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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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Vancouver's 24 hour Newspaper

I really hate how itensley pushed this paper is on everyone. I can understand that people want something to read, READ A BOOK...BUY A BOOK.............just stop reading this bullshit celebrity shit and these opinions of god knows who. It's pushed on me to the extend of feeling like "here sheep....here is your booklet of the world for today...this is EXACTLY" how it is.....
I mean, sure...the occassional article I can appreciate, and sure..dont get me wrong...stay aware of what's happening to each their own...but there's always an underlying approach, it's called Money.
So next time you read the fine print, give the man with the pouch a lethargic smile with your morning coffee or your reading someones latest lipo...see if you can see the tintin comic like bundles of money that dot the I's...and the s's that are made out of dollar signs...check out the ad's....contemplate the word Celebrity...until it eventally sucks all juice from your soul...until you eventually realise you are staring at the remnants of a singed prune of nothing. And KILL YOUR TV....
simply rip out the back two pages of this paper....inhale exhale...repeat.
If you want to read, alter the opinions written for you, ...all you need is a pen....speak up...so someone else can hear what YOU have to say when they pick up the paper without thinking.
Reading the paper, should not be like brushing your teeth.

Wake up.

Last edited by Rayeine; Oct 24, 07 at 07:20 AM.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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I don't know about you, but if I get it it's

a) to shield myself from the rain if i forgot my umbrella

b) Sudoku!

and I'm sure that doesn't make me a 'sheep'. :P
  #3 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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Originally Posted by miss.myra View Post
I don't know about you, but if I get it it's

a) to shield myself from the rain if i forgot my umbrella

b) Sudoku!

and I'm sure that doesn't make me a 'sheep'. :P
And the last time I checked, the celeb crap is only on the first page of the 24... If you really don't like it that much, don't read it.
Sure the papers are shoved in your face, but I'd say 75% of it is still VALID/happening news. A polite "No thanks" goes a long way too.
And why should reading the news not be like brushing ones teeth? Are we all to be ignorant and grossly uninformed?

And like Myra said, they make good rain shields!
  #5 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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I highly doubt the newspaper handlers feel as deeply about 24 hours as you do - they're just doing their job. It's rather unlikely that they're thinking about how they're contributing to molding perfectly formed little sheeps. You should get a job there and destroy from the inside - fight the man or something!
  #6 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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LEEROY CHANG!! will become famous soon enough
  #7 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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i cant help but not take one in the morning walking through downtown, I just cant walk buy and ignore them. Im just that nice.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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Originally Posted by Rayeine View Post
I really hate how itensley pushed this paper is on everyone. I can understand that people want something to read, READ A BOOK...BUY A BOOK.............just stop reading this bullshit celebrity shit and these opinions of god knows who. It's pushed on me to the extend of feeling like "here sheep....here is your booklet of the world for today...this is EXACTLY" how it is.....
I mean, sure...the occassional article I can appreciate, and sure..dont get me wrong...stay aware of what's happening to each their own...but there's always an underlying approach, it's called Money.
So next time you read the fine print, give the man with the pouch a lethargic smile with your morning coffee or your reading someones latest lipo...see if you can see the tintin comic like bundles of money that dot the I's...and the s's that are made out of dollar signs...check out the ad's....contemplate the word Celebrity...until it eventally sucks all juice from your soul...until you eventually realise you are staring at the remnants of a singed prune of nothing. And KILL YOUR TV....
simply rip out the back two pages of this paper....inhale exhale...repeat.
If you want to read, alter the opinions written for you, ...all you need is a pen....speak up...so someone else can hear what YOU have to say when they pick up the paper without thinking.
Reading the paper, should not be like brushing your teeth.

Wake up.
Thanks, for the heads up. I didn't realize that the 10 page, free newspaper was ruining my life till I read your elegant arguement.

But I'm not sure what you are asking me to do at the end? Am I supposed to use the pen and just write in my own paper, or should I do it in other people's paper?

Keeping up to date with world events daily is ruining our lives.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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PS- Some of us are able to read a book, as well as the paper.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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i remember DOSE. that was a kick ass daily newspaper :(
  #11 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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imo they rely on breaking that 1 second social barrier that makes people feel obligated to take it because someone is shoving it in there face. The same thing as going door-to-door and having that 1 person sign after 50 door slams. There are always people who don't want it but just accept it out of perceived obligation.

24 must be generating some additional ad revenue from this or else they wouldn't pay people to stand on those corners.

Sure the 24 sucks but are you suggesting people not read any paper at all? Yes there is the hidden Ad agenda in all papers but even participating on a forum you are giving free labour to an information economy. Same thing. Why destroy your TV? It all depends on how you use your TV. I use it for BBC, documentaries and the occasional funny show like family guy.

Last edited by decypher; Oct 24, 07 at 10:07 AM.
  #12 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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Originally Posted by decypher View Post
imo they rely on breaking that 1 second social barrier that makes people feel obligated to take it because someone is shoving it in there face. The same thing as going door-to-door and having that 1 person sign after 50 door slams. There are always people who don't want it but just accept it out of perceived obligation.

24 must be generating some additional ad revenue from this or else they wouldn't pay people to stand on those corners.
i would like to find out what there hours are every morning and how much they get paid.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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karma pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase
  #14 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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Originally Posted by Phrenetic View Post
i remember DOSE. that was a kick ass daily newspaper :(
Yeah, nothing quite as rivetting as a newpaper who had 90% of the articles start with "IMDB.com reports...."

Thanks guys. I can read the internet myself.

Only newspaper I pick up and read for longer than 5 minutes or so is probably the Globe & Mail. The Province is just as bad as 24hour, the Sun just as bad as Metro, and the National Post is just plain evil. Gives me the heebeejeebees. G&M seems to be the only real newspaper Vancouver has left. Also the only paper I'm willing to pay for.

These days the Sudokus on 24hour and Metro aren't even worth it. I picked up a couple of Sudoku books and I'm working almost exclusively out of those.

Most of the AP/Reuters feeds on 24 hour I can find elsewhere (Google News is great for that type of stuff). Anything coming from 24hr's staff reporters is probably the lowest quality reporting I've ever seen in this city. I just plain don't read the thing. It's custom tailored for alarmist uppity "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" type folk and I'm not one of those.
  #15 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
dumb it down, would ya?
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Originally Posted by miss.myra View Post
I don't know about you, but if I get it it's

a) to shield myself from the rain if i forgot my umbrella

b) Sudoku!

and I'm sure that doesn't make me a 'sheep'. :P
you should just start "baa baa baaing" just like the rest of the dry skinned mother fuckers!!!!!
  #16 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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Originally Posted by wishbone View Post

karma pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase
its just not the same
  #17 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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Originally Posted by ebbomega View Post
Only newspaper I pick up and read for longer than 5 minutes or so is probably the Globe & Mail. The Province is just as bad as 24hour, the Sun just as bad as Metro, and the National Post is just plain evil. Gives me the heebeejeebees.
Hahaha, the other day I was at Thai Away Home waiting for someone to make my dinner for me. I picked up a paper thinking it was the Globe and Mail. First thing I read is an editorial praising Brian Mulroney. I'm like "huh, that's kinda weird.."

Next article/editorial I see says "So and so (name of reporter) takes a tour of the US's Missle Defense System... and he likes what he sees"


Oh, this isn't the Globe and Mail, it's the National Post.

Back to the Lach with you, Nessie.
  #18 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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mmm thai away home.
i want some now.

fiddlesticks for living in coquitlam.
  #19 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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Originally Posted by Silverwinged View Post
And why should reading the news not be like brushing ones teeth? Are we all to be ignorant and grossly uninformed?
"Informed" is a relative term.

I can't really think of a blander info source than 24hours or Metro. Nothing you read there will offer any in depth insight into any issue. There are sort of stories and sort of opinions, but they read like re-heated leftovers from the Vancouver Sun.

I buy the Sun most days, for the news, the NY Times crossword and the sports. Getting a bit tired of full-page ads calling themselves "special information supplements" though. If you're going to try and sell a product, please don't B.S. me about your intent/identity.

Georgia Straight is the best paper for providing me with in depth analysis of local and federal issues, as well as much more (oh and it's FREE just like 24 and Metro.. what's the excuse for not picking one up?..)

Guardian online for world news.
  #20 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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Sorry Allison, I just reread your quote and I goggled (not googled) at the first sentence.

Why shouldn't reading the news be like brushing one's teeth???

Do I really have to spell that out for you?

I think you're smart enough to answer your own question there.
  #21 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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Really, if people are counting on 24hours to change their content instead of seeking out "acceptable" news sources themselves, they are really only making themselves a victim.

You're really only as ignorant or sheep-ish as you choose to be (**edit, to some degree).

Last edited by yoko*; Oct 24, 07 at 06:51 PM.
  #22 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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.anya is an unknown quantity at this point
aside: newsmap great site for news
  #23 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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Originally Posted by yoko* View Post
Really, if people are counting on 24hours to change their content instead of seeking out "acceptable" news sources themselves, they are really only making themselves a victim.
Can one be critical of 24 even if you don't expect anything better of it?

I think so. It's certainly thrust upon us on a daily basis.
  #24 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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^^ I agree. It seems that 24hour is all over the really pushy distributors too. Every day the metro people notice that I'm ignoring them and leave me alone. 24hour folk on the other hand seem to think that the "I'm trudging forward and not paying attention to you" is an invitation to put the paper directly in my warpath. GTFO you fucker, I just want to get on the skytrain.
  #25 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 07
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And to deviate into semantics for a moment: The original post of this thread is a total TLDR.

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