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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Aug 05, 06
Join Date: Aug 2003
Carrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really nice
ps. wheres my money?
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Aug 05, 06
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ceiling cat!
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Before everyone gets too flipping excited, be advise that I'm still more than a week away from actual work, and 2-3 weeks from my first paycheque. Not to menion "The Debt"

I'll be rich by the winter, at which point I'll be so miserable from working outside that I won't be able to enjoy it.

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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Aug 05, 06
Join Date: Aug 2003
Carrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really nice
well yes. but you still owe me money, well your friends owe it to me.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Aug 06, 06
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Oh holy shit, I forgot about that.

I owe you $30!
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Aug 06, 06
Join Date: Aug 2003
Carrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really nice
= ) I forgive you.

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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Aug 06, 06
Thread referee
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lildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of light
Carrie: have some class... why not send a private message instead of asking for your money back here?
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Aug 06, 06
Don't Believe The Hype
Join Date: Jun 2001
diva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the rough
^ shut up, lilugly

Congrats on the job!
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Aug 06, 06
Thread referee
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lildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of light
Originally Posted by diva
^ shut up, lilugly

Congrats on the job!
You're really not someone who should be talking about other people being ugly. I know a few people from fnk who have seen you.. and if you live in a glass house you shouldn't throw rocks, you tranny looking idiot

you're so hot that you don't have any pics of yourself in your gallery, and put pics of singers etc... and your myspace pics are pics of your cat...

damn... you MUST be fine!
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Aug 06, 06
Join Date: Aug 2003
Carrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really nice
Originally Posted by lildonkey
Carrie: have some class... why not send a private message instead of asking for your money back here?
dave is my friend, and he doesn't owe me money, his friends do.

it's not like a started a new thread and bitched him out.

Dave.. I'm sorry if I've embarressed you because I asked for my money.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Aug 06, 06
Don't Believe The Hype
Join Date: Jun 2001
diva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by lildonkey
You're really not someone who should be talking about other people being ugly. I know a few people from fnk who have seen you.. and if you live in a glass house you shouldn't throw rocks, you tranny looking idiot

you're so hot that you don't have any pics of yourself in your gallery, and put pics of singers etc... and your myspace pics are pics of your cat...

damn... you MUST be fine!
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Aug 06, 06
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ceiling cat!
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Originally Posted by Carrie
dave is my friend, and he doesn't owe me money, his friends do.

it's not like a started a new thread and bitched him out.

Dave.. I'm sorry if I've embarressed you because I asked for my money.
Actually, I owe you the money, since I got it from my friend and then went out and spent it.

And the only thing you should apolgize for is listening to anything that comes out of lildonkey's stupid cake-hole.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Aug 06, 06
Join Date: Aug 2003
Carrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really nice
LOL. you weren't supposed to spend it
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Aug 06, 06
no clouds in my stones
Join Date: May 2001
galaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the rough

I start my new job on Monday.

Here's to new jobs that = more $$
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Aug 07, 06
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Hey lildonkey, since you decided to involve yourself in my affairs, here's a little transcript of how things played out last night at the Lotus.

I saw Carrie.. so I went over, said hi, and gave her the $30 I owed her. She said thanks. Then we talked about what a moron you are.

The end.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Aug 07, 06
Join Date: Aug 2003
Carrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really nice
then I used that 30$ to buy booze, and I got drunk and we ended up getting pho and used the rest of the 30$ to buy pho
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Aug 07, 06
Thread referee
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lildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of light
Originally Posted by Grapes
Hey lildonkey, since you decided to involve yourself in my affairs, here's a little transcript of how things played out last night at the Lotus.

I saw Carrie.. so I went over, said hi, and gave her the $30 I owed her. She said thanks. Then we talked about what a moron you are.

The end.
I'm flattered that you are such a loser that you need to talk about me while you are out clubbing.

P.S. I didn't involve myself into YOUR affair. this is a public forum and when you make a post here you involve all of fnk into your affairs...

if you don't like people putting in their input on shit you write, then maybe you are more suited for MSN instant messaging, idiot.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Aug 07, 06
no clouds in my stones
Join Date: May 2001
galaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the rough
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Aug 07, 06
Don't Believe The Hype
Join Date: Jun 2001
diva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the roughdiva is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by lildonkey
You're really not someone who should be talking about other people being ugly. I know a few people from fnk who have seen you.. and if you live in a glass house you shouldn't throw rocks, you tranny looking idiot

you're so hot that you don't have any pics of yourself in your gallery, and put pics of singers etc... and your myspace pics are pics of your cat...

damn... you MUST be fine!
i'm still LOLing
i've never once been called a "tranny looking idiot" in all of my 24 years

you must have been really offended at my "lilugly" comment
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Aug 07, 06
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ceiling cat!
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P.S. I didn't involve myself into YOUR affair. this is a public forum and when you make a post here you involve all of fnk into your affairs...
See, there's some truth to that. The problem with that logic arises when you consider that the other 99.9999% of the people on here managed to read that post and not spout off with an assinine comment that made little sense and slagged one of my good friends.

I'm flattered that you are such a loser that you need to talk about me while you are out clubbing.
Still trying to figure out the logic behind this one. I wouldn't say anyone "needed" to shit talk you, but it certainly was a fun way to kill 30 seconds or so.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Aug 07, 06
Join Date: Aug 2003
Carrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really nice
it was more of a 15 second talk and a 15 second laugh about lildonkey
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Aug 07, 06
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I stand corrected.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Aug 08, 06
Join Date: Aug 2003
Carrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really niceCarrie is just really nice
ps. mmmmm pho
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