It's generally understood that women are born with all the eggs they're going to have in their lifetime (although some researchers are starting to doubt that). Men make new sperm every day. They've been fathering children well into middle age since the beginning of time. Women have only just recently started to have kids when they get older.
Any woman over the age of 35 is considered "high risk" during pregnancy and delivery. Even though menopause doesn't happen until our 50s, there's a significant decline in firtility and an increase in birth defects (and developmental issues) once we're 35 years old. Eggs get old. Sperm, not so much. Older females bodies were not designed to have babies. It sucks, but it's true.
Best physical age to have a child 20-35. I'll probably forefit the privilege of having any biological children once I turn 35.
edit: didn't read any replies after revolver started getting flack for his logical reply. sorry for repeating what a few of you have already said.
Last edited by diva; Oct 10, 07 at 12:05 AM.