Originally Posted by Caps/\L0cK
The USA so isnt maing a buildup to invade IRAN until they have sufficiently suceeded or lost in IRAQ.
Iran is also a huuge combat operation. Though i would say to anyone trying to say the USA could not handle it that you are wrong. There is not a nation on this planet that the USA could not invade, perhaps except for China and India only due to MASSIVE populations.
The USA need only use its vastly superior military might to blow the shit of the opposing army before it has a chance to do any real damage.
Be realistic in that the USA has the ability to mobilize so much airborne firepower at a single time that they could probably destroy the core of Irans military and Nuclear might within 2 weeks of heavy air attacks. They could also launch missiles from the USA fited with non nuclear war heads if they really wanted to go over board.
But its all about public opinion and Global Opinion. And i highly doubt Bush has the time, the money, or the support to engage in such a huuuge military operation costing billions of dollars a day in high tech weaponary.
If anything these 20000 troops will help the USA make iraq into a giant airbase that they can use to bomb everyone else around Iraq easier :)
I think war strategy is a bit more complicated then "blasting the shit" out of them.
It really doesn't come down to public or global opinion when a state acts unilaterally. Remember the realist ideology of the US sees war as inevitable.
The real questions are if a democratic congress will allow an invasion of Iran seeing as the warfare wouldn't be as asymmetrical as Iraq and whould they risk destabalizing a region that is already in ruins. Congress is already aiming in on wartime spending and they would not fund another war in Iran. They can't use a pre-emptive strategy in the Iranian case.
With one year left for Bush it seems like his surge strategy is his last chance at saving face in what Senator Kennedy called "George Bush's Vietnam." Election time politics is not going to allow for another war.
This postering with Iran will just follow tit for tat over and over so that higher economic agreements can be made, something more then what the UN package offered Iran (light-water nuclear reactors etc).