Originally Posted by Goodfellow
Sorry I know this is maybe been beat to death a bit, but I just DON'T understand the reasoning behind girls having this false sense of "skinny" is beautiful. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hatin on skinny girls I'm just sayin..
I had a party last night and I have this "thicker" girl on my desktop pic.. not even fat, but just nice and curvy and all the girls were like OMG she's soooo ugly.. holy cow.. get a diff picture on there.. so they go on and change it to this heroin addict supermodel pic that's just disgusting.
Then one girl I've been seein, is a lot like the girl in description A ^ and the whole night she's like wahh wahh I'm working out all the time because I want to be skinnier. I tried tellin her I've lost interest in girls before when they've done that, but she didn't seem to listen.
*ugh* Sorry I'm just ranting here.. feel free to throw out any opinions.
Firstly, the girls who changed your desktop apparently have some serious self image issues themselves.
I don't think you are in any way shallow for saying that you have a preference for one body type over another. That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. Just like a guy who likes a skinnier girl.
I am a "thicker" girl. I am happy with myself whether I am overweight or not. We all desire to be this perfect image, but if it doesn't happen for me, I can accept that.
Insecurity and lack of confidence is far more unattractive than someone who has 20 extra pounds.