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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
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Goat has a spectacular aura aboutGoat has a spectacular aura about
People who don't tip.

It doesn't have to be 15%. 10% works just fine too. Hell 2$ to show a bit of appreciation would be nice.
The group of 20 that comes in 45min before close when there's only one person working, orders full meals, drink liqour, make one hell of a mess and don't tip.
Fuck 'em.
Menonites piss me off. People who come in during prime time with large (7+) groups sans reservations, get pushy and don't tip.
Fuck them too.

In general, people who don't tip. It's not the food you're tipping, it's your waiter for keeping your glass full, making sure food comes out in a timely fashion under the circumstances, and chats you up a bit.
No one works up to 7 hours straight balls to the walls just for minimum wage.
No one's paid to be a ray of sunshine at 8/9$ an hour.

Fuck. It drives me nuts sometimes.
edit: suck my nuts with vigor.

Last edited by Goat; Apr 25, 06 at 02:12 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
Join Date: Jul 2003
BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
I agree I always feel bad when I am with a group and someone decides they are above leaving a tip. Tips are the main source of revenue for waiters and waitresses, I have been informed.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
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Ragga_Wh0re will become famous soon enoughRagga_Wh0re will become famous soon enough
menonites tip...rather well actually.

maybe they didnt tip you cuz they could smell the satan.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
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if they come back, u know what to do with their food...

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
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Originally Posted by BongMan
Tips are the main source of revenue for waiters and waitresses, I have been informed.
fuck you better believe it! i know girls that have been serving for 10 years at the same restaurant.......their only wage increase is when minimum wage rises!

remember people..............your tips help feed starving students :)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
Logic vs Emotions
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frankie_V is an unknown quantity at this point
I ALWAYS tip... i cannot leave a restaurant without tipping....

and i never go to a restaurant 45 min b4 closing... everyone gets pissed and sevice is shitty... and the chefs get choked... who knows that they do to ur food...

has anyone seen the movie Waiting?? haha that shit really does happen
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
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PwInCeSs is on a distinguished road
I find it very unfair when ppl dont tip it really bugs me!
I have had once occasion i remember where i didnt tip, the waitress Forgot to put in our order, took 20 minutes to get water, and after she braught our food finally we didnt see her untill we had to find her for our bill. Not to mention there were like only 7 or 8 other tables in the restraunt occupied by people, and atleast one other waitress.
But even when service is not that great i leave a tip as long as its not horrible!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
I used to have a boyfriend that wouldn't tip....when we would go out to dinner, at the end of the meal I would tell him to wait outside that I needed to use the washroom, and I would leave the tip. :(

How embarassing.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
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I tip. But if the service is shitty, they get penalized accordingly.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
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beedub is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Goat
Menonites piss me off. People who come in during prime time with large (7+) groups sans reservations, get pushy and don't tip.
This menno guy I know does not tip ever and always comes up with some lame excuse why the servers don't deserve anything.

AND he has a trick where he will "accidentally" leave something like a hat at the table and when everyone leaves he "remembers" he forgot it, quickly goes back to the table, and scoops up the tips that other people left! Has been caught by friends, but most are too embarrassed to check. Really it's stealing but the money doesn't belong to the servers until they take it so they don't do anything even if they see it happening.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
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Carrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really nice
on saturday, i didn't tip well..

took them 1.5 hours to seat us (party of 12) and then sat us at a table for 11 instead of 12, drinks took forever to get to us, and I hate when I ask them that I want my meal now, not after the appys (others were ordering appys) and they wait 20 min after the appys to serve my meal.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
Island Cookie
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Disco_Whore is a jewel in the roughDisco_Whore is a jewel in the roughDisco_Whore is a jewel in the rough
Non tipper = cheap asshole.

I don't care who you like to think you are because tipping isn't just supposed to be a "special bonus" for the service industry, it's their bread and butter. Do you think that having to deal with your bad attitude while I sweetly smile all night is worth $8.00 an hour for a job that can never give me more than 5-6 hours a night? No. So atleast show some sense of decensy and tip. If the service is bad, you have just reason. But if you're just cheap, stay home.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
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cinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the rough
I've always been an awesome tipper. However i just found out i might be an even better tipper than i thought. i was told that you tip %15 before the tax is included, is that true?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
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TrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by cinist
I've always been an awesome tipper. However i just found out i might be an even better tipper than i thought. i was told that you tip %15 before the tax is included, is that true?
yes it is..........kinda! 10% is kind of a minimum......15% being what you should get from giving excellent service!

basically you multiply the tax by 2 and you get your 15%
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
black swan
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prozac is just really niceprozac is just really niceprozac is just really niceprozac is just really niceprozac is just really niceprozac is just really nice
As a former waitress, I tip according to service...I give a little bit of leeway becuase I can tell when someone is new or if it's busy or if I'm ordering a complicated modified meal or something...but I won't tip bitchy servers. Or incompetent ones. Thankfully I don't often feel the need to stiff someone.

From the other side of the fence: I don't EXPECT a tip, necessarily, I consider it a bonus for doing my job well. But the thing is I do my job well all the time. I am an extremely fast and attentive server and I rarely make mistakes. If I screw up your order I am not expecting a tip. I don't even mind those really non-demanding tables who order one drink and their meals and then are happy to be left alone not tipping. But if you have me running around getting 5 rounds of 7 different drinks, finding a red crayon for Junior, taking your food back twice, helping you choose a wine, etc....then I'm expceting a bloody tip. I mean, come on!
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
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Carrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really nice
it's not my fault that they chose to accept a job that pays 8 bux an hour. I shouldn't pay them on top of their hourly rate because they get paid a low wage.

tips are a sign of a job well done. if you don't provide good service you should not expect a tip, or complain about a small tip.

I work hard for my money and I don't just give it away because it's what ppl do. If I feel that the waiter/waitress has done an awesome job of serving me then I will show my appreciation with a tip.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
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Carrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really nice
ps. I dislike being looked down on when I don't tip on a 'to go' purchase.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
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soma will become famous soon enough
you had a group of 20 and you didn't auto grat them?
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
black swan
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prozac is just really niceprozac is just really niceprozac is just really niceprozac is just really niceprozac is just really niceprozac is just really nice
^^^can't alaways do that. I worked at a restaurant that didn't do auto-grat. So if they chose not to tip, I'd be fucked. Especially since I'd be so busy with my big table I couldn't take many other tables or give them much attention...grrr.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
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frogprincess is a jewel in the roughfrogprincess is a jewel in the roughfrogprincess is a jewel in the rough
it's not the customer's obligation to subsidize the restaurant staff's wage.......if you want to make more money go out and get a better job!!

in my opinion a gratuity is something that is earned by providing better than adequate service.

also, perhaps the people who are not tipping earn minimun wage and cannot afford to show a little bling bling appreciation....if i were a server i think that i would be more offended by a patron who failed to smile and say thank-you rather than the one who failed to leave a gratuty.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
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Alex is on a distinguished road
I tip very well if I have had excellent service.

If service was good-mediocre I tip the usual 10-15(usually round it to the nearest dollar-5dollar increment that's fair)

If I received POOR service, i still tip, but something insulting. no tip makes ME look like an asshole, however leaving a insulting tip may give the waiter/waitress a wake up call that she/he was acting like an idiot. for example, the other day 5 of us went in to Sui Sha Ya to grab some food. 3 of us wanted all you can eat and 2 oof us wanted to order from normal menues(might i add their bill was actually higher than all you can eat would have been...) They refused to seat us at the same table, and after we protested and were about to leave they gave us tables besides each other(but still seperate, apparently we were going to 'SHARE') If that's not the icing on the cake, it took 20 minutes until a waitress finally took our first order, and didn't even bring us a jug of water after a 3rd request(I had to track down another waiter and ask for a jug of water) Also, half of the food we ordered for all you can eat never came, and when we inquired about it, and asked if they could bring it out, they broguht us out double orders, probably hoping we wouldn't be able to finish and they could charge us 'regular price' for the 'wasted items'.

suffice to say, our bill was over 100 bucks and we tipped a toonie. fuckers.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
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TrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the roughTrixX is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by frogprincess
it's not the customer's obligation to subsidize the restaurant staff's wage.......if you want to make more money go out and get a better job!!
hmmm, i totally see where you're coming from but its not about getting a better job. i love my job! but i did choose to work there mainly based on the fact that i would be making tips! i go to school.......a lot........and i can't live off of minimum wage. because i don't have a lot of experience out side of restaurant and customer service, retail type jobs i can't get a job that pays more than $10-12 an hour. i make an average of $20+ an hour serving on a good night!

my complaint isn't with people that don't tip because of shitty service but people that come in get exceptional service, expect us to re-arange the whole fucking menu, bitch and complain that the iced tea is too sweet and then leave without tipping!

although i'm not really complaining at all 'cause i rarely deal with people like that.

i would never say its expected, but i would say that for the generous people that do tip it is more than greatly appreciated! and from working in a restaurant.....i tip everyone :) except fucking loser bartenders that think they're hot shit........oh must of been hard to open that bottle for me......why do you think you deserve a couple dollars for 15 seconds of work????????
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
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PwInCeSs is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by TrixX
i would never say its expected, but i would say that for the generous people that do tip it is more than greatly appreciated! and from working in a restaurant.....i tip everyone :) except fucking loser bartenders that think they're hot shit........oh must of been hard to open that bottle for me......why do you think you deserve a couple dollars for 15 seconds of work????????
Umm yes it doesnt take a bartender long at all, but they have the same resoning as you do for having that job. They make minimum wage and depend on the tips. And despite what you may think have to put up with alot of shit aswell. Yes if they are rude i agree i wouldnt tip but in most cases i tip at the end of the night not everytime i buy a drink.
Some may argue with tipping a server... They write down what you order ( takes not much time) someone else then cooks it, if its an alcoholic drink (depending on kind and the restraunt) someone else makes it, they bring the food someone else makes and ask how it is. Then they clean up after you, Bartenders clean bars to you know.
I am all for tipping servers and i know the job isnt easy as i have served at my uncles pubs for him befor, i have also bartended there to. To me though tipping a bartender and a server is along the same lines.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
funktastic styles of doom
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Heffy is on a distinguished road
I hate cheap fuckers as well. They will be sucking Satan's balls in hell for nickels. That is all.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Apr 25, 06
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FeelGood is a jewel in the roughFeelGood is a jewel in the roughFeelGood is a jewel in the rough
Don't give me this 'i only make minimum wage and i depend on my tips to get by' bullshit. If you make min. wage well it sucks to be you, maybe find a better job, if you aren't 'getting by'.

Don't get me wrong, I ALWAYS tip, most of the time I tend to over-tip.

Note to all waiters and waitresses, if you want a decent tip, work for it. Don't come take my order really quickly, drop it off and then dissapear and expect to get a decent tip.
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