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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jun 20, 06
Too much perfume and cigarette smoke.

UGH - nothing grosses me out more than the smell of stale cigarettes and stale perfume.

Especially when they are mixed together. The examination area is small, and nothing is more aggrevating to people with sensitive sniffers than people that bathe in both of these offensive odors pre-exam.

You are not here to impress me, you are here to pass an exam.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jun 20, 06
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i completly agree with this, its horrible.....worst is when your in a crammed area and it just over powers you :(

to top it off bad perfume.........! ew!

Last edited by Pussy*Kat; Jun 20, 06 at 10:45 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jun 20, 06
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I hate it when women load on cheap perfume.
fricken rank.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jun 20, 06
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people who stink like cigarette smoke better check themselves .

nothing is grosser than that smell... maybe garbage juice is worse, i can't tell.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jun 20, 06
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i hate when people walk in just reaking of freebase.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 06
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The worst is when they get onto the already crowded elevator and they push against you. You don't even want to breathe and at that moment you wish that you were already dead!

Same goes for being stuck on the skytrain or bus :032: with them during rush hr!!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 06
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Ewwww... smoking smell is icky.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 06
tequila to free the worm
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Originally Posted by Avana
UGH - nothing grosses me out more than the smell of stale cigarettes and stale perfume.

Especially when they are mixed together. The examination area is small, and nothing is more aggrevating to people with sensitive sniffers than people that bathe in both of these offensive odors pre-exam.

You are not here to impress me, you are here to pass an exam.
I dont know about the perfume.. thats deliberate these people WANT to smell like their perfume.. Mabye they just have a doseage problem I donno..

As for the smokers.. they're probably nervous about the exam they're taking...
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 06
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thank god im quttin.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 06
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Originally Posted by Ms.Tarantula
I dont know about the perfume.. thats deliberate these people WANT to smell like their perfume.. Mabye they just have a doseage problem I donno..

As for the smokers.. they're probably nervous about the exam they're taking...
i think she means the mix of the two... its even worse when you know someone is trying to cover their cig smoke smell with cologne/ perfume ikkk
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 06
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You people can still do that?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 06
Originally Posted by Ms.Tarantula
I dont know about the perfume.. thats deliberate these people WANT to smell like their perfume.. Mabye they just have a doseage problem I donno..

As for the smokers.. they're probably nervous about the exam they're taking...
Smokers tend to wear heavier perfume, as they can't smell it. Smoking kills your senses like smell and taste. The two combined suck.

Some girls just tend to pile on the perfume cause they think it is attractive.

And some are just smokers that have chain smoked for hours before coming into the exam, which is annoying to other students.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Jun 28, 06
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Those are my two choice aromas..nothing like preparing myself in the morning with half a bottle of ck1 rip off from the dollar store and a pack of smokes!!

I seriously get all the boys this way.. *shrug*

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Jun 28, 06
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would you rather smell some 'stale perfume' or some sweeet ripe as hell B.O?

so people bitch about smokers invading your space and your lungs so we go outside and stand in the rain and smoke. now in Los Angeles we can't even stand outside and smoke, we have to do it in our own private space. now your complaining that when we do it in our space and on our own time that we stink?

get over yourself.

Last edited by FeelGood; Jun 28, 06 at 09:17 AM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Jun 28, 06
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Originally Posted by Avana
Smokers tend to wear heavier perfume, as they can't smell it. Smoking kills your senses like smell and taste. The two combined suck.

Some girls just tend to pile on the perfume cause they think it is attractive.

And some are just smokers that have chain smoked for hours before coming into the exam, which is annoying to other students.
You need a portable quarantine cubicle to plop down around the offending

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Jun 28, 06
Originally Posted by eighty5
would you rather smell some 'stale perfume' or some sweeet ripe as hell B.O?

so people bitch about smokers invading your space and your lungs so we go outside and stand in the rain and smoke. now in Los Angeles we can't even stand outside and smoke, we have to do it in our own private space. now your complaining that when we do it in our space and on our own time that we stink?

get over yourself.
Wow - you prove daily how dumb you can be.....

Smoking is a proven killer. I would much rather be offended by BO than second hand smoke. But then, I value my lungs. As for the exam center I work in. The students pay to take the exam here. They should have as easy going, comfortable, non-offending environment that I can offer for the large dollars that they pay.

A lot of offices these days have policies against smoking during work hours and perfume.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Jul 07, 06
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uggg I hate those two smells so much. I find over the years since I left high school and stopped hanging out with friends in the smoke pit I've become very sensitive to smoke, even though I live in a house with a smoker. (But my mom is really good about keeping her habit away from me by only smoking in her room with a fan on by the window) Even smelling it on someone’s shirt upsets me.

And I hate it when people over do the perfume. My best friend was really bad for this in highschool. She used to ask to borrow my perfume, and then soak herself in it. I couldn't even stand near her it was so overwhelming.

I honestly think I would gag if I had to sit through an exam for a couple hours near a person like that. If you have BO then use deodorant, it's there for a reason.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Jul 07, 06
tequila to free the worm
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Originally Posted by Avana
Wow - you prove daily how dumb you can be.....

Smoking is a proven killer. I would much rather be offended by BO than second hand smoke. But then, I value my lungs. As for the exam center I work in. The students pay to take the exam here. They should have as easy going, comfortable, non-offending environment that I can offer for the large dollars that they pay.

A lot of offices these days have policies against smoking during work hours and perfume.

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Jul 07, 06
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Originally Posted by eighty5
would you rather smell some 'stale perfume' or some sweeet ripe as hell B.O?

so people bitch about smokers invading your space and your lungs so we go outside and stand in the rain and smoke. now in Los Angeles we can't even stand outside and smoke, we have to do it in our own private space. now your complaining that when we do it in our space and on our own time that we stink?

get over yourself.
Quoted for truth! Fuck all this anti-smoking bullshit. It's starting to become harder to enjoy a cigarette now then when I had to hide it from my parents when I was in highschool.

Originally Posted by Avana
Wow - you prove daily how dumb you can be.....

Smoking is a proven killer. I would much rather be offended by BO than second hand smoke. But then, I value my lungs. As for the exam center I work in. The students pay to take the exam here. They should have as easy going, comfortable, non-offending environment that I can offer for the large dollars that they pay.

A lot of offices these days have policies against smoking during work hours and perfume.
It seems to me you've got a severe superiority complex, lady. You should pull your head out of your ass so you can actually see what you're typing.

First off, your lungs can't be affected by second hand smoke just because you can smell it on a smoker - you have to be in proximity to them actually smoking it. Second, that smoker in the examination room pays too. They're entitled to being comfortable as well, which means having a few puffs before an exam.

Last of all, it is against the law for an employer to not allow you to smoke on a break, even if it means you have to leave the property. Two paid fifteen minute breaks and an unpaid half hour break allow plenty of chances to smoke during work hours.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Jul 07, 06
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Originally Posted by tiedye
Fuck all this anti-smoking bullshit. It's starting to become harder to enjoy a cigarette now then when I had to hide it from my parents when I was in highschool.
In a way I feel for smokers... having to be shuned or isolated from others. Just the other day on my lunch I walked up to a co-worker and was like, hey man what are you doing? Dude fucking snaps... "I'M HAVING A FUCKING SMOKE OK! THAT ALRIGHT WITH YOU?"

personaly I could care less that he was smoking... but talk about pressure.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Jul 07, 06
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Originally Posted by C_squared
In a way I feel for smokers... having to be shuned or isolated from others. Just the other day on my lunch I walked up to a co-worker and was like, hey man what are you doing? Dude fucking snaps... "I'M HAVING A FUCKING SMOKE OK! THAT ALRIGHT WITH YOU?"

personaly I could care less that he was smoking... but talk about pressure.
finding a smoke-friendly apartment is near impossible... finding a basement suite that at least lets you smoke outside is getting harder as well.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Jul 07, 06
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Originally Posted by tiedye
finding a smoke-friendly apartment is near impossible... finding a basement suite that at least lets you smoke outside is getting harder as well.
Very true... My old bldg included smoking as one of the things that affected the return on your security deposit. Had a neighbour who was charged for carpet, drape, and cabinet damage due to smoking and she was only there 6 months.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Jul 09, 06
tequila to free the worm
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^^Its just an exuse to charge ppl then.. b cuz 6 months.. damn. that seems pretty extreme.
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