You guys aren't taking into account the screaming factor. When toddlers get wailing, it gets intense man. That could screw up your game mentally. Drop kicking is a totally bad idea. You don't want to be on the floor with two dozen or so ankle biters lunging at you. I'm not so afraid of a kid kicking me in the nuts either. because they're only like 4 feet tall, they're more likely to headbut you in the junk. unless they got their one day of training by Billy Blanks or Chuck Norris or something.
I could take about 40. Don't get surrounded or cornered, and don't let them grab a hold of you. When i try to visualize this, i think Ong Bok meet Smash TV (a video game from back in the day). Myles, you're sitting on a goal mine man. Pitch it to FOX.