Originally Posted by Disco_Whore
He's a baker and was on a really effed up schedule at the time waking up at 4am to drive to work so he'd never get to bed early enough and just be a zombie all the time. To encourage him to actaully go get some sleep my friend Shawna and I would take turns tucking him in super early...I know it sounds weird but if you knew the guy, it'd make sense.
Hahahaha... I know who you're talking about ;) It makes total sense... he's just the cuddly type :D Aww now I miss him.
I don't see anything wrong with cuddling... I know I've seen some of you in cuddle puddles... what's that like group cheating?
I'm super affectionate with my friends/boyfriend... it doesn't mean I wanna fuck everyone. There's just a few friends that I'll cuddle with... it doesn't mean anything other then "hey we're comfy on the couch watching tv... lets get more comfy". I assumed that most people are the same so I guess I'm pretty shocked at everyone's answers.
Sure cuddling can lead to other stuff and ya I've been in positions before where I've had to tell someone to back off and that it's JUST cuddles but 99.9% of the time whoever I'm cuddling knows it's just that. I think if you actually knew me you'd understand that better.
In either case it's probably someone you should dicuss with your SO and see how they feel about it and explin your own viewpoint.
As far as cuddling in front of my boyfriend... well I just wouldn't do it cuz that would mean I'd be missing out on his most excellent cuddles.