely an annoying friend trying to figure out your personal life.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
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i think ur right!!^^^^^ and i havee a huge feeling i already know who!!! and if it is them..wow never thought u would stoop that low!!! SAD REALLY!!!

i think if your going to hack into someones info do it for something really good....like getting money or something!! hahaha!! not because your bored and you have nothing better to do

vitamin-took all your advice thanks soooo much!!! im already working on it!!!
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